Page 142 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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Academies and Schools, . . . . . . . 177 Foundries, 205
Accountants, 178 and 226 Furniture Stores, 20*>
Advocates, 178 Gas Light Company, 164
Agricultural Society, L. C 161 General Brokers, . 188
Ale, Cider, and Porter Vaults, 179 General Merchants, 207
Agricultural Warehouses, . . . . . . . 179 Grocers, &c 208
Architects, and Civil Engineers, . . . . 179 Ginger Beer and Lemon Syrup Makers,. . 210
Artists, 179 Gore Powder Mills, Hamilton, . . . . 236
Apothecaries, Chemists and Druggists, . 191 Guide to the .Streets of Montreal, . . . . 247
Auctioneers and Commission Merchants, . 179 Gunsmiths, 210
Assurance Companies, Life, Fire & Marine, 166 Hairdressers, &c, 211
Bakers, 181 Hamilton Nurseries, . . . . . . . 233
Banks and Bank Agencies, 165 Hardware Merchants, . . . . . . . 211
Benevolent Institutions, 158 Hatters and Furriers, 215
Bedstead and Chairmakers, 181 Hospitals, 158
Bellows Factory, 181 Hotels and Inns, 217
Berlin Wool Stores, 181 House Furnishing Warehouse, . . . . 218
Blacking and Ink Factory, 181 India Rubber Warehouse, 223
Block and Pumpmakers, 181 Incorporated Companies, . . . . . * 163
Board of Trade, 159 Jewellers, Watchmakers, & c , . . . . 224
Boarding houses, . 1 8 1 Judges, Legislative Councillors, and Mem-
Booksellers, Stationers and Bookbinders, . 181 bers of Parliament residing in Montreal, 153
Boot, Shoe and Leather Dealers, . . . . 187 Land Agents and Accountants, . . . •. 226
Brewers, and Distillers, . 187 Leather Merchants and Tanners, . . . 226
Brokers, 188 Literary Societies, 160
Brush Makers, 188 Lloyds' Agents, 167
Butter Inspector, 189 Lumber Merchants, 226
Butchers, 188 Machinists and Printing Pressraakers, . . 226
Cabinetmakers and U p h o l s t e r e r s , . . . . 189 Marble Factories, 226
Cab and Caleehe Hire, 152 Marine Store, 226
Canadian Institute, 160 Mechanics' Institute, 160
Carpenters, Builders, &c, 189 Medical and Surgical Societies, & c , . . 158
Carvers, Gilders and Looking Glass Manu- Merchants' Exchange, 159
facturers, 190 Mercantile Library Association, . . . . 160
Chemists and Druggists, 190 Merchant Tailors, 227
China, Glass and Earthenware Dealers, &c, 192 Military Departments, . . . . . . . 162
Chop and Coffee Houses-, " 192 Milliners and Dressmakers, 229
Circulating Library, . . . . . . . . 192 Mineral Water Depots, 230
Churches, & c , 156 Music, Professors and Teachers of, . . . 230
City Council and Officers, 152 Musical Instruments, Manufacturers, & c , 230
Clergy, 155 Nail Manufacturers, 232
Clothiers and Furriers, . . . . . . . 192 National Societies, 157
Coffee Roasters, 193 Naturalist, 232
Coach and Carriagemakers, 193 Newspapers and Periodicals, 232
Colleges and Schools, 160 Notaries Public, 232
Commission Merchants and Agents, . . 193 Nursery and Seedsmen, 233
Confectioners, 194 Outfitting Warehouse 233
Coopers, . 194 Oil Cloth Manufacturer, 233
Copyists and Translators, 194 Oil and Glue Factory, 233
Cork Manufactory, 196 Optician, 233
Coppersmiths, Brass Founders & Plumbers, 194 Organ Builder, 231
Courts of Law and Officers, 161 Paint, Oil, Glass, & c , Dealers, and Painters, 234
Cullers 196 Paper Warehouses, • 235
Custom House, 161 Pawnbroker, 235
Daguerreotypists, 196 Physicians and Surgeons, 235
Dancing Academies, 197 Planemakers, 236
Dentists, 197 Plasterers, 236
Distillers and Brewers, 187 Powder Mills, 236
Dry Goods Merchants, Wholesale, . . . 197 Post Office, 161
Dry Goods, he, 199 Police, - 162
Dyers and Scourers, . . . . . . . . 201 Printing Offices, 236
Engravers and Lithographers. . . . . . 201 Provision Merchants, 237
Exchange and Money Brokers, . . . . 201 Provision Inspectors, 237
Express Offices, 201 Public Offices and Institutions, . . . . 153
Fancy Stores 202 Railroad Companies, 163
Fire Engine Factory, 202 Rates and Fares of Cabs, Caliches, &c, . 152
Firo Engines. & c , 152 Heady made Linen Warehouses, . . . . 237
Flour Merchants and Millers, 205 Registrar's Office, 162
Forwarding Merchants, 205 Registry and Intelligence Offices, . . . 237