Page 136 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 136
Bullard, Hornson, cabinetmaker. Magog Woollen Company.
Ives, B. H., J. P. Merrill, Peter, Merry's inn.
Johnson, A. B., tanner and shoemaker. Summers, Dr., physician.
Knowlton, L. & N., saw and grist mills. Turner, Charles, & Sons, blacksmiths.
A VILLAGE situated on the River St. Lawrence, in the Township of Augusta, County of Grenville, C.
W.—distant from Prescott, 7 miles—from Brockville, 5 miles. Population about 200.
KENNEDY, DAVID, Crown hotel—travellers will find good accommodations at this house,
and charges moderate.
WEBSTER, WILLIAM, hotelkeeper—travellers will find a comfortable house, and convey-
ances are furnished when required.
Blakeley, Rev. Robert, Church of England. Humble, William, blacksmith.
Dickson, John, tailor. Jones, D., collector of customs.
Dunham, Daniel, blacksmith. Kirland, Andrew, shoemaker.
•Garvey, William, storekeeper. Lemon, Charles, grist and saw mills and foundry.
Gibson, Hiram, cooper. McCulloch, Henry, shoemaker.
Gracey, James, cooper. McCulloch, John, carpenter.
Harvey, James, flour mill and storekeeper. Miles, Willard, dairyman.
^Harvey, Robert, postmaster. Newell, Anthony, tailor.
A VILLAGE situated on the River Trent, in the Township of Sidney, County of Hastings, C. W—dis-
tant from Trent Port, 8 miles—usual stage fare, 2s. 6d.—distant from Belleville, 15 miles—usual stage
fare, 5s. Population about 450.
ROBLIN, M. B., & M. C , general merchants and storekeepers, corn dealers, millers,
lumber merchants, &c.
Anderson, Robert P., blacksmith, Johnson, H. H., general store.
Bennett, Charles W., cooper. Ketcheson, Joseph, builder.
Bliss, J. S., woollen factory and carding mill. Lord, John, iron founder.
Bowon, William, general store, postmaster, mil- McCaw, William, tailor.
ler and commissioner of court of Queen's Bench. McFarlane, William, shoemaker.
Bow en, Daniel (J., general store- McGowan, Mrs., grocer.
Chase, Andrew, carrier to Trent Port, McDonagh, Patrick, carpenter.
Clute, Richard R., general store. Marsh, William B., lumber merchant
Clute, William, shoemaker. Moyle, William, builder. *
Damon, Rev. A., Wesleyan. Pettit, E., blacksmith.
Davis, H. S., cabinetmaker. Roblin, M. B., commissioner of court of common
Donoghue, P. C , carriagemaker. pleas.
Doyle, John, shoemaker. Sheriff, Robert N., temperance inn and black-
Francis, John, general store. smith.
Gamble, Thomas, shoemaker. Smith, John, miller.
Oartshore, R. S., flour, saw and carding mills, 2 Sullivan, Mrs., grocer.
miles west of the village. Turner, Cornelius, builder.
1 [amlin, Stephen, carriagemaker and temperance Wilson, John, shoemaker.
inn. Winn, Samuel, cooper.
Howard, Thomas J., saddler.
A VILLAGE situated on the Williamsburg Canal, in the Township of Williamsburg, C, W.—distant
from Prescott, 21 miles—from Cornwall, 29 miles. Population about 125.
RAYMOND, WILLIAM, dealer in-dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, pot ashes, &c.
STEARNS, H. G., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c.
Bowcn, Henry, iron founder. Nevens, C. S., general store, chairmaker and
Carriere, T., waggonmaker. potash factory.
Coyle, Rev. B., Roman Catholic. Rose, Daniel, tailor.
Hanes, Jacob, innkeeper. Sweet, , grain store.
Hare, John, shoemaker. Taylor, George, shoemaker.
Heagle, Peter, tannery. Tracy, William, land surveyor.
McMartin, Alexander, general store. Witted, Rev, ,• Wesleyan Methodist.
Nash, Samuel, blacksmith.