Page 170 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 170
SWEENY, CAMPBELL, 23 Little St. James st.
TAYLOR, HUGH, Little St. James st.
TORRANCE, F . W., 33 Little St. James st.
WOOD, D. R., of Macrae & Wood, 23 Little St. James st.
Abbott, Christopher C», Little St. James st, Herbert, Alexander, 51 Little St. James st.
Bancroft, H., 49 Little St. James st Ibbottson, H. J., St. Therese st
Bender, F. X., St. Th6rese st. Judah, Henry, 31 Little St. James st.
Betournay, Louis, 3 St. Vincent st. Lafrenaye, P. R., 8 St. Vincent st.
Bibaud, E. ? 37 Little St James st Lamothe, A., 8 St. Vincent st
Bibaud, P., 37 Little St James st. Mondelet, Arthur, 18 Little St James st.
Bibaud, M., 25 St. Gabriel st Morris, L. E., 51 Little St. James st
Campbell, John, Place d'Armes. Morin, J. A., St. Vincent st
Chamberlain, B., 49 Little St James st Nye, Thomas, 8 St. Therese st.
David & Joseph, 33 Little St. James st. Peltier & Namenville, 13 St. Lambert st
Delisle, John, 33 Little St. James st Platt, John, 21 Little St. James st.
Demeray, P. O.,St. Lawrence hill. Pominville, F. P., 18 St. Vincent st.
Doutre, Joseph, 31 St. Gabriel st Scott, James, 14 St Vincent st
Driscoll, Henry, Q. C., St. Therese st Stevenson, A., 45 Little St James st
Dubord, E., Sanguinet st, corner Craig st Stuart, Henry, St. Therese st.
Fleming, J. R., St. Jean Baptiste st. Tailhaides, J. A., 16 St. Vincent st.
Frost, John, St. Jean Baptiste st' Unwin, Robert, 12 St. Vincent st.
Gugy, B. C. A., Little St James st Viger, L. Labreche, 2 Little St James st.
Hawley, J. A., St Therese st
BREWSTER, W. & C , 184 St. Paul st.
FLECK, ALEXANDER, 11 St. Peter at. See card, page 180.
HAGAR, GEORGE, 103 St. Paul st.
BOURNE, GEORGE, Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St. James st.
PHILIPS, GEORGE, 6 Great St. James st.
Macnamara, W. II., 27 St. Gabriel st.
FOOTNER, WILLIAM, 159 Notre Dame st., architect and civil engineer.
MCDONALD, J. F., 73£ Mountain st, architect and civil engineer.
OSTELL, JOHN, architect and civil engineer, 37 Fortification lane, and office for the
new court-house, corner of Jacques Cartier square and Notre Dame st.
SCOBELL, X, architect and contractor, 45 Stewart's buildings, St. Mary st.
SPRINGLE, J. H., 36 Great St. James st., architect and civil engineer—designs, estimates,
and working-drawings prepared for architectural and engineering works.
WELLS, JOHN, architect, civil engineer, and landscape gardener, Little St. James st.—
parties at a distance can be furnished with plans by sending a sketch of the ground
plot upon which the improvements are to be made.
Brown, George, 56 Craig st Smith, William, 27 Little St James st.
McFarlane, J. S., 67 St. Urbain st. Taylor, A. D., Cote St. Antoine.
JSmith, George H.,26 Great St James st
ATKINSON & BUXTON, Notre Dame st, opposite the City Hall.
Duncan, James, 64 St Lewis st Lock, F. W., Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St. James
Kreighoff, C., Odd Fellows' Hall, Gt. St. James st st
BERNARD, HARKIN, & Co., 152 St. Paul st.—liberal advances made on consignments.
BRIDGE, THOMAS H., Nun's Buildings, St. Joseph st.
FISHER & ARMOUR, 23 St. Francois Xavier st.—liberal advances made on all descriptions
of property consigned to their care.
HILL, C. F., 27 Great St. James st.—advances made on consignments and prompt
returns of sales rendered.
LEEMING & SABINE, 17 St. Francois Xavier st.—liberal advances made on all descriptions
of consignments.
SCOTT & GLASSFORD, 211 St. Paul st.
SHIPWAY, J. G., 14 St. Francois Xavier st.—advances made on consignments of property
of every description.