Page 193 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 193
CHAPPLE, ALFRED, 116 Notre Dame st.—stationery, combs, brushes, paper hangings,
and fancy goods of every description, wholesale and retail, at low prices.
HOLLAND, E., 124 Notre Dame St., opposite the centre gate of the English Church,
imports fancy goods, toys, and paper hangings, all of which are offered, either
wholesale or retail, on favorable terms.
HOLLAND, GEORGE A., corner of Notre Dame and St. Francois Xavier sts., imports
combs, fancy goods, paper hangings, looking glasses^ toys, jewellery, &c, &c,
which he offers wholesale or retail, on very reasonable terms.
NELSON & BUTTERS, wholesale dealers in fancy goods, clocks, combs, paper hangings,
Sec, &c, and manufacturers of corn brooms, and brushes, 22 M/Gili st.
SHARPLEY, R., importer of, and wholesale and retail dealer in every description of
fancy goods, stationery, &c, &c, 131 Notre Dame st. See card, page 204.
THOMSON, JOHN, Notre Dame st.—fancy goods, stationery, perfumery, baskets, toys,
cheap music, umbrellas, cutlery, Scotch butter prints, &c, constantly on hand, and
for sale, wholesale and retail, at the lowest possible prices.
TRIGG, F., 122 Notre Dame st.—a general stock of paper hangings, fancy articles, and
toys of every description, for sale wholesale and retail, at very moderate prices.
Samuels, A., 169 Notre Dame st.
PERRY, GEORGE, 124 Craig st. See card.
The Proprietor would intimate that he does not intend pegging along as usual, but
on the contrary, intends to keep pace with the times, and will, accordingly, keep on
hand and for Sale, Small PORTABLE FIRE ENGINES (on wheels), warranted the
best article of the kind in Canada, varying in price, according to size, viz. 5 £6, £ 12 10s.,
£ 15, £20, £25, and upwards. Also SUCTION, Portable, from £25 to £75, complete,
with Copper-rivetted Hose, and made to order. First-Class Fire-Engine, from £75 to
£350. Hose, Reels, Suction and Leading Hose (Oak-Tanned Leather).
The Subscriber feels confident that the Engines made by him will give satisfaction,
as they are always constructed of the best materials to be found in the Province ; and it
is now universally known (or should be so), that the Engine which he sent to the great
Exhibition in London, beat every thing in the shape of a Fire-Engine with which it came
in competition, and, no doubt, the very best in England were opposed to his. At the trial
in London, Perry's Engine discharged 6 quarts of water per man, each minute, more
than the best working English engine opposed to it.
All Orders punctually attended to, and numerous references to parties who have
used the Engines can be given. GEORGE PERRY.