Page 189 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 189
FORSTER, S., & Co., importers of staple and fancy British manufactured dry goods, small
wares and haberdashery, 187 St. Paul st.
FRASER, JOHN, importer of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, Nun'g
buildings, St. Joseph st.
GALARNEAU & ROT, importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple an<t
fancy dry goods, 145 St. Paul st.
GREENSHIELDS, SAMUEL, SON & Co., importers of staple and fancy British and foreign
dry goods and small wares, 151 St. Paul st.
HALL, T. D., general importer and agent for American manufactured dry goods of every
description, 221 St. Paul st.
HILL, CHARLES G., importer of and wholesale dealer in British and foreign staple and
fancy dry goods and small wares, 189 St. Paul st.
HOUGHTON & MAY, importers of foreign and British staple and fancy dry goods, Germaa
plate, window and fancy glass, Berlin wools, embroideries, &c, 182 St. Paul st.
JODOIN, P., & Co., importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign dry goods,
also groceries of every description, 106 St. Paul st.
JOHNSTON, JAMES, importer of and wholesale dealer in British and foreign staple and
fancy dry goods, 180 St. Paul st.
LAURIE, A., & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple and
fancy dry goods, 162 St. Paul st.
MACTARLANE, ANDREW, importer of staple and fancy British and foreign dry goods and
small wares, 165 St. Paul st.
MACKAY, JOSEPH, & BROTHER, importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry
goods and small wares, 202 St. Paul st.
MACKENZIE, J. G., & Co., importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods,
St. Joseph st., near St. Paul st.
MILLAR, GEORGE M., importer of and wholesale dealer in American woollen and cotton
goods of every description, 198 corner St. Nicholas and St. Paul sts.
MUIR, W. & R., merchants, importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreign
dry goods, 223 St. Paul st.
OGILVY & CAMPBELL, importers of staple and fancy British and foreign dry goods and
small wares, 160 St. Paul st.
RHODES, JOSEPH, importer of British dry goods of every description, (T. W. Nield, agent,)
2 Nun's buildings, St. Joseph st.
Ross, JOSEPH M. (late Whitehead & Ross), importer of and wholesale dealer in British
dry goods, St. Eloi near St. Paul st.
ROY, J. & R., 172 St. Paul st., importers and wholesale dealers in staple and fancy dry
goods of every description, and also at Hamilton, C.W.
SEYMOUR &. WHITNEY, importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, and
agents for the Chambly and Sherbrooke woollen factories, 161 St. Paul st.
SMITH, W. & J., & Co., importers of every description of dry goods, corner St. Joseph
and Commissioners sts.
STEPHEN, WILLIAM, importer of and wholesale dealer in British and foreign dry goods,.
200 St. Paul st.
STEWART, D., & SON, importers of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods, 224£
St. Paul st.
TYRE, COLQUHOUN & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in British and foreign staple
and fancy dry goods, 16Q£ St. Paul st.
WALKER, ALEXANDER, importer of British and foreign staple and fancy dry goods,
226£ St. Paul st.
WHITEPORD, WILLIAM, & Co., importers of and wholesale dealers in British and foreigft
staple and fancy dry goods, 166 St. Paul st.
WHITNEY, N. S., importer of and wholesale dealer in British and foreign staple and
fancy dry goods, 195 St. Paul st.
Benjamin & Brothers, 210 St. Paul st. Macfarlane, Walter, 212 St. Paul st.
Brown & Swan,'Custom-house square* Moodie, W., St. Joseph st.
Douglas, J. & T v 199 St. Paul st. Service, John, 224 St. Paul st.