Page 108 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 108


     HORNSBERGER,  MICHAEL  EL, merchant  and  postmaster.
     SAMMONS,  (CORNELIUS),  &  SNURE,  (JACOB),  general  merchants.
     SNURE,  JACOB, woollen  factory.
      SPENCE,  JOHN,  hotelkeeper.
     MILLS,  DANIEL F., general  merchant.
      Trosh, Jacob, grocer.
     Wiseman, John,  pumpmaker.
      Beemer, Daniel  C , tailor.       Parker, Benjamin,  shoemaker.
     Campbell, James W., carriagemaker.  Petty, John H., carriagemaker.
     Cooley,  John A., painter.         Preston, Henry, blacksmith.
      Fair,  Daniel T., mason.          Raab, Anthony,  cooper.
      Fegan, Henry, tailor.             Ross, William,  carpenter.
      Gibson, William T., miller.       Simpson, Andrew,  shoemaker.
     Goodman, Reuben,  shoemaker.       Springer, Aaron,  carpenter.
      Goss, Simeon H., botanic  physician.  Springer, Henry,  turner.
      Grinnell, Harman S., blacksmith.  Shaver & Snure, tanners.
     Jones, Rev. Alexander P.           Summerman, Henry,  cabinetmaker.
      Myers, Garrett, saw mills.        Wood, Henry, T., carriagemaker.
      New, Frederick,  weaver.          Youse, George, grocer.
      A VILLAGE  situated in the Seigniory of Kamouraska, on the south shore of the river St. Lawrence—•
     distant  from  Quebec, 90 miles.  Population of the  Seigniory about 2600.
      Beaulieu, Joseph,  M. D.          Gagn6,  Captain Alexis, general  store.
      B6chard,  Jean  Thomas,  notary  public and com-  Gagne, Charles, boarding house.
       missioner of small causes.       Lebel, Cyprien, J. P. and commissioner for small
     Bouchard, Dme. Guillaume, general store.  causes.
     Chalou, Philippe,clerk ofthe commissioners' court  Lebel, Thomas, notary public.
     Deiorier, Louis, boarding house.   Michaud, Thomas, M. D.
     Dessein, dit St. Pierre, Bruneau,  general store.  Miller,  Louis, general store.
      Dessein, dit St. Pierre, Pierre, general store.  Ouellette, Thomas, mill owner.
      Deschenes, Olivier, general store.  Peltier, Pierre, boarding house and general store.
      Desjardins,  Major  Antoine.      Routier, Rev. Joseph Honor6, Roman  Catholic.
      Desjardins, Edouard, general store.  Sirois, Theodore, commissioner for small  causes.
      Desjardins,  Honore", boarding house.  St. Louis, Jean, general store.
      Dumais, Paschal, notary public  and clerk of the  Tach6, J. G., advocate and registrar for the county.
       commissioners' court.            Tach6,  Madame, Paschal, mill  owner.
      Dumais, Captain  Frederic.        Wood, James, boarding house.
     A small VILLAGE  situated in the Township of Metcalfe,  County of Middlesex, C. W.—distant  from
     London, 25 miles—usual stage fare, 5s.
     BROWNE,  RICHARD, notary  public and  postmaster.
     Branan, Richard W., storekeeper,   McClatchey, William, nursery and seedsman.
     Finnerty, Patrick,  tailor.        Mortimer, Rev. Arthur,  Church of England.
     Fulton, William,  shoemaker.
     A  VILLAGE  situated on a branch of the Rideau Canal, 2| miles from the  Main  Trunk  of the  Canal,
     in the Township of Oxford,  C. W.—distant  from  Prescott, 23 miles—usual stage  fare, 7s. 6d.—distant
     from  Smith's Falls, 27 miles—usual stage fare, 6s. 3d.  Population about 1000.
     ANDERSON,  W M . ft.,  tailor and  clothier—makes  to order every description  of clothing in
         first rate style, and  on reasonable terms.
     A VERELL  &  HOOKER,  dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china and medicines, &c.
     BALDWIN,  THOMAS, cabinetmaker—keeps always on hand, or makes to order,  all  kinds
         of furniture  of the best quality, and  at low prices.
     BARNES,  SURRAJER, tanner,  currier, harness and  shoestore.
     BOTTUM,  W M . H., postmaster  and J.  P .
     BOWER, JOSEPH,  distiller and  dealer in  dry  goods, groceries, hardware, china, drugs, &c.
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