Page 186 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 186

MONTREAL.                             195

      CHARLES                                 GARTH,

             PLUMBER,               BRASSFOUNDER,
        GAS-FITTER               AND       COPPER-SMITH,

               MANUFACTURES       AND   SELLS   ALL   KINDS   OF
      Sheet Lead  and Lead  Pipe ;  Brass, Copper,  Zinc ;  Composition  and Block  Tin Pipes
      of all sizes;  Wrought Iron  Tubes, of all sizes, for Gas, Steam or Water;  Lead,  Copper
      and  Bra?s  Lift  and Forcing  Pumps,  of  all descriptions;  Common,  Patent  Valve and
      Self-Acting  Water  Closets:  makes  and fits up, on the most approved  principles, Hot,
      Cold and Shower  Baths,  Hatters' Kettles,  Copper  Stills and Worms;  Garden  and Fire
      Engines  made to order and adapted  to the climate ;  Brass  Sashes for Shops;  Window
      Guards;  Railings for Desks, Counters, Glass Cases, &c, &c.;  Brass Cocks and Castings
      of  all descriptions;  Patent Water  Filters :  Beer  Pumps ;  Ginger Beer and Soda  Water
      Apparatus;  Copper,  Zinc and Lead  Sashes and Fan Lights made to pattern  5  Church
      and Fancy  Windows  made and Glazed  with Plain  Ground  or Stained  Glass, to any de-
      sign ;  together  with  every  description  of Work  connected  with Water  and Gas Works,
      Breweries and Distilleries, Light Houses and Chemical  Establishments.
                               %m\m  ]      lall-lara^,        -pfenfoante,

      Suitable  for Private  Houses,  Churches and Public  Buildings,  which he will  dispose of
          and fit up with  neatness, and at the lowest  possible price.  He also undertakes

                           On  the most approved principles,
         For Warming  Churches,  Public  Buildings,  Institutions,  Conservatories  and Private
      Buildings;  and can refer  to  several  of the largest  Buildings  in Canada, which  he has
      ^already  completed.
      KITCHEN         RANGES       AND    COOKING         APPARATUS

                Made  and Fitted  up on the most  approved  principles.

                      ON   THE    SHORTEST       NOTICE.
       The  Trade  supplied on liberal  terms.  All  Orders from  the Country  executed ivith
                               accuracy and despatch.

        Are attached to the Premises, where Hot, Cold and Shower Baths can be had daily,
                              from  5 A.M. to  10  P.M.
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