Page 100 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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HAMILTON.                           109
                         MILLINERS  AND  DRESSMAKERS.
     Carnal,  Miss,  James st.          Thompson,  Misses,  Main st.
     Bepew,  Miss,  King st.            Whitney,  Miss, James  st.
     Siliet, R., John st.               "Webster  S., King st
                            '  MISCELLANEOUS.
     ALLEN,  I.,  saleratus  factory,  Spring  st.
     BRAINERD, T., corn  broom  manufactory,  King st.  west.
     GILBERT, W. J.,  Hughson  st.—•manufacturer  of  British  and  Foreign  liqueurs, and
        temperance  cordials,  sarsaparilla,  and others,  for  which  he  obtained  a  premium.
        and  diploma at the Niagara  fair, 1850.
     HAGAR  &  VOGT,  organ  builders,  Cannon  st.—organs  of  every  size  and  description
        made  and repaired  with  neatness  and skill—all  work  warranted.
     RICHARDSON,  COOK  &  Co.,  planing  mills,  Cook's  wharf.
     RYMAL,  GEORGE,  Hamilton  marble  works,  King  st. west.
     WHITE, T. W,, Hamilton  melodeon, seraphine  and musical  centre  table  factory,  King
        st. west,  opposite the Burlington  ladies'  academy.
     Addison, J., pumpmaker,  Rebecca st.  Radford,  L. A., veterinary  surgeon,  Court-house
     Macdonald,  H., threshing  machines,  Vine st.  square.
     Milne, R., daguerrestypist,  James  st.  Smith,  G. S., daguerrestypist,  King st.
                                        Strongman,  G., quarryman,  Tyburn st.
                         NEWSPAPERS  AND  PERIODICALS.
     CANADA  CHRISTIAN  ADVOCATE,  Rev. S.  Shephard,  editor, King  st.
     EVANGELIST, Rev. J. Davison,  editor,  King st.
     HAMILTON  GAZETTE, H. B. Bull, Court-house  square.
     HAMILTON  SPECTATOR, R.  R.  Smiley, proprietor, James  st.
     JOURNAL  &,  EXPRESS,  S. Brega, John  st.
                           NURSERY  AND  SEEDSMEN.
     BEDDOME, J., importer  of seeds, Farmers'  hotel,  King st. west.
     KELLY,  CHARLES,  & Co., nurserymen, King st. east.
     MOORE, E. & J. F., nurserymen, lumber  merchants, veneer  factory and planing machine,
         Rebecca st.
     TOVELL, SAMUEL, seedsman and market  gardner,  King  st. east.
     GARTH,  CHARLES,  plumber  and gasfitter, James  st.
     HARDING, G., plumber,  watercloset  manufacturer,  and City Baths, James st.
     MILLER, J., painter, glazier, paperhanger and imitator of woods and marble,  &c, James st.
     ROBINSON,  JAMES, painter, glazier and  paperhanger, James  st.
     Bowers, J., housepainter,  James st.  Holcomb, J., housepainter,  James st.
     Coates,  H. M., painter  and glazier,  Walnut st.  Johnson,  J., housepainter,  Hughson st.
     Cook, J., housepainter,  Hughson st.  Ross, A., painter,  York st.
     Ford, N., painter  and glazier,  Catherine  st.  Way,  Hayden  & Barrow,  King st.
     Gooderham,  J., housepainter,  Catherine st.
                                PHYSICIANS, &c.
     CASE,  W. I. A., M. D,, corner  of King and Walnut sts.
     DUGGAN,  THOMAS, M. I)., physician,  corner of Hughson and  Rebecca  sts.
     HUNTER,  J V M. D., physician, oorner of Main  and McNab sts.
     Ross  & Co., German  physicians, King st. west.
     WOOLVERTON, A. N., homcepathic  physician,  Ontario buildings, King st.
     Bates, James,  surgeon,  Gore st.  McCartney,  W. H., M. IX, James st.
     Cragie,  William,  M. D., Hughson st.  MacKelcan,  J., M. D., Gore st.
     Dickenson,  , M. D., John st.      Park,  G. H., M. D., King st.  west.
     Kerr,  William,  M. D., York st.   Reilly,  Dr., King st. east.
     Long,  , M. D., Main  st.          Ryall, J., M. D., Hughson  et.
                              PRINTING  OFFICES.
     BREGA, S., general  printing  office, John st.
     BULL, H. B., general  printing  office,  Court-house  square.
     NICHOLSON,  WM., & Co., printers, King st.—general  book and job printing  office.
     RUTHVEN, P., printer, bookbinder and account  book  manufacturer,  James st.
     SMILEY, R. R., general  printing office,. James st.
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