Page 274 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 274
MORAN, PETER, dealer in groceries, hardware, crockery, glass and provisions, Water st.
Moss, S. H., dealer in dry goods, groceries, and hardware, "Water st.
PECK, C. li-, dealer in dry goods, drugs, medicines, groceries, paints and dye stuffs,
corner Centre and Water sts.
PIKE, HENRY,^Exchange hotel, a livery stable attached, Main st.
PRESCOTT TELEGRAPH, WEEKLY, S. B. Merril, publisher, Main st.
REID, ROBERT, cabinetmaker, turner, and general wheelwright, Main st.
SMYTH, ALEXANDER, dealer in dry goods, groceries!, &c, Main st.
SMYTH, ALEXANDER, gaddler and harnessmaker, Main et.
WALSH, GEORGE, Victoria hotel, Mam st.—travellers will find this house comfortable
and the charges reasonable.
WOOD, GEORGE C., solicitor and attorney at law, Main st.
Armstrong, William, preventive officer, Centre st. Johnson, Mrs. Jane, milliner, Main st.
Bartrand, Seraphin, blacksmith, Main st. Jones, A., collector and postmaster, Centre st.
Bell, 11., tailor, Main st. Lcatch, George, Prince of Wales hotel, Main st.
Blakey, Rev. Robert, Church of England. M'Carthy, D., grocer, Main st.
Boyd, Rev. Robert, Free Church. Manelly, William, distiller, Main st.
Brady, S. W., general store, Water st. Merrill, Stephen B., printer, Main st.
Brouse, W. H., M. D., Main st. Mundle, Edward, tailor, Main st.
Brasher, Samuel, tailor, Water st. Morrisey, P., innkeeper, Main st.
Buckly, Timothy, general store, Water st. O'Sullivan, Jeremiah, grocer and mason, Main st.
Chambers, John, tinsmith, Main st. Patton, John, registrar, county of Grenville.
Cowan, Joseph, butcher, Water st. Payne, Charles A.., distillery, Main st.
Creighton, Thomas, brewery, Water st. Patrick, William, general store, Centre st.
Duffy, Sylvester, innkeeper, Main st. Plumb, C , grocer, Water st.
Dyon, C, daguerreotypist, Leach's hotel, Main st. Roach, Rev. E. P., Roman Catholic.
Elliott, Rev. James, Wesleyan. Scott, Dr. W. J., M. D., Main st.
Evrengy, Thomas, Farmer's inn, Main st. Scott, George, saddler, Main st.
Fra?er, Thos., agent for J. W. Johnston, Main st. Story, B,, grocer, Water st.
Glasgow, Sainu;.'l, general store, Main st. Treaey, Michael, general store, Water st.
Glasco, John, grocer, Main st. Weagant, H. G., surgeon dentist, Main st,
Harding, George, chemist and druggist, Water st. White, Bartholomew, Henry st.
Higgins, Mrs., dry goods, &c, Main st. White, B. & Co., leather and finding store, Water
Hillyard, Wm., boots, shoes and leather, Main st. st.
Home, A., landing waiter of customs, Centre st. Willard, Charles, general store, Water st.
Hooker & Holton, forwarders, &c, Water st. Woodbury and Gill, tinsmiths, Main st.
Jessup, Dr. H. D., Main st.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Waterloo, County of Waterloo, C. W., at the terminus of the
Dundas and Waterloo macadamized road, inhabited principally by Germans, and people of German
descent—distant from Hamilton, 28 miles, from Guelph, 13 miles. Population about 1100.
Aspenleiter, George, stonemason and plasterer. Brower, Henry, sen., grain cradle maker.
Baltzer, George, tailor. Brower, Ephraim, carpenter.
Baltzli, George, shoemaker. Brower, Daniel, carpenter.
Batterson, J. F., general store. Brower, Henry, jun., carpenter,
Bechmann, Justus, cabinetmaker. Case, Cicero, H., waggonmaker.
Beck, Jacob, saw mill. Cassy, Miss, milliner.
Beck, & Co., iron foundry. Clare, John, moulder.
Beese, J., stonemason. Clemens, Christian, waggonmaker and black-
Bergy, Isaac, blacksmith. smith.
Benmardt, Henry, brewer. Cornell, Sylvenus, tavernkeeper.
Bernhardt, John, carpenter. Cossel, Ludwig, tailor.
Bernhardt, George, cooper. Davit, Peter, stonemason and plasterer.
Bieth, Joseph, limeburner. Dessauer, Lewis W., storekeeper and Insurance
Bittmann, Frederick, saddler. agent.
Bitzer, G., vinegar manufacturer. Dettel, John, stonemason.
Bleiler, J., stonemason. Dorner, Mrs., milliner.
Bodenstein, August, distiller. Dorner, Carl, fancy store and hatter.
Boilduc, Peter, cooper. Ebert, Charles, physician.
Boilduc, Edward, cooper. Ellis, J. W., schoolteacher.
Boos, Jacob, cooper. Ende, Herrmann Von, tobacconist.
Boroimn, Henry, B. K., tanner. Erb, Joseph, grist and saw mill.
Boucher, Frederick, weaver. Erb, Joseph, & Son, storekeepers and distillers.