Page 164 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 164

MONTREAL.                             173
                            HALF CREDIT     SYSTEM.
         The  Company  grants  assurances  on  the  following  plan  :•—Half  of  the  Annual  Pre-
       mium  will be  received  for  the first five or  seven years, the  remaining  half, with  interest,
       being chargeable  as  a  debt  on the  policy, to  be paid  off when  convenient,  or, at  the  op-
       tion  of the  assured, to be  deducted  at  settlement  of claim.
         Assured  are  at liberty  to pass  from  any  part  of North  America to any  part  of Europe,
       tvithout  extra  charge.
                         PROTECTIVE     ASSURANCES.
                               WHOLE-WORLD  LICENSE.
         Persons  accepting  Life  Assurance  Policies as  a  security  for  Money  advanced,  gene-
       rally  run  the  risk  of  the  party  going beyond  the  limits  of  his  Policy,  and  incurring  a
       forfeiture.  The  COLONIAL  COMPANY  are  ready  to grant  Policies,  at  a  slightly increased
       rate  of Premium,  (varying  from  5s.  to  10s.  per  cent.),  covering  the  risk  of  a  party
      proceeding  to  any  part  of  the  world  at  an  after  period,  provided  always  the  Com-
       pany  are  satisfied that  the  party  has  no intention  of  going to an  unhealthy  climate.

         The  risk  to  commence  on  a  child  attaining  Eighteen  or  Twenty-one  years  of  age,
       with  liberty  to live  in  any  part  of the  world. *  As  all Premiums  are  compensated  before
       the  risk  commences, the  Assurance  becomes  a  simple'promise  to pay,  on  the  death  of
       party,  unconditionally.
                     WITHOUT PROFITS.                WITHOUT PROFITS.
         birth-day.  Single Pre- Annual  Prem. j birth-day. Single Pre- Annual  Prem.
                    mium     ceasing at  18.        mium     ceasing at 21.

                   £  S.  d.   £  s.  d.           £  s.  d.   £  s.  d.
             1     19 17  6    1  16  6      1     17 16  2    1   9  3
             6     29  4  0   2  19   i—i    6     26  3  3    2  4  6
            11     35  2  9   5   11 2      11     31  9  9    3  13  5

        The  assured  may  participate  in  profits  on  payment  of  a  very  slightly  increased
                  TO   PARENTS       AND     GUARDIANS.

        The  Endowment  System  of  Life  Assurance  now  adopted  by  the  COLONIAL  LIFE
      ASSURANCE  COMPANY,  cannot  fail  to be  appreciated  by  those, who  wish  to  make  pro-
      vision  for their  children in after  life.  A young man, on attaining Eighteen or  Twenty-one
      Years  of Age,  can  have no more valuable  gift  or  endowment than  a Policy untrammelled
      by  conditions  and  unburdened  by payments  of any  kind.
        Policies  opened  under  the  above  scheme  will  be  purchased  by the  Company  at  an
      equitable  rate  at  any  time  after  the  Assurance  comes into  effect,  namely,  at  18 or 21
      respectively,  so that, if the  Assurance  is not required, the  Policy  has the  effect  of  secur-
      ing  an  endowment.
                                  WILL.   THOS.  THOMSON,    Actuary.
                                  H.  J.  WILLIAMS, Secretary.
                                  A. DAVIDSON    PARKER, Manager,   Canada.
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