Page 184 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 184
GAUTHIER, L. J., 82 St. Lawrence St., manufactures carriages of every description, in
the best style, and at low prices—repairs of all kinds promptly attended to.
GAVIN, M. & P., Craig St., near Bleury st.—a good stock of vehicles of all kind* constantly
for sale, at reasonable prices—repairs promptly executed.
M'LEAN & WRIGHT, 72 Craig st.—coaches, carriages, sleighs, &c., constantly on hand,
railroad carriages constructed on the most approved principles.
O'MEARA, MICHAEL, coach and carriagemaker, Haymarket square. See card, page 206.
Boulet, Francis, St. Antoine Bridge. Larivi&re, Abraham, 7 Wolfe st.
Cusack, Michael, 177 Craig st. Meteyer, Gabriel, 57 Bonaventure st.
Cusson, Xavier, Chaboillez square. Meteyer, Nicholas, Chaboillez square.
Delorier, E., 80 St. Antoine st. Normandin & Roy, 110 St. Lawrence st.
Dusseau, Pierre, St. Maurice st. O'Kane, Joseph, St. George st.
Goyet, T., 108 St. Mary st. Ouimet, E., St. Antoine bridge.
Hupe", J. B., Seaton st. Painchaud, Joseph, St. Antoine bridge.
Lagrave, Denis, St. Joseph st. Rochon & Haldimand, St. Lawrence st.
M'Donald, Charles, 2 Berrylane. St. Germain & Leduc, 64 St. Antoine st.
Labreche, Francis, Bonaventure st. Verner, Henry, 2 Hermine st.
Lariviere, C , Montcalrn st. Wright, John, Nazareth st.
COCHRAN, JOHN, 109 Notre Damest. See card under head of tea warehouse, page 243.
PICKERING, JOHN, (late Thomas Swale & Co.,) city mills, corner of St. Peter and Craig
Bts., executes all orders in the line upon favourable terms, and with the greatest
M'LAREN, J. R., 75 St. Charles Borromee st., attends to all orders with the utmost
despatch, and upon reasonable terms.
AULD, JOHN, 191 St. Paul St., general commission merchant and agent for steam tow
boats to Quebec.
BENT, GEOKGE, 183 St. Paul st., general commission merchant, and agent for the Brit-
ish American Land Company.
BINMORE, BRODIE & Co., Calliere st., general agents and commission merchants.
BOCKUS, CHARLES,216 St. Paul st.,general commission merchant, and fire insurance agent.
CUSACK, CHARLES J., Calliere St., general commission merchant and agent.
CUSHING, JOB, general commission merchant and agent.
EASTON, PHILLIPS & Co., St. Alexis st., general commission merchants and agents.
ECKHART, J. R., Gillespie's buildings, Commissioners st., general commission merchant
and agent.
GILBERT, JOHN M., 61 Commissioners st., general commission merchant and agent.
GUNDLACK, ALEXANDER, 61 Commissioners St., commission merchant, and agent for
Tate's line of steamers to Quebec.
HART, THEODORE, 6 St Sacrament st., general commission merchant.
HART, BENJAMIN, 6 St. Sacrament st., general commission merchant.
HORNE, GEORGE, 1 St. Sacrament st., commission and general agent—terms reasonable,
and returns prompt.
KER, JOHN, canal wharf, general commission merchant and forwarder.
LUSHER, EDWARD, St. Joseph, near St Paul st., commission agent, and agent for steamer
" Jenny Lind," and steam tow boats to Quebec.
M'NAUGHT, R., general commission merchant, 9 St. Nicholas st.
M'DONALD, JOHN, & Co., "16 St. Francois Xavier st., give particular attention to the
purchase or sale of goods and produce.
MACDONALD, D. JUN. & Co., 7 Lemoine st., commission and general merchants.
MACDONALD & WILLIAMSON, Common st., canal wharf, commission and general
MITCHELL, JOHN & JAMES, 2 Lemoine st, general commission merchants.
PERKINS, J. A., 212 St. Paul st., general commission merchant and agent.
RUSSELL, COLIN, 73 St. Antoine St., general and commission merchant.
SCOTT, GILBERT, 2 St. Sacrament st., agent for Dunlop's Albany ale, George Grove y
varnish manufacturer, and G. J. Scott's glue, sand paper, and curled hair.