Page 168 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 168

MONTREAL.                            177

                             ACADEMIES,  SCHOOLS, &c
      DEVINE, REV., J. A. (A. M.)  Montreal  grammar  school,  46 St. Louis  st.  See card.
      DUTTON, JOSEPH T., 112  Craig street  and  Fortification  lane.  See  card.
      MONTREAL  HIGH  SCHOOL, Belmont st.—H. A. Howe,  rector ; T. A. Gibson, 1st mas-
          ter ;  David  Rodger,  2nd master;  L.  Montier,  French  master;  John  Follenus,
          music master;  Rev.  Mr. Hutchinson, preparatory  and  drawing  master.
      PHILLIPS, S., St. Urbain  st. academy, No. 54 St.  Urbain  st., secretary to the  Protestant
          board of examiners.
      Abbott, Miss,  31 St. Antoine st.  Malcolm, Miss, 77 Craig st.
      Anderson, J. M., 56 Craig st.      Marshall  & Brooks, Mesdames, St. Lewis st.
      Buchanan,  Misses, 66 Craig st.    Matchitt,  Miss, Radegonde st.
      Colt,  "W. H.,  33 St.  Antoinejst.  Minshall,  John,  British  and Canadian  school,
      Cowan, Mrs., 5 Bonaventure st.       C6t6 st.
      Christian Brethren's  Schools, Vitre st., between  National School, R. H. Radford,  Bonsecours st.
        Cote and Chenneville sts.        Picken, Miss, St. Lawrence  hill.
      Davis, D., 62 Bonaventure st.      Power,  Miss, 34 St. Lawrence st.
      Edwards, Mr. and Mrs.,  110 St. Joseph st.  Roles, Mrs., female diocesan school, Cdte House.
      Godaire, Miss, 45 Bonaventure st.  Stewart, Andrew,  Fortification  lane.
      Hardisty, Miss, 22 Bonaventure st.  Turner,  Misses, 51 St. Urbain st.
      Harris, C. E., 87  Craig st.       Watson, C. P.,  Mansion house, College st.
      Harvey,  Miss, 71 St. Antoine st.  Wetenhall  & Grafton, Mesdames, 43 St. Joseph st.
      Lyman,  Miss, St. Helen st.

                              46  St. Louis  Street,
                                 UNDER THE  CAKE OF
                    THE    REV.   J. A. DEVINE,       A.M.,
                      Alum,  and  Grad., King's  Coll.  University,  Aberdeen.

      THE  course of study pursued in this School,  embraces  the  ordinary branches  required for Mercantile-
      •Pursuits, as well as the  higher  departments of Classical and Mathematical  Learning.
        The  immediate  province of Education  being the formation of suitable  Moral and Intellectual  Habits,
      rather than the mere memorial accumulation of facts, due attention is paid, both in the  classification  of
      the  Pupils, and  in the direction of their Studies, to this primary  object,  and it is deemed  necessary to
      recommend, on all fitting  occasions, the fear  of God  and the love of our neighbour,  as the only  safe
      foundation  on which learning can rest.
        A  List of Reierences to Parents whose sons  have made  most creditable  proficiency in their  Studies
      during their  attendance at this School, may be had  on personal  application.
        Private  Lessons in Book-keeping,  Rhetoric, Logic, Mental  and Moral  Philosophy.
        N.  B.—Pupils belonging to the Classical or Mathematical  Department,  are at liberty to pursue  any
      branches in the Senior English  Class, without  extra  charge.
                             Fees payable quarterly in advance.
        Arrangements have been  made  for the  reception of a  limited  number of Boarders,  to whom  every
      attention  will be paid.  Terms  made known on application.
        MONTREAL, June, 1851.

                 112  Craig Street  and   Fortification  Lane,
              Corresponding Member of the  United  States  National  Institute,
                                 PRINCIPAL  OF  THE

        In  which a liberal  Education,  equal to any in Canada, may be obtained at a moderate expense.
        Vacations, 1 month in Summer, and a fortnight at Christmas.  '
        Board  and  Education,  Jt'25 to £30  per Annum,  including washing.
        Circulars  containing farther  information  can be had by applying to the  principal  (if by letter,  post-
      paid) as above.
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