Page 102 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 102
Academies and Schools, 99 Gunsmiths, , . 104
Apothecaries and Druggists, 101 Hardware Merchants, 104
Architects Surveyors, &c 99 Hairdressers, . . . . . ; . . . . 106
Assurance Companies, 95 Hatters and Furriers, 106
Auctioneers, 99 Hotels and Inns, 106
Bakers, 99 Inns, Taverns and Saloons, . , . . . 107
Banks, 95 Jewellers and Watchmakers, 107
Barrister, Attornies, &c, . . . . . . 108 Land and General Agents, 107
Booksellers and Stationers, 100 Lawyers and Barristers, 108
Boot and Shoe stores, 100 Leather Merchants, &c, 108
Brewers, 100 Livery Stables, 108
Cabinet warehouses, 100 Lumber Merchants, . . . . . . . . 108
Carpenters and Builders, 100 Marble factory, 109
Carver and Gilder, 101 Medical Men, 109
City C ouncil, 94 Melodeon and Seraphine factory, . . . 109
Chemists and Druggists, 101 Merchant Tailors, 108
Clergy, 110 Miller, 108
China and Glass stores, 104 Milliners, &c, 109
Clothies and Tailors, 108 Miscellaneous, . . . . : . . . . . 109
Coach and Carriagemakers, . . . : . 101 Newspapers, : . 109
Commission Merchants, 102 Nursery and Seedsmen, 109
Confectioners, 102 Organ builder, 109
Coppersmiths, : 110 Painters and Plumbers, 109
Cordialmaker, 109 Physicians and Surgeons, 109
Cornbroom factory, 109 Planing mills, 109
Daguerrestype Artists, 109 Printing offices, 109
Dressmakers, 109 Saleratus factory, 109
Dentists, 102 Public Officers and offices, 95
Dry Goods Merchants, 102 Resident Clergy, 110
Dyer, 103 Saddlers and Harnessmakers, 110
Engraver, 103 Smiths and Waggonmakers, 110
Fancy store, 103 Soap factory, 110
Flour stores, 103 Stage offices, 110
Forwarders, 103 Tin and Coppersmiths, |10
Foundries and Machinists, 103 Tobacconists, 110
General Merchants, 104 Turners, 110
Glass and China stores, 104 Veterinary Surgeon, 109
Grocers, &c, 104 Wine and Spirit Merchants, 104
A VILLAGE situated in the Township of Nelson, and United Counties of Wentworth and Halton—dis-
tant from Hamilton, 11 miles—usual stage fare, 2s. 6d.—from Toronto, 36 miles—usual stage fare,
5s.—from Dundas, 11 miles. Population about 125.
FRASER, A. E., generalmerchantand raillowner, Louisville Mills, P. O. address, Nelson.
MCCOY, WILLIAM, agent for the Provincial Mutual Assurance Company.
MCCOY, A. G., general merchant.
MILLER, JOHN, general merchant.
Albertson, J., saw mill, St. Anns. Furniss, G., boots and shoes.
Armstrong, W., tailor. Galligan, J., saddler.
Bell, N., M. D. Haddoe, T., saddler.
Bunton, H., innkeeper, St. Anns. Hammond, T. S., tanner.
Bunton, W., innkeeper. Hopkins, Caleb, M. P. P.
Campbell, D., smith. Hull, R., innkeeper.
Carter, Samuel, M. D. King, Rev. W., Church of Scotland.
Cartwright, F. & J., smiths and waggonmakers. Nesbit, B., innkeeper.
Cooper, Timothy, postmaster. O'Connell, H.,smith.
Crooks, George, saw mill, St. Anns. O'Reilly, Hamilton, attorney.
Culloden, W., cabinetmaker. Robinson, J., miller, St. Anns.
Darille, W., tanner. Tufford, J., innkeeper, St. Anns.
Easterbrook, J., tailor. Whittaker, J., saddler.
Ellis, D., boots and shoes. Williams, J., boots and shoes.