Page 250 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 250

OAKLAND—OAKYILLE—ODELLTOWN.                     261

      A small  VILLAGE" and  Township  situated in the County of Oxford, C. W.—distant  from  Brantford,
       7 miles, from  Simcoe, 14 miles.

                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TBADES,  &c.
      TOYNE, JOHN,  post master and general  store  keeper.
      Dunnett, Rev., Samuel, Episcopal  Methodist.  Vincent, Mrs., innkeeper.
      Glover, Henry,  innkeeper.          Werbrook,  Frederick,  innkeeper.
      Lyman, Henry,  storekeeper.         Werbrook,  Thomas,  innkeeper.
      Malcolm, E., land  surveyor.        Young, William, general  store.
      Marlatt, J. M., temperance inn.      Also,  3 saw  mills, 1  fulling  mill, 1  tanner,  3
      Swords, D. & IX, grist mill.        tailors, 3 blacksmiths, 2 waggon  makers,  4  shoe
      Tufford,  Rev,, John, Episcopal  Methodist.  makers, 2 coopers, 1 millwright,  1 hatter.
      Vivian, John, grist mill.
        A  flourishing  VILLAGE,  situated  on the shore of Lake  Ontario, at the outlet of the  16-mile  Creek,
      in the Township of Trafalgar, county of Halton, C. W.,—distant  from  Toronto, 25 miles, usual  steam-
      boat fare, 2s. 6d.,—distant from  Hamilton, 20 miles, usual steamboat fare, 2s. 6d.  Stage fare in winter,
      to Toronto or Hamilton, 3s. 9d.—Population  about 700.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PBOFESSIONS,  TBADES,  &c.
      BEATTY, JAMES, general  merchant.
      DUFF, DAVID, cabinet and chair  manufacturer.
      GULLEDGE, HENRY,  saddler and harnessmaker.
      LEACH,  ROBERT  & Co., ironfounders  and machinists*
      M'ALLISTER, P., general  merchant.
      MOORE,  J.  &, Co., tin- and coppersmiths, and stove warehouse.
      OAKVILLE  HOUSE,  hotel and stage hou^e, by Jesse  Belyea.
      REID,  JAMES, general merchant and storage warehouse.
      REYNOLDS, CHARLES, general merchant  and storage warehouse.
      ROMAIN,  W.  F.,  general  merchant,  forwarder,  and  agent  for Life, Marine and Fire
      TERRY,  JOHN, watchmaker and jeweller.
      TJRQUHART,  JOHN,  chemist  and  druggist,  and  dealer  in  paints,  oils,  groceries, per-
          fumery, &c.
      WILLIAMS, J. W., genera]  merchant, and township  treasurer.
      YOUNG  &  WHITE,  cabinetmakers  and  upholsterers.
      Addison, D., tailor.               Gilbert, W., waggonmaker.
      Arnott, James,  storekeeper.       Givens, Rev. S., Church  of England.
      Barnes, Jacob,  machinist.         Gunn, Dr., physician  and surgeon.
      ' Rissett & Ray, boots and shoes.  Harris, T. S., clerk of division  court, and storage
      Beardsley, B.  C ,  attorney-at-law.  warehouse.
      Brotherick, T., boots and shoes.   Kelly, James,  blacksmith.
      Calvin, James,  painter.           M'Pherson  & Crane, storage warehouse.
      Chisholm,  R.  K.,  postmaster  and  collector  of  Nesbit, Rev. James, Free  Church.
       customs.                          O'Reilly, Rev. Eugene,  Roman  Catholic.
      Chisholm, John,  flour  mill.      Quin, M. P., storekeeper.
      Chisholm, George, reeve.           Proudfoot,  Alexander,  storage warehouse.
      Davis,  C , temperance inn.        Randall, Jacob,  shipbuilder.
      Denny, Rev. H., Congregationalism  Robinson, John,  waggonmaker.
      Dennis, G., boots and shoes.       Simpson, Melancton,  shipbuilder.
      Fitzgerald, J., tailor.            Steele, J., saddler.
      Foreman, John,  storekeeper.       Stinson, J., boots and shoes.
      A  VILLAGE  situated in the Seigniory of Lacolle, County of Huntingdon, C. E-—distant from  Montreal
      40 miles, usual  cost of travel in winter, 7s. 6d., in summer, 10s.  Population  about 150.
                    ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
      Brenton, John,  shoemaker,         Robinson, William, sen., wheelright.
      Davidson, Rev., John.              Scriver, John,  innkeeper.
      Heaton, Rufus, general store.      Watson, James, tailor.
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