Page 187 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 187

196                          MONTREAL.

            M&xtfntmm                                          MANUFACIORER



                             Of   All

          Refrigerators   or Summer     Ice Houses of a    Superior Quality.

            G.  F.  PROWSE  would  respectfully  invite  public  attention  to  his  last  Patent

          of  which the above cut presents  a  front  and end view.  This apparatus erected in •
          Mtchen  will

          in a manner  every  way  superior to any other now in use.  By an  arrangement  of  the
          SUMMER   APPARATUS a very   small  fire is required  for cooking, and no heat, (ex-
          cept required), need be felt in the house.  Another  great  advantage in  this Furnace »
          a  still smaller apparatus  for broiling and  boiling, the  smell of which is entirely  carried op
          the Furnace, and  hot water  can  be sent to any  part  of the  building for baths, &e., whfilft-
         by a great  saving is effected  both in fuel  and labour.

                                  CORK  MANUFACTURER.
         PEARSON,  GEORGE B., 3 St. Joseph st. near  McGill  st., importer and manufacturer  of
             corks of all kinds.
         Barsalo & Dominique, St. Nicholas st,
                                 DAGUERREOTYPE  ARTISTS,
          ATKINSON & BUXTON, Notre  Dame st., opposite the City hall—daguerreotypes  of every
             kind taken in a very  superior  style—the  public are invited to call and  examine the
              specimens  now on view.
          DOANE,  T.  C ,  Place  d'Armes,  over  Lyman's  drug  store—daguerreotypes  taken  by
              sky-light  on the most improved principles, and likenesses warranted.  See card.
          Desnoyers, M., corner  of Notre  Dame  and St. f  Palmer, Francis, 8 Notre Dame st.
           Vincent sts.

                                   OLD  AND LONG  ESTABLISHED
          DAGUERREOTYPE                                   ROOMS,

                                        (UP  STAIE9,)

            Miniatures  Finished  and  Coloured  in  the  Highest  style  of Art'
         Has  constantly  on hand  all sorts  of Daguerreotype  material  used: in the process, at a
                              small advance on New  York prices.
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