Page 135 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 135

          Ferguson, Thomas,  carpenter.        O'Brien, John,  innkeeper.
          Flynn,  Charles, blacksmith.         O'Brien,  Peter,  barrister at law.
          Johnson, Chauncy,  general  store.   Pattee,  David, notary  public.
          Johnson, Chauncy, jun.,  pearlash  factory,  Prouty, N. C ,  baker.
          Larochelle, Dr. Pierre.              Ross, W. A., school  teacher.
          McLeod, John,  tailor.              •Sauriol, Thomas,  carriagcmaker.
          Murray, Dr. Angus.                  Shaw, John, tanner and shoemaker.
          .Mackenzie,  VV. R., barrister at law.  Treadwell,  Charles P., flour and saw mills.
          .Mignault, Rev. 1). R. P., Roman  Catholic.  Walker,  Gavin,  general  store.
          A  VILLAGE  .situated  on  Ihe South shore of the River St. Lawrence  in the  Seigniory and County of
          Lotbiniiire,  C  E.—distant  from  Quebec, 45 miles.  Population  of the Parish  about  3200.
                         ALPHABETICAL  LIST OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
          Auger,  Major  Joseph.              Lemay,  Leon,  boarding  house.
          Boucher, (Japtain  Louis.           Legendre,  Louis,  land  surveyor.
          Castonguay,  Captain  Pierre,       Mongenais, L., agent of seigniory.
          Chavigny  de la Chevrotiere,  Octave, notary pub-  Marchand,  Eric,  miller,
           lic.                               Methot, E., general  store.
          DeVilliers,  Francois  Xavier,  general  store  and  Noel, Captain  Joseph.
            notary  public.                   Noel, Urbain,  clerk of the  peace.
          Filteau,  Major  Joseph,  postmaster,  notary  public  Noel, David, notary  public.
           and  clerk of the circuit  court.  Ouellette,  Henri  Pierre, M. D.
          Frenet, Captain  Michel, J. P.      Par6,  Captain  A triable.
          Grenier,  Louis Urbain, M. D. and J. P.  Perrault,  Louis Frederic,  miller.
          Lemay, Charles  Antoiue, notary  public.
          A TOWNSHIP  and  VILLAGE  in  the  County  of  Renfrew,  C. W,  Population  of the Township about
                        ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c
         MORRIS, JAMBS, postmaster and county  registrar.
         Bourke, Edward,  innkeeper.          Morris,Peter,  & Co., general  store.
         Devine, Mathew,  shoemaker.          Morris,  William,  lumber  merchant.
         Dickson, Robert,  weaver.            Morris, James, jun., town  reeve.
         Frazer, Rev. S., Church  of Scotland.  Neil, Nicholas,  cooper.
         Henderson,  Archibald,  weaver.     Rochester,  George,  miller.
         Forrest, John,  weaver.             Rochester, William Y., general  store.
         Leckie, David,  innkeeper.          Sutherland, John, tailor.
         McNab, D. C , school  teacher.      Stewart,  Allan,  township  clerk.
         Martin, John,  lumber  merchant.    Wright, Nathaniel,  innkeeper.
         Mackie, David,  carpenter.
         A VILLAGE  situated  in the Township of Madoc, within  1J miles of Hay Lake,  County  of  Hasting?,
         €.  W.—distant  from  Belleville, 28 miles.  Population  about 250.
                       ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c
         Bull, Henry, jun.,  general  store.  Holmstead,  George, postmaster  and general store-
         Cameron,  Murdoch, flour and saw mills,  McDonald,  John,  lumber  merchant  and store-
         Canniff,  Isaac,  innkeeper.          keeper.
         Farmer, J. G., general store.       McGuire, Francis,  storekeeper.
         Flagler, John R., smith and carriagemaker.  McKenzie, Simeon, innkeeper.
         Franklin,  Edward,  storekeeper.    Madoc iron works, Mr. Seymour,  manager.
         A VILLAGE  situated  in  the Township  of  Magog,  County  of Stanstead,  and District  of St. Francis,
         C.  E.—distant  irom Montreal, 80 miles—stage  fare, 7s 6d—from  Stanstead, 20 miles—stage  fare, 5s.
                        ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PROFESSIONS,  TRADES,  &c.
        M E R R Y ,  E A L P H ,  tavern,  hotel and boarding  house.
        Abbot, Calvin, general dealer.     j  Borland,  Denison, tailor.
        Abbot, C., postmaster.             j  Boswell, Solomon, tavemkeeper.
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