Page 162 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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                          INCORPORATED  BY  ACT  OF  PARLIAMENT.
       OFFICES: 38 King street, Hamilton;  27 St. Francois Xavier street, MONTREAL.

          HUGH   C. BAKER,  Esq., President,  j  JOHN  YOUNG, Esq.,  Vice-President.
                         THOS. M.  SIMONS,  Esq.,  Secretary.

       Hon. Jos. BOURRET,  Chairman.        WM. WORKMAN, Esq.
       J.  G. MACKENZIE,  Esq.,  Vice-Chairman.  GEORGE  E.  CARTIER, Esq.,M.P.P.
                            HEW   RAMSAY,  Esq., Manager.
             Solicitor.—L. T.  DRUMMMOND, Esq., M. P. P.,  Solicitor  General.
             Medical  Adviser.—ARCHD.  HALL, Esq., M. D.
             THOS. RAMSAY, Esq.,  Secretary.
                     tS"  See also Card under  the head of  HAMILTON,  page  96.
       THE  FOURTH  ANNUAL MEETENG^TttirCOMPljNiTwaa  held  on the  5th  AUGUST,  1851,
       when a lengthened Report was read, which  gave great  satisfaction  to all  present.  The  following  ex-
       tracts will be read with  interest:
        The number  of  Policies issued in  the year  ending the  30th April, 1851, was 278, assuring  £113,722
       3s. 5d., and creating  an additional  income  from  premiums  of  £3,174  19s.  9d.:  the  excess upon  the
       business of  the preceding year  being 45 policies, £9,980 8s. lOd. assurances, and £13611s. 9d. income.
        The business actually  in  force  (all  policies  upon  which  renewal  payments  were  due  and  unpaid
       having  been  cancelled)  was comprised  in  665 Policies,  assuring £274,867  2s.  2d. upon  582  separate
       lives, two Annuity bonds, securing £160,  and  one Endowment  bond  for £100,  the  whole  yielding  an
       income, exclusive  of the  interest upon the invested  means  of the  Company  of £7,930 lls.  lOd.
        The Receipts  of the  Company  during the  period  embraced by this report, have been,  £14328  16  4
        Balance  on hand,  30th April,  1850,                      10468  5  1
                Total,                        :.                 £24797  1  7
        And the Expenditure  for the same period,  .  .  .  .  •  .  .  .  £  6664  11  9
        Leaving a balance of                                       18132  9 10
                                                                  £24797  1  7
          Which  was thus distributed:—
       Cash,                                                '  .  . £  48210  9
       Cash  at  Agencies,  .                                       464  3  3
       Investments,  .                                             12610  19 11
       Investments  on  Policies,                                   3624  2  1
       Real Estate,                                                 641 10 10
       Office  Furniture,                                           132  1  3
       Interest  accrued  on investments to April  30, 1851,        177  1  9
                                                                 £18132  9  1
        The  Company  had been  considerably over two years  in existence before it sustained what  is  popu-
      larly but erroneously termed  a " loss," and  for the  period  embraced  by the  last Annual Report, but one
      "  claim "  by  death matured,  and that  only  for  a trifling  amount.  During the  past  year  three  policies
      have become claims  on the  Company,  covering the  sum  of £1650, all  of which were  paid upon the re-
      ceipt  of the required  proofs  of  death  and  ownership,  and without the  delay provided  for  in  the  condi-
       tions  of assurance.
        In the preliminary  valuation  of the resources  and liabilities  of the  Company, to ascertain the amount
      of  profit  available  for distribution, the  Board  has continued  the  cautious system  explained  last  year:
      that  portion  only  of the income which  arises  from  premiums having been  included,  and  which repre-
      sents the  actual value of the risk undertaken by the  Company.
        In preparing the new tables,  care  has been  taken  to regulate them  so as to secure to the assured  in
      equitable proportions, the important advantage  of  the higher  rate  of  interest at which this  Company
      can make its investments.  Thus the young assurer, who may reasonably  look for  long  life, will find
      the new tables of this Company comparatively  more advantageous to him than the assurer  of increased
      age;  for while the rates  of the  generality  of British and American  offices  will be found  on an  average
      to exceed  them  from  6 to  10 per cent., at some  of  the  earlier  ages  the  excess  is  as  great  as  18  per
      cent.;  so that a policy  for £1180  could be secured in this  Company at the same yearly  cost as one  for
      £1000  in another  Company,  without depriving the party  assured  of  his  right to  share  in  the  profits
      which  even  an average  success must render  equal to  those  of  other  Companies.
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