Page 160 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 160

MONTREAL.                           169

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                   No.  1 Prince's   Street, Bank, London.

                       BRANCH   OFFICE   AT MONTREAL :

                      GENERAL    AGENT—J.   H.  MAITLAND.
                   A.  F.  HOLMES,  ESQ., M. D., MEDICAL  OFFICER.

                                   fcg  &ct  of ^Parliament.

         CAPITAL-OWE                MILLION          STERLING.


      THE  RATES   of this  Office  are as low as is consistent with  safely, and in  the different
      Tables, as set forth  in the Prospectuses  of the  Company, will be found,  (when  standing
      and  respectability are considered),  as  favorable  terms  as those  offered  by  any other
      office  doing business in Canada.  Examples of rates  are given  in  several  of the lead-
      ing papers  of the Province, and Prospectuses, PropQaafefrand  every  necessary  information
      may be had on application to          j^r  .
                    J.  H. MAITLAND,  GENERAL  AGENT,  MONTREAL.
                    ALFRED   G. SMYTH,  Esq%  LONDON, C. W.
                    FRANCIS  HEWARD,    ESQ. ,  TORONTO,  C. W.
                    CHARLES   F R E E L A N D , ' E S Q . ,  HAMILTON,  C. W.
                    ALEXANDER    DAVIDSON,   ESQ., NIAGARA,  C. W.
                    DAVID  BURN,  ESQ., COBOTJRG, C.  W.
                    THOMAS   BRIGGS,  ESQ., JUN., KINGSTON,  C. W.
                    ARCHIBALD    DOUGLAS,  ESQ., BYTOWN,  C. W.
                      OR  TO THE FOLLOWING  MEDICAL  REFEREES :
                    DR.  MACK,  ST. CATHERINES,  C.  W .
                    DR.  CONERNTON,   SIMCOE,  C.  W.
                    DR.  J.  B.  JOHNSON,  SHERBROOKE  AND STANSTEAD,  C.  E.
      Those  persons  wishing  to  participate in the profits, can be assured in the BRITANNIA
      MUTUAL    LIFE  ASSOCIATION,  of which the business is carried  on at the office of
      the  Proprietory Branch, but under the complete superintendence  of the Policy-holders,
       amongst  whom  ALL the PROFITS  are  annually  divided.  The last  declaration of
      profits,  in  all cases,  in  which  five  years  premium  had been  paid  previously  to the
       31st December,  1850,  amounted to 25 per cent
         The  Britannia  has  been  doing  business  in  Canada  for  fourteen  years,  during
       which time the Agent can confidently  appeal to all those who have held policies, which
       have become  claims,  to  establish  the promptitude  and  liberality of  the  Company in
       settling  losses.
         MONTREAL,  1851.
        N. B. The business of the Liverpool and London Assurance Company, (the advertisement of which
       appears on the following page), will probably be extended to the whole Province of Canada.
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