Page 109 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 109
BROWN, DANIEL D., M. D., physician and surgeon.
CHRISTIE, SAMUEL, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, crockery, patent medicines,
drugs, &c, &c.
CLOTHIER, AMBROSE, saw mills, distillery and general store.
CONDELL, JOHN, cabinetmaker—all kinds of furniture constantly on hand or made to
order of the best materials, and at reasonable prices.
FITCHELL, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, crockery, drugs, &c
HOLMES, ALFRED, cloth dressing and fulling mills, South Kemptville.
KELLY, CHAS. 3VL, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china, glass, drugs, &c, &c.
LEEMING, JOSEPH, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china, glass, drugs, &c, &c.
LESLIE, ROBERT, clerk of Division Court and deputy postmaster.
MCGREGOR, WM., hotelkeeper—the public will find good accommodations and reasona-
ble charges at this house.
MILLS, JOHN, boot, shoe and leather dealer—every article in the line constantly on hand
or made to order, at low prices.
PERKINS, JOHN, grist, saw and carding mills, South Kemptville.
Ross, GEORGE, practical distiller.
SANDERS, JAMES, tin and copper smith and dealer in stoves and stove fittings—every
article in his line is furnished at very moderate prices.
SERVISS, GORDON, dealer in dry goods, hardware, groceries, crockery, drugs, books, &c.
STENNETT, MILES B., surgical and mechanical dentist.
TANNET, STEPHEN, iron founder—manufactures stoves, ploughs, threshing machines and
all sorts of castings, at reasonable prices.
Adams, Thomas, hotelkeeper. Jackson, James, joiner.
Barnes, Olvesson, saw mills. Johnston, Arthur, shoemaker,
Barnes, William J., carriagemaker. Keenan, Neil, tanner and shoemaker.
Barnes, Sylvester, blacksmith. Kernahan, Robert, general store.
Baynon, Rev. George, Wesleyan. Lattimore, John, cooper.
Beckett, Alexander, grocer and mason. McAlpin, Rev. H., Church of England.
Beckett, Thomas, brewery. McDowall, Rev. William, Free Church.
Boyd, David, leather and shoe dealer. McGregor, Mrs., harness and saddlery store.
Brandon, John S., saddler and harnessmaker. Magee, John, tailor.
Bull, Henry, painter. Maley, Thomas, general store.
Clothier, Lyman, innkeeper. Mix, Edward, carpenter,
Connor, Martin, cooper. O'Connor, John, tailor.
Cooper, Rev. James, Baptist. Robinson, William, carriagemaker.
Dougall, Wm., tanner, shoe and harnessmaker. Sanderson, George, carpenter.
Dyer, William J., genera] store. Shaver, W. H., tanner and shoemaker.
English, William, carriagemaker. Sperham, Terence, M. D.
Fannin, William, tailor. Spotswood, Robert, blacksmith.
Farley, Rev. Daniel, Roman Catholic. Stitt, John, blacksmith.
Foster, James, blacksmith. Sullivan, William, tinsmith.
Harding, John, grist mill. Tripp, James, cooper.
Healy, Jesse M., carriagemaker, Waugh, Richey & Co., grist and saw mills, and
Hemmingway, D., carpenter. general store, Oxford mills, 4 miles from Kempt-
Howey, William, botanic physician, ville.
Huntingdon, Silas, M. D. Wilson, George, blacksmith,
Hurd, Eli, blacksmith. Wolfe, Joseph, chairmaker.
Inglis, Alexander, carpenter.
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Delaware, County of Middlesex, C.W.,—distant from Torofite,
144 miles—from London, 8 miles. Population about 200.
Berdeck, George, blacksmith. Russell, Edward, tavernkeeper.
Carr, Rev. , Wesleyan. Simmons, R. P., boot and shoemaker.
Cook, Charles, general merchant. Smith, William, inspector of licenses.
Delahook, Dr., physician. Smith, William, waggonmaker.
Drake, Samuel, general merchant. Smith, Thomas, blacksmith.
Forsyth, A., boot and shoemaker. Sutton & Comfort, fulling mill and carding
Hodgman, William, tanner, boot and shoemaker. machine.
McColl, John, teacher of common school. Winter, William, tavernkeeper.
Ogden, John, saddler. Woodhall, Benjamin, grist, saw and fulling mills.