Page 166 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 166

MONTREAL.                            175
               EQUITABLE                           FIRE

                            OF     LONDON.

                   CAPITAL-£500,000,             Sterling.

                                              in          ,
          T.  L.  MURRAY,                    J.  RAWSON,
          R.  GOUGH,                         C.  TABOR,
          J.  MOSS,                          H.  CROFT,
          E.  S.  SYMES,                     M.  C.  MAHER,
          W.  A.  BENNETT,                   J.  SHAW,
          SIR  A. W.  HILLARY,               A.  VIGNE.

              MESSRS.   GLYNN,   HALIFAX,    MILLS   &  COMPANY.

          W.  LUNN,                          A.  LAROCQUE,
          J.  TORRANCE,                      J.  FROTHINGHAM.
      BY a constant  analysis of its own experience  from  time to time,  this  Institution  will
      adopt  such  rates of Premium  as the nature of the risk may justify.
        An  annual  investigation  will be made  into each  class of risk, and a return  of one-half
      the  nett excess  will be made to all classes of Insurers  whose  policies have  been in force
      for  three  years.
        The insured are free  from  the liabilities  of a  Mutual  Insurance  Society, and entitled,
      according to the plan  of the Company, to a return  of half the profits.
        No  charge  made  for policies, nor for removals or alterations by endorsements.
        Losses  paid,  without  reference  to the London  Court  of Directors, on satisfactory  proof
      being  afforded  the Local Board in  this City.
                                          FREDERICK    R. STARR,
                                  General  Agent,  Britisfi  North  American  Colonies,
                                     Office,  17 Great  St.  James  street,  Montreal.
       flute                                        Cnntim

                    PAID  IIP CAPITAL—£1,000,000,  STERLING.
       THE  Undersigned  CONTINUE to INSURE  FIRE  and LIFE  RISKS, and to SETTLE  LOSSES on
       advantageous terms.
                                             RYAN,  CHAPMAN    & CO.
        31 Cuvillier's  Buildings, St. Peter street,  Montreal.  Jgenlsfor  Canada.
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