Page 272 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 272

PORT  STANLEY.                         283
       HOUSTON  & MCKENZIE,  dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery,  paints,  oils,
          and country produce.  Daniel McKenzie depository British and Foreign Bible Society.
       JOHNSTON,  THOMAS  W., M. D., physician  and  surgeon.
       LAMBTON  HERALD  NEWSPAPER,  Whipple  & Stone, publishers.
       MCINTOSH, A., tin and coppersmith,  and dealer  in  hardware.
       MCKENZIE,  R.  & H. F., cabinetmakers  and  upholsterers.
       SMART,  JAMES,  cheap  boot and shoemaker,  leather  store  and  tanner,—manufacturer  of
          all  kinds of boots and shoes at cheaper rates than ever before offered in Port Sarnia.
          N. B.—Cash paid for hides.
       SMITH,  JAMES,  Port  Sarnia  Exchange  hotelkeeper.
       STEPHENSON,  GEORGE,  general merchant and land  agent.
      VIDAL,  TOWNSEND  G.,  ironfounder  and  machinist.
      Adams, William,  cooper.            Lees,  Alexander, general  merchant.
      Alexander, James, boot and shoemaker.  Lucas, G., saddler and harnessmaker.
      Armour, Rev. Mr., Congregationalist.  McAlister, Rev. William, Free Church.
      Baker, James, Union hotelkeeper.    McColl, Miss, schoolmistress.
      Bell, J., boot and shoemaker.       Miller, John, provision store.
      Buchanan, D., general merchant.     Mudie, Thomas G., grocer and provision store.
      Cole, John M., boots and shoes.     Perdy, Rev. Mr., Baptist.
      Copeland, James, baker, and provision store.  Salter, Rev. Mr., Church of England.
      Drake, James,  tailor.             Simmington,  Alexander, boot and shoemaker.
      Durand & Thomas, general store.    Stevenson, George, land  agent.
      Ford, John, tailor.                Taylor, W., joiner and builder.
      Gibson, Job, chemist and druggist.  Vidal, Alexander, surveyor.
      Grey, David, boot and shoemaker.   Walker, John, grammar  school master.
      Hall, Horace,  hotelkeeper.        Welsh & Bell, boot and shoemakers.
      Hall, R. S., waggonmaker  and blacksmith.  Whipple & Stone, printers and publishers.
      Holden, William,  grocer and provision  store.  Wolfe, L., general  merchant.
      Howard, D., blacksmith.            Young, A., general  merchant.
      Hubbard, Miss, female  school teacher.
                               PORT   STANLEY,
      A  VILLAGE  situated  on Lake  Erie,  in  the  Townships  of  Southwold  and  Yarmouth,  Connty of
      Middlesex, C. W.—distant  from  London, 26 miles—usual  stage  fare, 5s.—distant  from  Toronto, 157
      miles—distant  from  Hamilton, 110 miles—usual stage fare, 22s. 6d.—usual  steamboat fare to Buffalo,
      15s., to Cleveland, 12s. 6d.
                    AGENCIES. OF ASSUBANCE  COMPANIES,  BANKS, &c.
      Bank of Montreal, Eichard Smith, agent.
      Montreal Assurance Company, J. B, Williams, agent.
      National Loan Fund Life and Equitable Fire Assurance Cos., Robert Thomson, agent.
      St.  Lawrence Marine Assurance Company, J.  H. Davidson, agent.
      BALL, JAMES  T., dealer  in dry goods, groceries, hardware,  and country produce, Main st.
      BURNES,  WILLIAM,  Mansion  House  hotel,  Main  st.—travellers  will  find  every  con-
         venience at this house, and the charges reasonable.
      HODGE  &  CO., forwarders,  and general  commission  merchants,  Main st.
      M'BRIDE,  ALEXANDER,  North  American  hotel,  Main  st.—this  house  will  be  found
         comfortable and convenient, and the charges moderate.
      M'PHERSON  &  CRANE,  forwarders  and  commission  merchant?, in the premises  lately
         occupied by Mr. .  A. Headly—liberal advances made on property consigned for
         sale to M'Pherson & Crane, Montreal.
      PRICE,  SAMUEL, importer  and  general  merchant, Main  st.
      SMITH,  RICHARD,  collector  of customs, J. P., and harbour  master,  Main  st.
      WARREN,  E. E., notary,  land, and general  agent, and conveyancer,  Main st.
      WILLIAMS,  G. R., forwarder,  and general  commission  merchant,  Main  st.
     Arkell, Henry & Co., distillery.    Coughill, Green & Co., woollen  factory.
     Allworth, Rev. M., Congregationalist.  Cameron, D., blacksmith.
     Ayres, Nelson, E,, shoemaker.       Campbell & Hume, general merchants.
     Burgess, Dr. W., physician and surgeon.  Crowley, Denis, provision store.
      Buzzacute, John, baker, &c.        Carruthe*rs, John, general merchant.
     Bennett, Philo, custom-house  officer.  Daniels, Dr., physician and surgeon,
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