Page 185 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 185
194 iSoNTREAL.
SENIOR, SAMUEL, 18 St. Frangbis Xavier st., general commission merchant, and agent
for the St. Catherine's powder magazine.
SMITH, J. B. & Co., 201 St. Paul St., general, commission, leather merchants, grocers, &c.
TYRE, COLQUHOUN & Co., 160^ St. Paul St., general commission merchants.
VENNOR, HENRY & Co., 3 St. Sacrament st., general commission merchants.
WARD, JOSEPH, general commission merchant,' 3 St. Sacrament st., representative of
Alexander Denistoun & Co. New York.
WHYTE, JOHN, commission and general merchant, corner of St. Nicholas and St. Sacn-
ment sts.—particular attention paid to the purchase, sale, and shipping of merchandise.
Auld, Edward W., 191 St. Paul st. M'Limont, A. & Co., 33 St. Francois Xavier rt.
Barnard, James, St. John st. M'Farlane, Archibald & Co. 190 St. Paul st.
David, H. J., St. Joseph st. Hayes, Andrew, 123 St. Paul st.
Dempster, George, St. Eloi st._ Lindsay, Charles, 3 St. Sacrament st.
Donegani, J. M., 61 Commissioners st. M'Lennan, Hugh, Common st.
Fraser, Hugh, St. Sacrament st. Radenhurst, C. B., St. Sacrament st.
Kadwell, Charles, 123 St. Paul st. Raymond, P., 162 St. Lawrence st.
Lindsay, William, St. Joseph st. Russell, Hector, Commercial huildings, St. Paul it
M'Gill, Andrew, 33 St. Francois Xavier st.
ALEXANDER, CHARLES, 177^ Notre Dame st.—parties supplied on short notice, a choice
variety of confectionery always on hand.
'BOWIE, EDWARD, 57 Notre Dame st.—every kind of confectionery supplied on the
shortest notice to wedding or other parties.
•CRERAR, D. W., 139 Notre Dame st.—all kinds of confectionery for sale, wholesale or
retail, upon reasonable terms.
FLETCHER, JOHN, 175 Notre Dame st.—Fletcher's celebrated hoarhound candy for sale
wholesale or retail, confectionery of all kinds constantly on hand.
M'CONKEY, SAMUEL, 105 Notre Damest.—confectionery, preserves, &c, constantly on
hand—parties supplied on short notice.
MCDOUGALL, AMES, 195 Notre Dame st.—confectionery of the best quality constantly
for sale, wholesale and retail, at low prices.
WILLIAMS, RICHARD, Place d'Armes hill—oysters, sandwiches, sardines, wines, liquors
and ginger beer of superior quality always on hand.
Birche, David, 57 St. Mary st. King, Richard, 48 McGill st.
Burns, Mrs., 36 St. Joseph st. McBride, William, 33 McGill st.
Hupre", Joseph, 38 St. Lawrence st. Mochrie, George, 23 Notre Dame st.
Keiller, Mrs.,. 127 Notre Dame st. Wilson, Abraham, 1 St. Joseph st.
BATTLE, THOMAS, general cooperage, St. Peter St., adjoining old St. Andrew's church.
MCGIBBON &, BROWN, general cooperage, Hospital st., near the Transcript office.
Bird, William, Queen st., Griffintown. Howley, James, Wellington st.
Ferguson, A. & D., George st., Griffintown. Lafricain, O., 29 Campeau st.
Filiatrault, Octave, Seaton st. Lafricain, E., 38 St. Lewis st.
Forbes, Joseph, St. Germain st. Lozon, Francis, 37 St. Charles Borrome'e st.
Gram, William, Common st., Griffintown. Morin, Louis, Bonaventure st.
Eli, Peter, 15 Campeau st. Tessier, Xavier, 62 St. Denis st.
Holliday, James, King st., Griffintown.
GARTH, CHARLES, 50 Craig st., coppersmith, plumber, baths and gasfitter. See card.
HEARLE, JAMES, 36 Great St. James St., coppersmith, plumber, gasfilter, and manu-
facturer of diving apparatus.
PROWSE, GEORGE F.,38 Great St. James st.,coppersmith, plumber and gasfitter. See card.
WARMINTON, RICHARD, 230 St. Paul St., opposite Greene & Sons, plumber, tinplate
worker and gasfitter.
Glen, C, St. Peter st. | Mitchell, & McArthur, St. Henry st.
CHERRIER, G. H., French and English translator, copyist, and collector, Dorchester st.,
near the hospital.
fiibaud, Michael, French translator and copyist, j Lovelace, Robert, translator of French, German
75 Craig st. j & Dutch, and copyist, St. Charles Borrom6e st.