Page 273 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 273

284                POTTON,  or  ifa^awZfe—PRESCOTT.
       Firth  & Smith,  Erie  Mills.      Steel,  Rev.  G.  C ,  Church  of  England.
       Hamilton,  »  , school  teacher.   Thomson,  Robert,  forwarder,  &c.
       Hodge,  Alexander  & Co.,  general  merchants.  Thomson  & M'Pherson,  general  merchants.
       Ketchum,  Charles,  distiller.     Thomson,  Bryce,  J.,  postmaster.
       Lloyd,  George,  shoemaker.        Tomlinson,  Joseph,  innkeeper.
       M'Cullum,  John,  tailor.          Tomlinson,  J.  &  C ,  livery  stables.
       Mahon,  Lawrence,  cabinetmaker.   Turville,  Richard,  Phoenix  mills.
       Moore,  Dr. J.,  physician  and  surgeon.  Vavitz,  Abraham,  Tamworth  mills.
       •Mount, J.  M.,  Port  Stanley  mills.  Waters,  George,  cabinetmaker.
       Phillips,  Ralph,  distillery.     Wade, J.  & Co.,  chemists  and  druggists.
       Reagan,  J.,  provision  store.    Waddell,  Wood  & Co.,  distillers.
       Routh  & Davidson,  forwarders,  &c.  Wright,  James,  miller,  and  woollen  factory.
                             POTTON,   or  Mansonville,
       A small  VILLAGE  in the  Township  of  Potton,  County  of  Stanstead,  C.  E.—within  2 miles of  the Pro-
       vince  line, it  is a Port  of  Entry.
                      ALPHABEflCAL.  LIST  OF  PROI'ESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       Fails,  0.,  innkeeper.             Perkins,  W.,  innkeeper.
       Macvey,  J.  H.,  collector  of  customs.  Rankin,  G.,  general  store.
       Manson,  J.,  saw  and  grist  mills.
       A  TOWN  situated  in  the  United  Counties  of  Leeds  and  Grenville,  on  the  River  St.  Lawrence,  in
       the  Township  of  Augusta,  C.  W.—distant  from  Montreal,  130  miles—from  Brockville,  12  miles—from
       Kingston,  72  miles—usual  steamboat  fare  to  Montreal,  20s.—usual  stage  fare  to  Montreal,  15s.—
       usual  steamboat  fare  to Kingston,  10s.—stage  fare  to  Kingston,  20s.  Population  about  2400.
                         AGENCIES  OF  ASSURANCE  COMPANIES,  &c.
       Canada  Life  Assurance  Company, H. O.  Burritt,  agent.
       Montreal Fire  Assurance  Company, Robert  Headlam,  agent.
       National  Life  Assurance  Company  of  Vermont,  C. H. Peck,  agent.
       National Loan Fund  Life  Assurance  Company, W-. B. Wells, agent.
       Provincial  Mutual  Insurance  Company, William Patrick,  agent.
       St. Lawrence  Inland Marine  Assurance  Company, Alpheus Jones, agent.
       AVJERELL & HOOKER,  dealers  in  dry  goods,  groceries, hardware, drugs  and  medicines,
           &c,  Water  st.
       BURRITT, MARCUS, barrister  and  attorney  at law, over the Post  Office,  corner  of Centre
           and Main  sts.
       BURRIT, READ, M. . P,, barrister at law, solicitor in chancery and notary public, Centre st.
       CRANE,  S V  & Co., forwarders, distillery, grist  mills, and  general  store, Main  st.
       DUNN, WILLIAM, merchant tailor, Centre  St.—a  good  "assortment  of  cloths,  cassimeres,
           testings,  &c*, constantly  on hand ;  ready-made  clothing at reasonable  prices.
       FERGUSON,  JOHN, dearer  in dry  goods, groceries, hardware,  &c,  Main  st.
       GAINFORT,  DR.  THOMAS, M. R. C. S. L.,  Main  st.
       GIBSON, WILLIAM, grocer  and  provision  merchant, and Mayor  of Prescott,  Main  st.
       OILMAN, J. S., Commercial hotel, stage house and livery stables, Main  st.—travellers will
           find  this house  comfortable  and  charges reasonable—a  livery stable is attached and
           conveyances are  famished  when  required.
       •GORE, J.  & J.., North  American  hdtel, Main  st.—having newly fitted up the  above well
           known  house, they  are now  prepared  to  accommodate  travellers  and  permanent
           boarders, in  a  comfortable -manner and  at reasonable  charges.
       GRAY,  MATHKW;, dealer in  dry  goods, groceries, and  crockery, Main  st.
       HEADLAM, ROBERT, dealer  in groceries, wines, liquors, hardware., drugs  and  medicines,
           and auctioneer &nd commission merchant, Main  st.
       HULBERT,  SAMUEL,  general  foundry, and  manufactory  of  ploughs, steam  engines  and
           machinery, Water et.
       JOHNSON, J. W., dealer in  dry goods and hardware, Main  st,
       JESSUP, H. J.,  general trader, Park  st.
       MCKENZIE,  EDWARD, bookkeeper, Main  st»
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