Page 133 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 133
Jones, A. T., drugs and herbs, Ridout st. Pettegrew, Samuel, butcher, stall No. 4 Covent
Junor, R., bootmaker, -Ridou! st. Garden Market.
Kelly, Samuel, eigarmaker, Dundas st. Plummer & Pacy, waggonmakers, Ridout st.
Keily, John, bridge builder, Dundas st. Pomeroy, S. S., commission merchant, Dundas st.
Keily, W. F., livery stables, Dundas st. Reynolds, Mrs., milliner, Dunda* st.
King, Thomas, flour store, Dundas st. Richardson, Thomas, butcher, stall No. 8 Covent
King, William, saddler, Dundas st. Garden Market.
Kitchen, John, provision store, Ridout st. . Roark, John, carriage trimmer, King st.
Lambkin, H., insurance agent, Dundas st. Robinson, Mrs., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Lee, W. B., innkeeper, Dundas st. Robinson, J., cooper, Richmond st.
Lindsay, W., innkeeper, Dundas st. Rowley, M. 11., recess, Ridout st.
Lord, T., weaver, Wellington st. Ryan & King, painters, Clarence st.
Lovelace, James, temperance innkeeper, Rich- Scatcherd, Thomas, barrister, Dundas st.
Scanlan & Smith, chandlers, Clarence st.
mond st.
Ridout st
Lowrie, Alexander, carriagemaker, Talbotst. Salter, John, chemist and Robinson Hall.
M., stage
McBride, W. & J., carriagemajcers, Richmond st.
McCann, Peter, innkeeper, Richmond st. Shepherd, T. W., auctioneer, Dundas st.
McClary, W., surveyor, Wellington st. Short, Reuben, bootmaker, Dundas st.
McClary, 0., tinsmith, King st. Siddons, John, printer, 53 Dundas si.
McCue, J., innkeeper, Richmond st. Sisterson, T. M., innkeeper, Ridout st.
McDonald, John, provision store, Richmond st. Skinner, Mrs., dressmaker, Dundas st.
McGill, Francis, general store, 15 Dundas st. Smith, Moses, baker, Ridout st.
McKiltrick, P., tailor, Ridout st. Smith, Edward, butcher, stall No. 5 Covent Git-
McKenzie, Andrew, M. D., King st. den Market.
Macleod, Robert, cabinetmaker, Richmond st. Soper, P., gunsmith, Ridout st.
Magee, G. G., general store, Dundas st. Steeds, William, painter, Ridout st.
Maginnis, J., innkeeper. Stone, A. C , surgeon dentist, Dundas st.
Magill, M., dry goods, Dundas st. Strathey, J. B., clerk of district council, Court
Martin, Mrs., dressmaker, Dundas st. house.
Mosby, Joseph, barber, Dundas st. Strong, A., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Mathews, J., innkeeper, Wellington st. Summers, G., provision store, Dundas st.
Meredith, John, clerk of division court, Court Summers, R., innkeeper, Ridout st.
house. Talbot & Son, auctioneers and land agents, Ri-
Merrill, J. B., cabinetmaker, Richmond st. Thompson, Richard, shoemaker, Ridout st.
Moore, William, distiller, North st. Tibbs, John, grocer, Richmond st.
Morrell, S., tanner, Ridout st.
Mowle, John, provision store, Dundas st. Till, William, cabinetmaker, Dundas st.
Murray, R. S., dry goods, 29 Dundas st. Vallier, , blacksmith, Dundas st.
O'Brien, T., cooner, Richmond st. Vannorman, A., tailor, Ridout st.
Oxenham, J., smith and bell hanger, Dundas st. Watson, D., school, Ridout st.
Parkinson, R., flour store, Dundas st. Webb & Elliott, blacksmiths, Wellington st
Paul, Anson, grocer, Dundas st. Westland, James F., agent for the Globe news-
Payne, C , innkeeper, Dundas st. paper, York st.
Pegler, G., butcher, stall No. 2 Covent Garden Wheeler, B., bootmaker, Dundas st.
Wigrnore, William, bootmaker, Dundas st.
Williams, W.,
Peel, T., tailor, Dundas st Webb, Thomas, blacksmith, Richmond st.
Perrin, L., jun., baker, Dundas st. Whitney, M., innkeeper. I
Philips, Thomas, M. D., King st.
F. B. Field, assistant commissary general.
F. S. McGregor, treasury clerk.
Lieutenent B. A. Wilkinson, royal engineers.
T. Wilson, barrack master.
A VILLAGE situated in the Seigniory of Longueuil, County of Chambly, C.E.—distant from Montreal, 4
miles—usual steamboat fare, 3d.—the St. Lawrence and Portland Railroad commences here. Popu-
lation of the Parish about 4500.
HURTEAU, ISIDORE, notary public, Ghambly st.
HURTKAU, PIERRK E., notary public, Chambly st.
I/ECOUR, JOSEPH, merchant, dealer in hardware, groceries, dry goods and postmaster
&c, Chambly st.
Achin, Madame Andre", general store, St. Char- Bourdon, Joseph, butcher, St. Charles st.
les st. Bouthillier, Clement, wheelwright, Chambly *t
Bartin, Aimfi, shoemaker, St. Charles st Bouthillier, Moise, Chambly st.