Page 35 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 35

44                             BYTOWN.

                                  TOWN  COUNCIL.
      Charles  Sparrow,  mayor;  Alexander  Workman,  town  reeve;  R.  W.  Scott,  deputy
          reeve  ;  J.  G.  Bell, town  clerk;  Isaac  M>Taggart, town  surveyor.
      COUNCILLOKS.—Charles  Sparrow,  Alexander  Workman, James  Leamy,  centre  ward  ;
          William  F. Powell, Edward  Sherwood, N. Sparkes, west ward  ; Richard  W.  Scott,
          Robert  Bell,  Charles  Laporte, east  ward.
                               CEOWN  TIMBER  OFFICE.
      James  Stevenson,  collector;  A.  J.  Russell,  surveyor  of  timber  licenses;  Archibald
        Douglas  and J.  R.  M<Vicar, clerks ;  J.  Paterson  and John  Cameron,  timber  counters.
      John  McKinnon,  president;  Alfred  Hooker,  vice-president;  Robert  Bell,  secretary;
          Edward  Masse, treasurer  at  Bytown  ;  C.  H.  Peck,  treasurer,  Prescott.
      DIRECTORS.—Joseph  Aumond,  John  Egan,  Charles  Sparrow,  N.  Sparkes,  Wrn.
          Patrick, John  Moran,  D.  McLachlin,  Joseph  Bower,  J.  S.  Archibald,  Alpheus
          Jones..  Win.  Creighton.—Office  Aurnond's  building,  Bytown.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PEOFESSIONS,  TRADES, &c.
      AUMOND,  JOSEPH,  lumber  merchant,  and  dealer  in  dry  goods, groceries,  hardware,  &c,
          Rideau  st., Lower  Town.
      BALDWIN,  W.  H.,  Albion  hotel, Nicholas  St., Lower  Town—good  accommodations  for
          travellers,  arid yard  and  stabling  attached  to the  premises.
      BARRY,  JONAS, plasterer  and  stucco  worker, Besserer  St., Lower  Town.
      BEAL,  ROBERT  A.,  chemist  and  druggist,  York  st., Lower  Town—a  general  stock  of
          drugs, chemicals, perfumery,  dye  stuffs,  &c,  at reasonable prices.
      BEAUBIEN,  ACHILLE,  M. D., York  st., Lower  Town.
      BELL,  ROBERT,  book  and job  printing  office,  George st., Lower  Town.
      BLASDELL, T.  M., Bytown  axe  factory,  foundry,  and  general  machinist,  Wellington  st.,
          Upper  Town.
      BORBRIDGE,  WILLIAM,  saddler, harness, and  trunk  maker,  Wellington  st., Upper  Town
         —every  article  in the  line  constantly  on  hand  at  reduced, prices  for  cash.
      BOURGEOIS,  DAVID,  Quebec  House,  Sussex  st.,'Lower.  Town—travellers  will  find
         good  accommodations  and moderate  charges.
      BRYSON,  ALEXANDER,  bookseller  and  stationer,  Rideau  st.,  Lower  Town—a  good
          stock  of books  and  stationery,  at very low  prices, constantly  on  hand.
     BURPEE,  C.  A., dealer  in groceries, china,  glass,  &c,  Rideau  st., Lower  Town.
     BURROWES,  W.  N., boot  and  shoe  store,  Rideau  st., Lower  Town—a  good  stock  of
         every  article  in the  line  constantly  on hand  at  low  prices.
     BURWASH, N.,  grist  and  saw  mills  and lumber  merchant, Chaudiere, Upper  Town.
     BYTOWN  GAZETTE, weekly,  W .  F.  Powell, proprietor,  Sparkes  st., Upper  Town.
     BYTOWN  PACKET,  weekly,  Robert Bell, proprietor,  George  st., Lower  Town.
      CLEGG,  WILLIAM, barrister  and  attorney  at law,  George  st., Lower  Town.
     CLEGG,  WILLIAM,  clerk, Royal  Engineer  Department,  Lower  Town.
     DENNISON,  JACOB,  wholesale  and  retail  furrier  and  capmaker,  Sussex  st., Lower  Town
         —cash  paid  for  every  description  of  fur  skins  and  shipping  furs.
     DOTSAN,  JAMES,  Doran's  hotel,  Wellington  st.,  Upper  Town—travellers  will  find a
         comfortable  house  and  moderate  charges.
     DUFF,  JAMES,  ordnance  clerk,  Royal Ordnance  office,  Lower  Town.
     DURIE,  JOHN,  dealer  in  dry  goods, groceries,  &c,  Rideau  St., Lower  Town.
     DYETT,  GEORGE,  agent  Bank  of Montreal, Wellington  st., Upper  Town.
     EGLESTON,  A.,  oyster  saloon,  Rideau  St., Lower  Town—fresh  oysters,  steaks,  chops,
         &c,  and  good  wines  and  liquors, always  on  hand.
     FARLEY,  JAMES, & SON, dealers in groceries and provisions, Wellington  st., Upper  Town.
     FITZGIBBON,  JAMES,  foreman  of works, Royal  Engineer  Department,  Lower  Town.
     FORGIE, OHN,  dealer in dry goods, groceries  and provisions, Rideau st., Lower  Town.
     FORSYTH,  JAMES, ordnance  bailiff,  Royal  Ordnance  Department, Lower  Town.
     FOSTER, ARCHIBALD, tanner and leather merchant, York st., Lower Town—cash  for hides.
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