Page 165 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 165

174                          MONTREAL.
                   NATIONAL              LOAN        FUND

       LIFE          ASSURANCE                        SOCIETY

                  I N C O R P O R A T E D  BY  ACT  OP  P A R L I A M E N T


       T.  L.  MURRAY,        J. ELLIOTSON,  M. D., F. R. S.  J.  RAWSON,
       E.  S. SYMES,          C.  TABOR,              J.  THOMPSON,
       A.  VIGNE,             H.  CROFT,              W.  KENNAWAY,
       Sm  A. KNIGHT,  M.  D.  S.  WALKER,            G.  FULLER.

                      MESSRS  GLYNN,  HALIFAX,  MILLS  &  COMPANY.

                                  COMC  ffi\xtttQt$ f  fflwlxtd.
                B.  HOLMES,                        W.  LUNN,
                A.  L A R O C Q U E ,              REV.  J.  FLANGAN.
                                   E.  R.  FABRE.

      THIS INSTITUTION  embraces important  aud  substantial  advantages with  respect to Life  Assurance
      and  deferred  Annuities.  The  assured has on all occasions  the power  to  borrow,  without  expense  or
      forfeiture  of Policy, one half  of the Premiums paid,  also the  option of selecting benefits,  and the conver-
      sion  of his interests to meet  other  convenience  or necessity.
        Assurances  for terms  of years at the lowest  possible rates.
        Persons insured for  Life  can at  once borrow half  the  amount  of  Annual  Premium  without  any se-
      curity,  beyond endorsement on policy  which remains with  the assured.
        All  claims arising in the Province  settled  without  reference to the Court  of Directors in England, on
      satisfactory  proof  of death being furnished  to the Local  Board at  Montreal.
        The following  extracts from  the  Actuary's  Report,  submitted at the  12th Annual  General  Meeting
      in London  on the 8th May,  1851, exhibit the present  position  of  the  Society :
        "  The  affairs  of the Society, calculated up to December  1st,  1850, may  be  stated thus:'—
      Amount  of investments, together  with present  value of income from annual premiums,£l ,030,882  14  0
      Present  value  of liabilities  on all assurances, annuities, &c,  including paid-up capital,  926,821  17  2
                                  Balance                        £104,060  1610
        "  Up to the  end of the year  1850 the total number  of policies in  force  amounts to 4,314, and  the  an-
      nual  income arising therefrom  to £63,590,  covering assurances,  including whole  life,  term,  and  mis-
      cellaneous  policies, to the extent  of no less than £2,072,688.
        "  The successful  progress  of the Society is plainly indicated in the following statement  of the amounts
      of annual income  on existing policies at the  end  of the respective years, viz:—
                    1846,                           £39,747  15  1
                    1847,                            42,749  3  3
                    1848,                            45,103  2  4
                    1849,                            54,496  15  2
                    1850,                            63,590  8  4
        The new business, from  the  end  of the year up to the present time, amounts to  342 policies, assuring
      £177,209,  and producing an  additional  income  of £6 ?090  13s. 2d.
                                        FREDERICK     R.  STARR,
                                   General Agent,  Britiii  North  American Colonies,
                                      Office, 17  Or eat  St.  James  street, Montreal'
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