Page 191 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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200                           MONTREAL.

        Globensky, A. L.,  101 Notre Dame st.  Maitany, John,  32 St. Mary st.
        Grenier, Jer6rae, 84 St. Paul st.   Milligan, S., 6 McGill st.
        Grenier, Jacques, 92 St. Paul st.   Morley, M.,  36 St. Mary st.
        Gravel, L.  C,  St. Joseph st.      Moses, Mrs., St. Lawrence st.
        Guilmette, J.  0.,  142 St. Paul st.  Moore, James,  12 Notre Dame st.
        Harkin, Henry,  118 Notre Dame st.  Muldoon, P., 170 Notre Dame st.
        Hamilton, Andrew,  16 McGill st.    Murphy, Miss, 188 Notre Dame st.
        Harmer, H., 58 St. Lawrence st.     Nault, David, 51 St. Paul st.
        Hafferty,  Patrick, 79 St. Paul st.  Papineau, Mrs., 35 St. Joseph st.
        Hartley, Edward, 73 St. Paul st.    Papineau, Antoine, 46 St. Joseph st.
        Hudon, E. & V., 100 St. Paul st.    Parent, D., St. Lawrence st.
        Hudon, Lesueur & Quevillon,  106 St. Paul st.  Parkin, James, 114J Notre Dame st.
        Jago, William, 2J St. Mary st.      Patterson, A., 54 St. Lawrence st.
        Jordan, James, 154 St. Paul st.     Perrin, Ferdinand,  106 St. Paul st.
        Kelleney, Louis,  106 Notre Dame st.  Pich6, L6on, 131 St. Lawrence st.
        Keenan, Mrs., Jacques Cartier square.  Prevost, Amable,  108 St. Paul st.
        Laflamme, Mrs., College st.         Price, Martin, Jacques Cartier square.
        Lafontaine, Leandre,  143 St. Paul st.  Prud'homme Francis, 84 Notre  Dame st.
        Lamarche,  G. D., 49 St. Lawrence st.  . Renaud, F. & Co., 76 and 88 Notre Dame at.
        Laviolette, H., 82 St. Paul st.     Roy, Adolphe, 71 St. Paul.
        Lazure & Brothers, 108 St. Paul st.  Roy & Dufort,  64 St. Paul st.
        Leclaire, F. & J.,  112 St. Paul st.  Roy, Joseph, 70 St. Paul st.
        Leighton, Mrs., Wellington st.      Senecal, Denis, 126 Notre Dame st.
        Lesperance, A. & T., 82 St. Paul st.  Senecal, Francis, 65 St. Paul st.
        Limoges & Brother, 49 St. Lawrence st.  Senecal, Francis, Montcalm st.
        Martin, E. P., 88 St. Paul st.      Smith, Alexander, 117 St. Paul st.
        McAndrew, Robert, 99 St. Paul st.   St. Jean, R.,  65 St. Paul st.
        McCrae, Mrs.,  101 St. Lawrence st.  Stafford,  William, Wellington st.
        McCormick, Arthur, Jacques Cartier square.  Stevenson, A.,  18 McGill st.
        McCormick, Mrs., 79 St. Paul st.    Tierney, Mrs., 67 St. Paul st.
        McElwee, Mrs., Lagauchetiere st.    Turgeon & Monet, 96 St. Paul st.
        Mcllhone, Mrs., 48 St. Mary st.     Waldron, H., 23 St. PauL
        Mclntyre, Daniel, Wellington st.    Watt, R.,  36 St. TJrbain st.
        McManamy, William, 206 Notre Dame st.  Wells, H. & R.,  164 Notre Dame st.
        McNeice, James, 21 St. Paul st.
               tlOHISOY          CAMERON             &    E9IPEY,

                                      IMPOKTEBS  OT

                     No.  202  NOTRE  DAME  STREET, WEST    END,
             WHOLESALE                     AND        RETAIL.

               Stock unequalled in Montreal for extent or variety.

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        T1GUEES.    Parties  visiting  Montreal  would do well  to examine  their  stock  before
        making purchases.
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