Page 188 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 188

MONTREAL.                            197
                                DANCING SCHOOLS.
       Adams, A, A,, 179 Notre Damest.   j  MacDoaaW, R., St. Gabriel st
       BERNARD,  DR. A., 65 Craig st.  See card.
       BOWKEE, H. M., surgeon  dentist, 7 St. Gabriel  St., corner  of Little St. James st.
       DICKINSON, C. M., Great St. James st.  See card.
       ELLIOTT,  WILLIAM H., doctor of dental  surgery, 26 Great St. James st., successor to and
          late partner  with Dr. Charles H. Payne.
       WEBSTER, J. H., doctor of dental  surgery, 104 Notre Dame st.
       Burroughs, E. P., D. D. S., 24 McGill st.

                      SURGEON             DENTIST,

       65  Craig Street, fronting St. Urbain Street, opposite the French  Cathedral,

      Attends personally to every  department  of his profession, both  Mechanical and Surgical,
      upon the latest  and most approved  scientific  principles, and warrants all operations to be
      performed  in  such  a  manner  as to ensure  speedy  relief  to the patient, with  the least
      possible pain.

                   SURGEON                DENTIST,

               No.  49 GREAT       ST.   JAMES        STREET,

        All operations in Dentistry  conducted  upon the most approved  principles and guaran-
      teed to give complete  satisfaction.
        P.  S.—C.  M. D.  begs  leave  to remind  the public  in general  that  he was the
      successful  competitor  in Montreal at the late  Provincial  Industrial  Exhibition  held in
      October,  1850,  for the  most  improved  mode  of  inserting  Artificial  Teeth  on the
      atmospheric  principle.
                    DRY  GOODS MERCHANTS,  (WHOLESALE  ONLY>
       ADAMS,  ROBERT,  importer of  British and foreign dry goods  and haberdashery, 227 St.
          Paul st.
      ARTHUR,  A. & J., importers  of British  and foreign  staple  and fancy  dry  goods and
          carpets, corner Notre  Dame and St. Francois Xavier sts.
       BRUNEAU,  JEAN,  importer of  British  and foreign  staple and fancy  dry goods, 140 Notre
          Dame st. and 107 St. Joseph st.
      CAMPBELL,  EGBERT, & Co*, importers of British and foreign  staple and fancy  dry goods
          and  carpets, 25 St. Frane,ois Xavier st.
      CLARK,  JAMES P., & Co., importers  of and wholesale  dealers  in British and foreign dry
          goods, 192 St. Paul st.
      CUMMING & GALBRAITH, merchants, importers  of, and wholesale  dealers in British and
          foreign  dry goods, 164 St, Paul st.
       DESMARTEAU,  MARCHAND & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in British  and foreign
          dry goods, also groceries of every description, 98 St. Paul st.
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