Page 251 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 251

262                   OBILtlA-ORONO-OSHAWA.
       A  "VILLAGE  situated  on a Bay  of Lake Couchieony,  at the  northern  extremity  of Lake  Simcoe, in the
      Township  of  Orillia  and County  of Simcoe, C.  W.—-distant from  Toronto, 85 miles—usual  steamboat
      and stage  fare,  12s. 6d.—distant  from  Sturgeon Bay,  19 miles—usual stage fare,  5s.  Population  about
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       Ardagh, Dr. John, physician  and  surgeon.  McGregor, John,  storekeeper.
       Bailey, William,  blacksmith.      McKenzie, John,  carpenter.
       Bailey, Robert,  carpenter.        Mobrish, Henry,  miller.
       Bourne, Rev.  George, Church  of England.  Morrison, Neil,  cabinetmaker.
       Bowers, Michael, blacksmith.       Paterson,  Adam,  storekeeper  and  clerk  of divi-
       Charest, Rev. P., Roman  Catholic.   sion  court.
       Dallas, Frederick, grist  and saw mill  owner.  Raymond, Rev.  J.,  Congregationalist  and  com-
       Dallas, Thomas,  storekeeper.        mon  school  teacher.
       Donaldson, James,  bailiff.        Rutherford,  James, innkeeper  and  shoemaker.
       Dunlop, Alexander,  innkeeper.     Slee, E.  G.,  postmaster.
       Garrett, Charles,  innkeeper.      Steers, Rev. R.,  Wesleyan.
       George, Robert,  storekeeper.      Taylor, James D., tanner, butcher and shoemaker
       Grey, Rev.  , Presbyterian.        Waldron,  Martin,  tailor.
       Hunter,  George, tinsmith.         Wheeler,  Benjamin,  carpenter.
       King, Athenas,  storekeeper.       Wyley, Thomas,  waggonmaker.
       Langman, John  G., chair and  bedsteadmaker.
       A  VILLAGE  situated in the township  of Clark,  County  of Durham  C. W.—distant  from  Port  Hope, 22
       miles, distant  from  Toronto, 52  miles,  distant  from  Newcastle, 5 miles.  Population  about 200.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &e.
       Allin, William, junr.,  carriagemaker.  Lyman, H.,  shoemaker.
       Andrews, Edson,  carpenter  and  builder.  Martin, John,  carpenter  and  builder.
       Caldwell, E.,  shoemaker.          Miller, Thomas,  blacksmith.
       Callaghan,  Daniel, shoemaker.     Nicol, Andrew,  flour-mills.
       Card, Thomas, pumpmaker, carpenter and builder.  Provincial  Fire Assurance  Company, A.,  Nico'v
       Copeland,  Samuel, blacksmith.       agent  for township.
       Fairbairn, John, general  store.   Smale,  , tailor.
       Fleming, John,  innkeeper.         Thomas, Charles, general store.
       Gilford,  Garner, tannery, saw mill,  and  saddlery.  Tremain,  Moses, tailor.
      Hall,   ,  tailor.                  Tucker, Joseph, L.,  general store.
       Haight,  Charles,  C ,  chairmaker.  Washington  Mutual  Fire  Assurance  Company,
      Johns, Eldad, fulling  and saw mills.  A., Nicol, agent for township.
      Ley,  David,  grocer.               Williams and Collins, tanners and harnessmakers-
      A  flourishing  VILLFGE  situated  in  the  Township  of  Whitby,  County  of York, C. W.—distant  from
      Toronto, 33 miles—usual steamboat  fare, 5s.—usual stage  fare,  5s. to 6s. 3d.  Population  about 1150

                    AGENCIES  OF  ASSURANCE  COMPANIES,  BANKS,  &c.
      Commercial Bank, M. D., James Laing, agent.
      General Fire Insurance Company, D.  Comstock, agent.
      Provincial Mutual Insurance Company, S. B. Fairbank, agent.
      Washington Mutual Insurance Company, D. Comstock, agent,
      BETTES  & ABBOTT, iron founders and machinists, and William Bettes, hardware,  stove
          sheet iron, copper and tinware manufacturer.
      BURNS,  G-., postmaster, bookseller and stationer.
      FULLER, THOMAS, & Co., cabinet and furniture factory, and dealers in stoves, sheet iron,
          copper  and. tinware.  Furs, wool and sheep skins purchased.
      KELLER, ., Wellington hotel, auctioneer and commission merchant.
      LAING, JAMES, general merchant and agent for  Commercial Bank, M. D.
      MCELROY, J., Ontario House hotel—daily stage house for Toronto, Kingston and Mariposa.
      OLIPHANT, D., general printing office.
      OSHAWA, REFORMER, weekly paper, D. Oliphant, publisher.
      SKAE, E., manager and operator at electric telegraph office.
      WALKER, J.,  wool dealer, woollen manufacturer, carder and fuller—cash paid for wooL
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