Page 107 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 107
DeLanaudidre, Gaspard, commissioner of small Melancon, Isaie, postmaster.
causes. Papin, Captain Francois, commissioner of small
Dui'resne, Francois B., general store. causes.
Frechette, Louis, general store. Panneton, Charles H., general store.
Groulx, Joseph, advocate. Prudhomme, Jean Baptiste, boarding house.
Hall, Henry, M. D. Scallon, Captain Edward, J. P. and general store.
Hambeau, Alexis, foundry. Trudeau, Michel, miller.
Laurier, Louis, M. I). Trudeau, Francois, miller.
Leblanc, Th6ophile Ovide, notary public and clerk Trudeau, Bazile, miller.
of commissioners' court. Trudeau, Charles, miller.
Leprohon, B. Henry, M. D. Trudeau, O., M. I).
Magnan, Adolphe, notary public. Twiss, Jean Baptiste, boarding house.
Manseau, Rev. Antoine, Roman Catholic. Voyer, A. Thomas, M. D.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of North Oxford, County of Oxford, C. W..—distant from Lon-
don 15 miles—usual stage fare, 6s. 3d.—usual stage fare to Hamilton, 16s. 3d.'—to Woodstock, 2s. 6d.
—to Brantford, 10s.
CARROLL, R. H., hotelkeeper and dealer in wheat and grain of all kinds, King st.
HAINING, ROBERT, tinsmith and general dealer in dry goods and groceries of all descrip-
tions, Thomas st.
MCNAB, J., merchant, general dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware and crockery,
Thomas st.
MORRISON, JOHN, general merchant., corner of King and Thomas sts.
PATTERSON, J., Royal Exchange hotel, Thomas st.
RAMSAY, W. A., iron foundry, Thomas st.
Belton, Willis, shoemaker, Thomas st. Hoyt, J. J., physician and surgeon.
Berry, William, tailor, King st. Ingersoll, James, notary.
Blythe, Mrs., dressmaker. King st. Lonecks, Silas, baker, King st.
Brown, Thomas, tailor, King st. Macklin, John, general merchant, corner of King
Browett, Joseph, general merchant, King st. and Thomas sts.
Buchanan, John, cabinetmaker, King st. McCarthy, James, druggist, Thomas st.
Byrne, Thomas, saddler and harnessmaker, King McDonald, James, general merchant, King st.
st. McKenzie, J. T., general merchant, Thomas st.
Campbell, Homer, cabinetmaker, King st. McGill, Mathew, merchant, King st.
Daly, Absalom, hotelkeeper, King st. Murdoch, James, waggonmaker, King st.
Daly, E., general merchant, King st. Phalen & Adair, general merchants, King st.
Eastwood, W., general merchant and saddler, Phelps, Uriah, blacksmith, King st.
King st. Pool, Samuel, tailor, King st.
Elliot & McDonald, butchers, King st. Revell, Rev. H., Church of England.
Feathersfon, William, cabinetmaker, Thomas st. Reynolds, Dr., physician.
Galliford, John, shoemaker, King st, Shepley, Rev. J., Wesleyan Methodist.
Gordon, Alexander, tailor, King st. Snelgrove, A., chairmaker, King st.
Hall, C. P., watchmaker, King st. Wallace, Rev. 11., Free Church.
Haywood, William, ornamental painter, King st. Webster, G. W., cabinetmaker, King st.
Hopkins, IL B., saddler and hamessmaker, King Wonham, W. G., Mansion House hotel, and sur-
st. veyor.
A small VILLAGE and FORT situated on an Island in the River Richelieu—distant from Montreal, 30
miles—usual stage fare in winter, 10s.—usual steamboat and railroad fare in summer, 8s. 9d. Popu-
lation about 200, principally military.
Cleghorn, John, inn and storekeeper. Nichols, , inn and storekeeper.
Gunn, George, postmaster. Whitney, Nicholas, inn and storekeeper.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Louth, County of Lincoln, C. W.—distant from Hamilton,
27 miles—usual stage fare, 7s. 6d.
BALL, GEORGE P. M., woollen factory and saw mill.
HOXLOWAY, ALFRED, M. D., physician and surgeon.