Page 173 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 173
BARRATT, J. B., agent for George Virtue, Son & Co., of London, 107 Craig st. See
card, page 186.
BRYSON, CAMPBELL, bookseller, stationer, paper ruler, blank book manufacturer and
publisher of the national and other school books; 24 St. Francois Xavier st. See
card, page 184.
BEAUCHEMIN, O., bookseller, stationer and bookbinder, 81 St. Paul st.—a chftice stock
of French books, &c, always on hand—bookbinding neatly and promptly executed.
CHALMERS, R., & Co., booksellers, stationers, printsellers and dealers in fancy articles,
&c, 8 Great St. James st.
DAWSON, BENJAMIN", importer of English, French and American books, stationery, &c. t
and of English newspapers, and English and American magazines, reviews, &c, 2
Place d'Armes. See card.
DREDGE, F . C , & A., stationers, paper rulers and bookbinders, 229^ St. Paul st.—
paper ruling done to order in a superior manner with despatch, and upon moderate
FABRE, E. R., & Co., importers of French books, stationery, engravings, &c., 3 SL
Vincent st.
LAY, R. W., publisher and periodical depot, 195 Notre Dame st. See card, page 184.
MCCOT, JOHN, bookseller, stationer and printseller, and agent for the American Art
Union, Insurance Company's buildings, Great St. James st. See card, page 184.J
MCGREGOR, R., binder, 22 Great St. James st.—bookbinding of every description execu-
ted in good style, and upon very reasonable terms.
MILLER, R., & A., booksellers, stationers and binders, and publishers of the national
school books, 10 St. Francois Xavier st. See card, page 185.
MILNE, JAMES, bookseller and agent for the Bible Society, the Religious Tract Society
and the Sunday School Union, 31 Great St. James st.
PICKUP, E., Wesleyan book depot, rear of Wesleyan church, Great St. Jafnes st., has
constantly on hand Wesley's Hymns and a variety of other religious publications,
wholesale and retail.
ROLLAND, J. B., dealer in French books, stationery and fancy articles, book binder and
paper ruler, 24 St. Vincent st.
SADLIER, D., & J., importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in books, stationery,
179 Notre Dame st. See card, page 186.
engravings, &c. ?
WEIR & DUNJST, importers, wholesale stationers and blank book manufacturers, Great
St. James st., opposite the Bank of British North America.
Chapeleau, Z., 84 Notre Dame st. Mclntosh, William, binder, 13 St. Gabriel st.
Cunningham, H. H., 23 Notre Dame st. Perrawlt, Louis, 7 St. Vincent st.
Flynn, James, second hand books, Alexander st» Ruthven, James, stationer and binder, 204 St.
Gendron, P., 29 St. Gabriel st. Paul st.
Graham, Robert, stationer, 186 St. Paul st. Turtle, E. C, stationer, 167 St Paul st.
Lamothe, J. M., 151 Notre Dame st.
KEEPS on hand a complete assortment of Plain and Fancy Stationery, Engravings,
Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Pen and Pocket Knives, School Books, Blank Books,
Medical Works, Standard Works in various departments of Literature, and is constantly
receiving by Express all the New Cheap, and Interesting Periodical and Ephemeral
Publications of the day.
British Newspapers and other Periodicals supplied with regularity.
Orders made up Monthly for Great Britain and France, and Weekly for the United