Page 112 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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Columbus, of Ohio, Fire and Marine Assurance Company, Thomas Briggs, jun., agent.
Equitable Fire Insurance Company, H. Dupuy, agent.
Eagle, of New York, Life and Health Insurance Company, I. C. Haven, agent.
Hartford, of Connecticut, Fire Insurance Company, W. Grant, agent.
Hartford, of Connecticut, Life and Health Insurance Company, I. C. Haven, agent.
Mutual General Assurance Company, W . Grant, agent.
National Loan Fund Life Assurance Company, H. Dupuy, agent.
Protection, of New York, Fire and Marine Iusurance Company, I. C. Haven, agent.
Utica, New York, Fire and Marine Insurance Company, I. C. Haven, agent.
Washington County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, t. C. Haven, agent.
Kingston Building Society, Henry Gildersleeve, president 5 John R. Forsyth, vice-presi-
dent ; George Baxter, secretary and treasurer.
Midland District Building Society, James Sampson, president ; James J. Burrowes, vice-
president ; John Shaw, secretary and treasurer.
Gas "Works, William Wilson, president; John R. Forsyth, vice-president; Francis M.
Hill, solicitor; Henry Gildersleeve, treasurer; John Ker, manager—Directors—
John Watkins, William Ferguson, William Ford, jun., John Counter, Maxwell
W. Strange.
WATER WORKS, William Ford, jun., president; Thomas W. Robinson, vice-president—
.Directors—John R. Forsyth, F. M. Hill, Thomas A. Corbett, Robert Stewart,
M. D., George Davidson, John Fraser, Thomas Kirkpatrick.
James Hopkirk, collector ; George A. Maillou, surveyor; James Wright, clerk; Thomas
Kennedy, assistant clerk; George H. Detler, appraiser; Daniel Lynch, landing
waiter ; Robert Kelly, landing waiter.
GENERAL HOSPITAL—Directors—the mayor, the sheriff, county warden, judge of the
county court, and three aldermen, chosen annually by the city council—Dr. Harvey,
resident physician.
COMMERCIAL NEWS ROOM, Dr. Baker, president.
MECHANICS INSTITUTE, Kenneth Mackenzie, president; George Davidson, and Alexan-
der Smith, vice-presidents; Hugh Ross, and. H. L. Spofford, secretaries; W. R.
Jones, librarian ; No. of vols. 1250, No. of Members 160.
UNIVERSITY QUEEN'S COLLEGE, Rev. John, Machar,D. D., principal; Rev. J. George,
professor of systematic theology ; Rev. H., Urquhart, M. A., professor of church
history and criticism ; Rev. J., Williamson. M. A., professor of mathematics,
natural philosophy and logic ; Rev. J., Smith, M. A., professor of classical literature
and moral philosophy.
QUEEN'S COLLEGE SCHOOL, John Campbell, M. A., principal; James McLennan,
B. A., usher; James Gordon, B. A., usher.
ROMAN CATHOLIC COLLEGE OP REGIOPOLIS, Very Rev. Angus Macdonnel, rector and
president; Rev. F. P., Macavy, director and professor of moral philosophy; Rev.
Joseph Burke, prefect of studies ; John Meath, regent and professor of humanity ;
Edward McManus, regent and professor of French and English.
Hotel Dieu, Nunnery and Hospital, Sister Dupuis, superior; Sister Lacroix, assistant
superior and matron of novices; Sister Latour, hospitaliere; Sister Davignon,
depositaire; the nunnery contains 15 professes, 1 novice, 1 postulante.
Church of England, Venerable G. O. Stewart, archdeacon, D. D., L. L. D.; Rev. E.
Patterson, Rev. H. J . Brent, Rev. W . Greig, St. Paul's, Rev. J. M. Herchmer,
St. George's, Rev. J. Roger, St. James'.
Church of Scotland, Rev. John Machar, D. D, Rev. D. Morrison.
Free Church, Rev. Robert Reed, Rev. R. F . Burns.
Wesleyan Methodist Church, Rev. R. Clarke, Rev. C. Lavell, Rev. S. D. Rice.