Page 36 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 36

BYTOWtf.                            45
     FRELIGH,  JOHN,  dealer  in  dry  goods,  furs,  hats,  caps,  and  groceries,  Rideau.  St.,
         Lower  Town.
     FRIEL,  HENRY J.,  clerk  of  county court,  deputy  clerk  of  the  crown,  and  registrar  of
         surrogate  court, Court-house, Lower  Town.
     FRITH,  ISAAC,  provision  and  produce  merchant,  and  Isaac  Frith  &  Co.,  forwarders,
         Canal  Wharf, Lower  Town.
     GILMOUR  & Co., lumber  merchants, and  dealers in  dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c,
         Wellington  st., Upper  Town.
     GOODWIN,  CALVIX,  boot  and  shoestore,  York  st.,  Lower  Town—keeps  always  on
         hand  or  makes  to  order  boots  and  shoes  of  every  kind, warranted  first  rate, and
         upon  reasonable terms.
     GORDON, BENJAMIN,  dealer  in  dry  goods,  groceries, liquors,  and  provisions, Sussex st.,
         Lower  Town.
     GRAHAM, ALEXANDER, auctioneer and commission merchant, Wellington st.,Upper Town.
     GRISON,  LOUIS, sen., dealer in groceries and provisions, St. Patrick st., Lower  Town.
     HAMILTON,  WILLIAM,  agent  for  Gilmour & Co., Wellington  st., Upper  Town.
     HELY,  F. W.  B., bookseller  and  stationer,  Rideau  st., Lower  Town—a  choice  stock
             of books and stationery, at the  most reasonable prices, constantly  on hand.
     HENEY,  ALEXANDER,  saddler  and  harnessmaker,  Sussex  st.,  Lower  Town—every
         article in the line  constantly  on hand,  of the best quality  and at low prices*
     HENEY,  JOHN,  saddle,  harness,  boot  and  shoemaker,  Wellington  st.,  Upper  Town—
         every  article  in  both  lines  of  business  constantly  on  hand,  and  offered  at  such
         prices as will be  found  satisfactory.
     HERVEY,  ROBERT, jun.,  barrister  and  attorney  at law, Rideau st., Lower  Town.
     HOLLAND,  WILLIAM,  hotel  and  general  storekeeper,  March  road,  Nepean,  10  milea
         from  Bytown—P. 0.  address, Bytown—travellers  will  find  good accommodations
         and  charges reasonable.
     HUMPHRIES  &  M'DOUGALL,  Bytown  carriage  factory, No.  1, Daly  st.,  Lower  Town
         —every  description  of  vehicles constantly  on hand  or made  to order, equal  to any
         manufactured  in  Canada.
     HUNTON,  THOMAS  & WILLIAM,  dealers  in  dry goods, hardware, groceries, china, glass,
         &c,  Rideau  St., Lowe* Town.
     INGLIS'S  general  dry  goods,  hardware,  grocery  and  provision  store,  Sussex st., Lower
     KELTY, A.  C,  agent Bank  of British North  America, Wellington  st., Upper  Town.
     KERR,  DAVIDSON, & Co., printing  office,  Rideau  St., Lower Town.
     LACROIX,  DR.  A.  0.,  physician  to  the  General  Hospital  and  Nunnery,  Clarence  st.,
         Lower  Town.
      LEAMY, JAMES, hotelkeeper,  York  st., Lower  Town—good  yard  and  stabling  attached
         to the house, and  charges reasonable.
     LEES,  ROBERT, barrister  and  attorney  at law,  George  St., Lower  Town.
      LEGGATT,  G. W., barrister  and attorney  at law, Wellington  St., Upper  Town.
     LEGGATT, T. J.  agent Bank  of Upper  Canada, Wellington St., Upper Town.
      LEROY,  ORRON,  Ottawa  Hotel, Sussex  st.,  Lower  Town—good  accommodations  and
         moderate  charges at this house.
      LESLIE,  JOHN, watchmaker  and  jeweller,  Rideau  st.,  Lower  Town—a  good  stock  of
         gold and  silver watches, jewellery, &c, constantly  on hand  at  low prices.  Repairs
         done in the best manner, and with  despatch.
      LEWIS, JOHN  BOWER, barrister and  attorney  at law, Wellington  st., Upper  Town.
      LOUGHRAN,  MICHAEL,  dealer  in  groceries,  wines,  liquors,  and  provisions,  York  St.,
       Lower  Town—every  article  in the line  for  sale at  low prices.
      LYONS,  ROBINSON, Chaudiere  House hotel, Chaudiere, Upper Town.
      M'ARTHUR,  DONALD,  British  hotel  and  Montreal  stage  house,  corner  of  Sussex and
         George sts., Lower  Town.
      M'CONNELL,  GEORGE, Grand  River hotel, Sussex  st., Lower  Town—an  excellent yard
         and stabling is attached  to the premises.
      M'DONALD, THOMAS, ordnance clerk,  Royal Ordnance  office,  Lower  Town.
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