Page 110 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 110
A Small VIIXAGE situated in the Township of Kingsey, County of Sherbroake, C E.
Balfour, Rev. J. C , Church of England. Peoples, J., advocate.
Cloutier, Joseph, general store. Wadleigh, John, sen., general store.
Cox, Lieutenant Colonel, registrar for county of Wadleigh, John, jun., general store.
Dnuamond. Wilson, Major, postmaster.
The CITY of KINGSTON is situated at the head of the River St. Lawrence, on Lake Ontario, in the
Township of Kingston, County of Frontenac, C. W.—The City is an electoral district, returning one
member to the Provincial Parliament, and is also the County Town of the United Counties of Fron-
tenac, Lennox and Addington—distant from Montreal, 200 miles—usual stage fare, 50s.—usual steam-
boat fare, 25s.—distant from Toronto, 177 miles—usual stage fare, 40s.—usual steamboat fare, 20s.
Population, including fhe villages of Portsmouth, Barriefield, French Village and Williamsville, and
the troops usually in garrison, about 13,000.
Academies and Schools, . . . . . . . 122 Hotels and Inns, • * . 126
Architects and Civil Engineers, . . . . 122 Insurance Agents, 126
Assurance Companies, 120 Jewellers and Watchmakers, 129
Auctioneers, 122 Land Surveyors, . 122
Banks, 120 Livery Stables, 127
Bakers, 122 Looking Glass and Framemaker, . . . 127
Barristers and Attornies, 122 Lumber Merchants, 127
Benevolent and Literary Societies, . . . 121 Marble Factory, 127
Booksellers, & c , 122 Masons and Plasterers, 127
Boot and Shoe Stores, 123 Match Factory, 127
Brewers and Distillers, 123 Merchant Tailors, 127
Builders and Carpenters, 123 Milliners, 127
Cabinetmakers, 123 Military Departments, 129
Chemists and Druggists, 123 Miscellaneous, 128
China and Glass Stores, . . . . . . 123 Newspapers, 128
Cigarmaker, 123 Physicians and Surgeons, 128
City Council and Officers, 119 Printing Offices, 128
Clergy, • . 121 Painters, 126
Coach and Carriagemakers, 123 Planing Mills, 127
Commission Merchants, 124 Potash Inspector, 118
Confectioners, 124 Provision dealers and Inspector, . . . . 128
Coopers, 124 Public Officers, 120
Coppersmiths, 129 Saddlers and Harnessmakers, 128
Custom-house, 121 Ship Builders and Owners, 128
Dentists, 124 Ship Chandler and Sailmaker, . . . . 128
Dry Goods Merchants, 124 Smiths and Machinists, 128
Engraver, 124 Soap and Candlemakers, . . . . . . 128
Exchange Brokers, 124 Stage Offices, 128
Fancy Stores, 124 Tanners and Leather Merchants, . . . 129
Flour and Grain Stores, 125 Tailors and Clothiers, 127
Foundries and Machine Works, . . • . 127 Tin and Coppersmiths, 129
Forwarders, 125 Universities and Colleges, 121
Grocers, 125 Watchmakers and Jewellers, 129
Hair Dressers, & c , . . . . . . . . 125 Wheelwrights and Waggonmakers, . . . 129
Hardware Stores, 126 Wood Merchants, . . . . . . . . 128
Hatters and Furriers, 126
Mayor—Francis M. Hill.
Sydenham Ward—Aldermen, Archibald J. Macdonald, Kenneth. Mackenzie ; Coun-
cillors, Samuel Smyth, Robert Waddingharn.
Ontario Ward—Aldermen, William Ford, jun., Robert Jackson; Councillors, George
M'Mahon, Ellery W. Palmer.
Frontenac Ward—Aldermen, John Flanigan, Isaac Hope; Councillors, Geo. David-
son, James Gardiner.
Rideau Ward—Aldermen, Francis Manning Hill, John Jenkins; Councillors, Thos.
Brownley, David Callahan.