Page 104 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 104

      Barrett, William, provincial land  surveyor.  McFee, Donald, saw miller, justice  of peace, and
      Corbin,  Osmar, saw mill.           commissioner of small causes.
      Edwards, William, provincial land  surveyor.  McKay, William, tailor.
      Edwards, Capt., saw mill.          Merlin, Rev. John,  Presbyterian.
      Gates, Thomas, general store.      Nesbitt, Humphrey, flour and saw mill.
      Irwin, George, innkeeper.          Orr, T.,  innkeeper.
      Jennings, Patrick,  shoemaker.     O'Grady,  Rev. G. de  C ,  Church  of  England.
      Johnson, George N., collector  of customs.  Peacock, William,  cabinetmaker.
      Johnson, William B., general store.  Plantier, Jean  Baptiste,  contractor.
      Kennedy, John,' wheelwright  and  sleighmaker.  Reay, Adam, tannery and saw mill.
      Little, Oliver, general store.    Ryan, J., saw mill, commissioner for small causes-
      Managh, Robert, innkeeper,  and  saw mill.  Ryan, John,  blacksmith.
      Mason, Uriah, saw mill.           Stead, John, black and  whitesmith.
      McDowell, John, saw mill.         Stringer, John,  shoemaker.
      McEvelia, Anthony,  storekeeper.  Verity,  Dr. physician  and  surgeon.
      McEvelia, David, general store.   Wingate, Asa & Ezra,  saw  mill.
      McGeogh, Barnard,  blacksmith.
      A VILLAGE  situated  in  the  Parish  of  Lacolle—distant  from  Montreal, 32 miles,  has a  population  of
      about 75.  There is  no  regular  conveyance to this  place, but the fare  generally charged  in winter  is
      7s.  6d., and in  summer,  10s.
      Graham, Alexander,  groceries, dry  goods, hardware,  grairij &c.
      Clarke, James Henry, blacksmith.  |  Histon, Rev. J.,  New Connexion  Methodist.
      A VILLAGE  situated  in the Seigniory  of Henryville, County of Rouville, C. E.—distant  from  Montreal,
      -37 miles—usual  stage fare,  10s.  Population  of the Seigniory,  about 1200.
                   ALPHABETICAL LIST  OF  P&OFESSI0NS,  TEADES,  &c.
      Beatdac, Joseph,  blacksmith.     Goodenow, Edward,  general  store  and saw  mill.
      Bergeron, Baptiste, blacksmith.   Hebert,  Dr. L.  G.
      Billings, Timothy, saw mill.      Lague, T.,  shoemaker.
      Bullis & Brown, tannery.          Lanier, J.  M., general store.
      Burmier, Thomas,  carpenter.      Lanoue, David,  innkeeper.
      Campbell, Dr.  Charles.           Lariviere,  C,  baker.
      Campbell, Owen, general store.    Lupien, Isidore,  saddler.
      Campbell, Patrick,  general store.  Magnant, J.,  baker.
      Chicoine, Jean,  blacksmith.      Mellon, Peter,  tailor.
      Cote, John,  shoemaker.           Morgan, Joseph,  wheelwright.
      Delisle, Dr. D. B.                Parker,  Samuel, innkeeper.
      Demers, Edouard  R., N. P.        Parker,  George W.,  saddler.
      Demers, Narcisse, innkeeper.      Picard,  Louis,  wheelwright.
      Demers, Joseph, butcher.          Roy, Joseph,  shoemaker.
      Dougherty, Patrick, general  store.  St. Aubin, Rev. T.,  Roman  Catholic.
      Dyon, Louis, wheelwright.         Touin, Julien, shoemaker.
      Fournier'j Louis, tanner.         Tramble, Pierre, blacksmith.
     Gariepy, Joseph, general store.    Wells, Horace,  postmaster.
     Gilligan, Patrick,  wheelwright.
                             HICK'S   CORNERS,
     A small VILLAGE  in the Township of South Gower, County  of Grenville C. W.—distant  from  Kempt-
     ville, 8 miles.
     Archibald, John  S.,  general store and ashery.  Shaver,  Gordon, blacksmith.
     Bass, John,  saddler.              Wilson, Samuel, innkeeper.
     Magee, Robert, general store.
     A VILLAGE  situated in the Township  of  Hinchinbrooke, County  of  Beauharnois, C. E.—distant  from
     Montreal, 50 miles—usual  fare in summer,  10s., in winter,  12s. 6d.
     Craig, John, general  store.
     Hopper, John, innkeeper  and  general store.
     Austin, Rev. J.  G., Cameronian.  |  Morris, Rev. William, Church of England.
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