Page 175 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 175

184                          MONTREAL.
           CAMPBELL                              BEYSON,

        JVo.  24 St.  Franqois  ILavier  street,  opposite  St.  Sacrament  street^
                                PUBLISHES       T H E
                 NATIONAL       AND OTHER        SCHOOL      BOOKS,
                           AND  HAS  CONSTANTLY  ON  HAND,  ALL  KINDS  OF
                           anil       Irnnnrf

                   Plain      and    Fancy       Stationery,
         LEDGERS,   Journals,  Day  Books,  and  every  description  of Blank  Books,  Ruled,
         Printed  and  boundMo  order;  Note  Paper,  Writing  Paper,  and  Envelopes;  Military
         Ledgers,  Blank  Forms, &c.;  Quills, Steel  Pens, Pencils,  Sealing Wax;  Pen  Knives,
         Ink  Stands, Writing  Ink,  Pocket-Books,  Portfolios, Writing  Desks ;  Copying  Presses,
         Copying  Paper,  and Letter  Books,  Bill  Books,  Bank  Cheques,  Bills  of Exchange;
         Coloured  Papers, Drawing  Materials,  and  Mathematical  Instruments;  Albums,  Scrap
         Books, Music  Books;  Gold  Pens, Ivory  Tablets,  Silver  Pencil  Cases;  Guide  Books,
         Maps,  Sketch  Books, &c, &c.
           Bibles, Prayer  Books, Church  Services, &c, in Plain  and  Elegant  Bindings.

           BOOKSELLER                    AND        STATIONER,

                              Great  St.  James  Street,
                       I M C
        HAS  constantly  on  hand a large  and  superior  Stock of STANDARD,  LAW,  MIS-
        CELLANEOUS,     CLASSICAL   and SCHOOL    BOOKS,  together  with  a  choice
        assortment  of Fine  ENGRAVINGS,  MAPS,  GUIDE  BOOKS,   FANCY   STA-
        TIONERY,   &c,  &c,  all  of which  he  offers  upon  very  reasonable terms.
          Orders are  also  made up  Monthly  for  Great  Britain,  and  Weekly  for New York,
        and  all  publications which  are  required  from  either  England  or the  United  States,  are
        furnished  upon  the  shortest  possible notice.

                             No.  195  Notre  Dame  Street,  Montreal.
        PUBLISHES  Monthly, the LOWER  CANADA  AGRICULTURAL  JOURNAL,  in  English  and
        French, at 5s. per annum.  He is also Publisher, of the  SNOW  DROP, a Canadian Juvenile Magazine,
        published monthly at 5s. per  annum.  He is Agent  for  nearly every  PERIODICAL  WORK  of any  merit
        published in America,  including
        The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign  Literature,  Sartain's  Magazine,
        •Hunt's Merchant's  Magazine,       Graham's  Magazine.
        Harper's  Magazine,                 Columbian  Magazine,
        Silliman's Journal  of Science  and Arts, "  Godey's Lady's Book,
        Biblical  Repository,               Horticulturist,  Cultivator,
        Bibliotheca  Sacra,                 And  works  of a similar nature.
                       ALSO,—The  " Home Journal,"  and " Weekly  Tribune."
          From the  facilities  which  he possesses, R. W. L. is able to deliver the  works referred to, and many
        others, at New  York prices—orders  for books, Periodicals, &c, &c,  will  be thankfully  received, and
        promptly  attended to.
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