Page 248 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 248

NICOLET—NORTH    PORT.                     259

     LAWDER, JOHN, barrister  and  attorney  at law, Queen  st.
     MARTIN, ANDREW  & Co., general  dry  goods  and  tailoring establishment,  Queen  st.-
        large stock  of  ready  made clothing, constantly  on hand, at very  moderate prices.
     MCGIVERN,  THOMAS, & Co., importers  of  and  dealers  in groceries  wines, liquors, and
        hardware—a  good assortment  of  paper  hangings always  on hand.
     MILLER & BOOMER, barristers  and  attornies at law, Queen  st.
     MILLER, JAMES, British  American  hotel, Queen  st.—superior  accomodations  for  travel-
         lers—horses and  carriages  furnished  to pleasure parties  or travellers, on the shortest
        notice.  J.  M.  would  respectfully  intimate  that  he  has  carried  on  business  in
         Niagara  for the  last 22 years.
     MOFFAT, RICHARD,  Moffat's  hotel, Queen st—stages  for  Hamilton,  St.  Catharines, and
        Fort Erie, daily—a livery  stable connected  with the  house.
     PRINGLE,  ROBERT,  watchmaker  and  jeweller,  Queen  st.—a  good  stock  of  watches,
        clocks and jewellery  at  moderate prices—repairs executed  in  the best manner  and
         w'uth despatch.
     WHITELAW,  FRANCIS  M., bookseller  and  stationer,  Queen  st.—a  good stock  of  books
        and stationary, constantly  on hand, at reasonable prices.
     Ailes,'Robert,  gunsmith,  Queen  st.  Harvey, James, chemist and druggist,  Queen  st
     Alma, John L., hardware  and groceries, Queen st.  Howard, Richard, hotelkeeper,  Queen  st.
     Barr,  William, dealer  in  dry  goods, ready  made  Lockhart,  David, hardware,  groceries, Queen st.
      clothing, and  fancy  goods, Queen st.  Lynch,  Rev.  Mr.,  Roman  Catholic,  Queen  st
     Burns, James, boot and shoemaker  Queen  st.  McDougall, Dr.  Alexander, physician to the jail,
     Campbell, Dr.  Duncan,  Queen st.     Queen  st.
     Christie,  Alex.  R.,  groceries, wines  and liquors,  Miller,  Gage, centre house, Queen  st
      Queen st.                         Mowat,  Rev. J.  B., Church  of  Scotland,
     Chisholm, Alexander,  innkeeper,  King  st.  Rogers, John, groceries, wines  and liquors, Queen
     Connor, R.,  boot and  shoe store, Queen t  st.
     Cousins, J.  F.,  school teacher,  Queen  st.  Simpson,  John,  publisher  of  Niagara  Chronicle,
     Dodds, David,  saddler  harness maker,  Queen  st,  bookseller  and stationer,  Queen  st.
     Harvey, Rev.  George Y.,  Wesleyan.  Warren, Robert,  dry goods, Queen  st.
     A VILLAGE  situated  in the Seigniory  and  County  of Nicolet, C.  E.—distant  from  Montreal, 84  miles
     there is a college here, in which  130 pupils are usually pursuing their  studies.
     CRESSE, E. L., notary public, &c.
     Beaubien, Captain, J.  P.          Hamelin, Hubert, general store.
     Beaubien, Amed6e, notary  public.  Larocque,  Bernabe, M.  D.
     Beaubien, Captain  Louis.          Lecomte, Captain Joseph Ignace Rouillard,  gene-
     Beauchemin, Louis, general store.   ral  store, notary public,  and  clerk  of commis-
     Brassard, P., M. D.                 sioners' court.
     Brassard,  Major  Victor.          Nourrit, Etienne Parmentier, J.  P.
     Burgis, Rev. Henry,  Church of  England.  Proulx, George, commissioner  of  small causes.
     i-hileas, Henry  Alexander,  postmaster.  Rousseau, Teiesphore, general store.
     <' resse, Luc Michel, notary, agent for  the seignory.  Rousseau, Louis, general store.
     Duvid, George, notary public.      Rousseau, Joseph  Ovide, M. D.,
     Deseoteau, Charles, boarding .house.  Rabot,  dit St  Clair,  M,,  miller.
     Fortier, Rev. Louis Thomas, Roman  Catholic.  Thurton,  Miss V., general  store.
     (jfiroux,  Charles, J.  P., general store.  Tradel, Captain M.
     (iouin, David,  hotelkeeper.
                               NORTH    PORT,
     A VILLAGE  situated on the Bay  of Quinte, in the Township of Sophiasburg, County  of  Prince  Edward
     C. W.—distant  from  Belleville,  12  miles, from  Picton,  14  miles, from  Kingston,  per  Bay of Ouin'&
     about 60 miles.  Population about  225.                     J     '  '
     Baker,  , carpenter,  and  builder.  Jenkins, William, tanner  and  shoemaker.
     Brookes, Samuel  R.,  general store, and  tinsmith.  Mordon, James, general  store.
     Crank, James, M.,  tanner  and  shoemaker.  Munro, Allan, wharfinger  and  storage.
     Crysdall,  , tailor.               Randell  , tailor.
     Forres, Daniel, carpenter  and wheelwright.  Robinson, Wm., temperance inn  and  blacksmith.
     Gordon,  ,  general  store.        Solmes, Samuel,  postmaster.
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