Page 139 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 139

        READ, W.  C,  lumber merchant, and  dealer  in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china, &c.
        STONE,  RANSOM, saw  mills and lumber  merchant.
        WARDNER,  GEORGE,  commercial  hotel—accommodations  good  and  charges  reasonable.
        Atchinson, Jas.,  millwright.       McGowan, James, tailor.
        Burritt,  Edmund, shingle  maker.   McLeod, Dougal,  miller.
        Burrowes, John,  cooper.            Magee, Henry,  carriageraaker.
        Church, B. R.,  M.  D.              Mirick,  A.  & T.  H., flour and saw  mills.
        Coyle, Ed.,  blacksmith.            Mirick,  Terence H., barrister  at law.
        Coulogue, Patrick,  cloth  weaver.  Mirick,  Stephen,  miller.
        Cranstoun, John, blacksmith.        Mirick,  Win, R.,  shingle  factory.
        Crozier, Robert,  innkeeper.        Morris, Rev. E.,  Church  of England.
        Crowther, Joseph,  cooper.          National  Loan  Fund  Life  Assurance  Company,
        Curry, John., tannery.                C.  Leggo,  agent.
        Dowdal, Patrick,  blacksmith.       Riddell, Robert,  chairmaker.
        Finley, Rev. James, Free  Church.   Robinson, Samuel,  innkeeper.
        Hannah,  Richard,  saddler and  harnessmaker.  Robinson,  Adam,  carriagemaker.
        Holden, Charles, general  store.    Scanlon, Thaddeus,  grocer.
        Langford,  Samuel,  cabinetmaker.   Welton, Wm, P.,  axe  factory.
        Latham, J. H., tinsmith  and  grocer.  Whitmarsh, E.  H.,  postmaster.
        A VILLAGE  situated  in  the  Township  of  Crowland,  County  of  Welland,  C. W.—distant  from  St.
        Catherine's,  111 miles—usual  stage  fare,  4?. 3d.  Population  about 250.
                       ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF PEOFESSIOUS,  TEADES,  &c.
         Bald, William A., general store.   Mead,  Eli,  builder.
         Bates, 0.,  miller.                Mitchell, John,  carpenter.
         Burgess, Corlandt,  carpenter.     Murphy,  Timothy,  waggonmaker.
         Burgar, Thomas,  coroner.          Shrigley, A. W.,  general  store.
         Cook,  Moses,  millowner.          Schooley, Elijah,  general  store.
         Demeray,  Chester,  carpenter.     Spears, George,  miller.
        Wisher, J.  H., general  store.     Thomas, A. J.,  general store.
         Dunlop & Seely, flour, saw  and planing mills.  Tinney,  Thomas,  blacksmith,
        Elm wood & Hosier, clothiers.       Tupper,  C. F.,  tailor.
        Kennedy,   , miilowner.             Tully, P.,  tailor.
        McFadden, George,  waggonmaker.     Wilson, John,  carpenter.
        McCaw,  Daniel,  shoemaker.         Wright, James,  cabinetmaker.
        MeCormick,  John,  blacksmith.      Yokom, Jacob,  carpenter.
        A VILLAGE  situated  on  the Black  River,  in  the Township  of  Marysburg,  County  of  Prince  Edward,
        C.  W.—distant  from  Picton,  7 miles—from  Kingston  by  water  to  South  Bay,  40 miles.  Population
        about 250.
                      ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PROFESSIONS,  TEADES,  &c
        COOKE, JAMES  & W.  D., general  store, flour and  saw mills.
        FEGAN,  EDWARD, postmaster, tailor  and  clothier.
        MCCARROLL, JOHN, dealer in dry  goods, groceries, liquors, hardware, crockery and coun-
            try produce.
        Brown, R. P.,  shoemaker.           Lane, John,  J. P.,  wharfinger  and  storage,  Port
        Clapp, James, flour and saw  mills.   Milford,  3 miles from the village.
        Crabb, Samuel B.,  cabinetmaker.    McCaw, James,  tailor.
        Cooper, James, general store and wharfinger,  Port  McNamara, James, blacksmith.
          Milford,  3 miles from  the  village.  Smith, Peter,  blacksmith.
        Empey,  Harvey,  carriagemaker.     Stewart, James,  tailor.
        Hicks, Lewis,  blacksmith.          Tooke, Rev. J.  R., Church  of England.
        Hudson, Abner, cooper.              Vandusen,  William,  carpenter  and  builder.
        Jenkins, John  carriagemaker.       Willmer,  William,  cooper,
        Kelly, Johnson,  innkeeper.         Whitby,  Dr.  Robert.
        A  VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of Cavan, County  of  Durham, C.  W.—distant  from  Port Hope,
        18 miles—usual stage fare, 4s. to 5s.—distant  from  Cavanville, 4 miles.  Population  about 275.
                       ALPHABETICAL  LIST  OF  PBOFESSIOirS,  TEAD1S,  &c.
        KNOWLSON,  MATHEW,  postmaster, agent for the National Loan Fund Life, and Equitable
            and  St, Lawrence  Fire  Assurance  Companies.
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