Page 101 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 101
Rev. J. G. Geddes, James St., Church of England, rector.
Rev. Joseph Ede, Church of England, curate.
Rev. J. Gordon, Park St., Roman Catholic.
Rev. D. Macnee, McNab st, Church of Scotland.
Rev. C. Carrol, Main si, Wesleyan Methodist.
Rev. S. Belton, Augusta St., Wesleyan Methodist.
Rev. G. Washington, King st., Wesleyan Methodist.
Rev. Thomas Webster, King St., Episcopal Methodist.
Rev. G. Shephard, Catherine st., Episcopal Methodist.
Rev. William Newton, Hughson st., Primitive Methodist.
Rev. J. Davison, Hughson st, Primitive Methodist.
Rev. T. Goldsmith, Main st., New Connection Methodist.
Rev. W. Robinson, Cannon st, Congregationalist.
Rev. A. Booker, Park st., Baptist.
FIELD & DAVIDSON, Hamilton saddlery establishment, James st.—saddlery of every
description warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship.
JOLLEY, JAMES, saddler and harnessmaker, Court-house square.
SUNLEY, W. T., saddler and harnessmaker, King st.
Davidson, J., saddler, King st. | Philp, J., saddler, York st.
HAYMAN, JOHN, blacksmith, machinist and waggonmaker, West Market st.
Boyle, D., Market st. McCardle, P., Rebecca st.
Campbell, George, King st. Minnes, J. & T., Court-house square.
McArdle, James, Tyburn st. Pettinger, W., Court-house square.
JUDD, JOHN, soap and candle manufacturer, Bay st.
Mail and general stage coaches leave the general stage office, City hotel daily for—•
Brantford, usual fare, 5s ; Woodstock, lls 3d; London, 17s 6d—at 8, a. m., 2, p. m. ; and 7, p. m.
Gait, usual fare, 5s ; Preston, 5s ; Guelph, 7s 6d—at 8, a. m., and 7, p. m.
Caledonia, usual fare, 2s 6d; Port Dover, 7s 6d; Simcoe, 10s—at 8, a. m, and 4, p. m.
Grimsby, St. Catherines and Niagara Falls, 3^, p. m.
Hannahsville, usual fare, 2s 6d ; Trafalgar, 3s 9d ; Springfield, 5s; Cooksville, 5s ; Toronto, 7s 6d—at
3, p. m.
Milton Davis, George Babcock, M. Seger, and J. B. Mathews, proprietors.
BLOOD, GEORGE H., copper, tin and sheet ironworker, John st.
COPP, BROTHERS, tin and coppersmiths, York st.
DISTIN, A. T.,tin, copper and sheet iron manufactory, corner of King and McNab sts.
—a general assortment of all articles in the above line.
HARRIS, ABRAHAM, copper and tinsmith, manufacturer of stoves, wholesale and retail,
John st.
MOORE, D., & Co., plain and japanned tinware factory and stove warehouse, King
st.—rags, old copper, &c, taken in exchange, and cash paid for shipping furs,
wool and sheep skins.
RING, E. J., & Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers in stamped and japanned
tinware, King st.—merchants and country dealers supplied on liberal terms with
stoves and copperware.
Gamble, J., tinsmith, King st. Smith, J., locksmith, King st.
Harwood, W., tinsmith, King William st. Sylvester, T., tinsmith, James st.
PATTISON & PHILLIPS, cigar and tobacco factory, and cracker manufacturers, Cannon Bt.
Rose, David, cigar factory, King st.
LAZARUS, G. J., round and oval turner, corner James and Vine sts.
Loogmire, S., turner, King st.