Page 137 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 137

       A VILLAGE  situated ia the Township of Markham, County of York, C. W.—distant  from  Toronto, 20
       miles—usual stage fare, 2s. 6d.  Population  about 650.
                      ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c,
       Armstrong, William, barley mill.    Hunter, H., storekeeper.
       Armstrong, William,  innkeeper.     Ireland, John, inspector of licenses.
       Barker, Archibald,  storekeeper and postmaster.  Kerr, Rev. P., Wesleyan  Methodist-
       Barker, A., grist mill  owner.      Milne, T. A., grist  mill  owner.
       Cash, David,  fanning machine and pumpmaker.  Milne, T., cloth  manufacturer.
       Crosbey, H. B., store  keeper.      Miller, Dr. Samuel.
       Doherty, Dr. John.                  Morrison, William,  inspector  of licenses..
       Eckart,  G., inspector  of licenses.  Pringle, James,  waggonmaker.
       Flemerfelt,  George,  storekeeper.  Robson, John, grist  mill  owner.
       Flemerfelt,  William,  tanner.      Robertson, John,  tanner.
        Forster, M. W., threshing machine manufacturer.  Scott, William,  waggonmaker.
       Gorkan, Miss, girls  school.        Schoules, F. H., boy's  school.
       Hall, C. F., waggonmaker.           Speight, Thomas,  waggonmaker.
       Hall, EL, innkeeper.                Stewart, Rev. James, Church  of Scotland.
       Holden, S., J. P., general store.   Wilson, G., junr.,  waggonmaker.
       Houck, Lewis,  storekeeper.         Wright, Dr. H. H.
       Houck, L., fanning  machine and pumpmaker.  Wright, S. R., & Co., foundry.
       TOWNSHIP  COUNCIL.—David  Reesor, reeve;  Henry Miller, deputy reeve ;  Samuel Reesor, C. Keller,
       George Pringle, junr.,  councillors—A. B. Crosbey,  clerk and treasurer  ; J. Pringle, junr.  and William
       Nicholls, assessors and collectors.
       A  VILLAGE  situated  on Crow  River,  in  the Township  of  Marmora, C. W.—distant  from  Belleville,
       32 miles—and  from  Kingston,  82 miles.  Population  about 200.
                      ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c,
       Bleecker,  George, general store and innkeeper.  Laycock, Mrs., milliner.
       Brady, Mrs., innkeeper,             Leggett, Joseph,  mason.
       Brady,  Charles, tailor.            Marmora foundry, Co., George Neilson, manager.
       Chisholm,  , grist and saw mills.   Meath, John,  carpenter  and builder.
       Clark, John,  blacksmith.           Seagriff, James, general store and innkeeper.
       Claremont, E. A., blacksmith.       Sloan, John,  blacksmith.
       Higgins, John,  carriagemaker.      Vancleek, W. Peter, saw mill.
       Johns, B., saw mill.                Youngs, W., general store.
       Kelly, William,  tailor.            Youngs & McConnell,  shoemakers.
       Laycock, Richard, postmaster and shoestore.
       A VILLAGE  situated in  the  Township of  Charlottenburg,  County  of Glengarry, C. W.—distant  from
       Montreal,  75  miles—distant  from  Cornwall,  13 miles—and  from  Lancaster,  11 miles.  Population
       about 300.
                     ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
       Blackwood, Robert, general store.   McLeod,  Angus,  wheelwright.
       Burton, James,  innkeeper.          McLeod, Peter,  saddler.
       Foulds, John,  tanner.              McMartin, Alexander, postmaster, miller, carding,
       Grant, Dr. James.                     fulling  and cloth dressing mills.
       Gray, Donald,  turner.              McMartin,  Duncan,  general  store.
       Irvine, James,  waggonmaker.        McNaughton,  Donald,  wheelwright.
       Kelly, J. J., saddler.              McRae, James,  blacksmith.
       McDonald, James, blacksmith.        Simpson, Dr. John.
       McDonald, Duncan,  blacksmith.      Smith, John R., general  store.
       McDonnell,  George A., innkeeper.   Smith, William,  blacksmith.
       McGregor,  Murdoch, general store.  Wilson, Mrs. Charlotte,  storekeeper.
       McLaurin, Rev. John, Church of Scotland.  Wilson, Alexander,  distiller.
       A  VILLAGE  situated  on  the  Point Iroquois Canal,  in  the Township of  Matilda, C. W.—distant from
       Prescott,  15 miles—and  from  Cornwall, 36 miles.  Population  about 125.
                      ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &e.
       CARMAN  & BAILEY,  dealers in dry goods,  groceries, hardware, crockery, stationery and
           school books.
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