Page 62 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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                    *Ln  (continued)                                "MW
                    Leduc,  Cecile  M.                   1E14       Mackie,  Elizabeth  (See
                    Leduc,  Elizabeth  (Spence$4Ell                        YCCormick,  Patrick)  10E14
                    Leduc,  George  .          ENZO-67  -28         Macksey,  ;acob  H.                   SE12
                    Leduc,  Ida  (Dupuis)                fW2        Macbsey,  Uaggie                      BE12
                    Leduc,  3.  B.                       10W2       lacksey,  Mary  Magretle              9222
                   Leduc,  J.  Richard          .        24N3      .Maheu,  Alfred  P.                  16E16
                    Leduc,  Leonard             2N26-27-20          Uadden,  Mary  Bertles  (See
                   Leduc,  Mary  (See  Ladouceur,                          McCormick,'  Patrick)  15E15
                     -       Peter)  .                   10W2       Maheu,  Annie  (See  Henderson,
                   Lefaive,  Honorine  (Seo  Latour,               .            John)                  1m6-7
                   LeCault,  Ercestina  .              llE12        Maheu,  Edgar                       16E16
                                                                    Xaheu,  Joseph  E.  '
                   LeCault , John                  .     14'513     Maheu,  Lsura  (Somers)              15*'7
                   LeCault,  Joseph  P.                  14Y3       Maheu,  Louis  G.                    15W7
                   LeOault,  Richard                     14W3       Kaheu,  Philomene  (See Lavigne,
                   Legree,  Joseph                 13-14915                     Joseph  B.)              Un3
                   Legree,  Percy                  13-14E15         Mahonep,  Marie  C.                 4L2-3
                   Legree,  Peter  L.               6N18-19         Mahoney,  Richard  W.               4N2-3
                   Leitch,  Neil                         6E14       Malone,  Patrick W.                 10E14
                   Leitch,  Robert  J.                   6E14     f  Martell,  1:.  Loreba  (See
                   Lemieux,  Wice Marie                  1ZW1              Mcleughlin , J . Frank) llW3
                   Lemieux,  Anne                       lm1        4brchand,  Leger                      19W8
                   Lemieux,  Felix P.                   l2Wl        Martin,  Daiep  Ann  (See Somers,
                   Lepage,  Jcseph             -    6x4746                     J.  Olivet)               10S7
                   Leroux,  Albert                  4315-16         Martin,  Bdward  J.                lOYr'6-7
                   Lerouz,  Gertrude                4E15-16         Yartin,  Jan8  (SBe Moreau,
                   Leroux,  Mary  Anne              4E15-16                    Joseph)                  13Ell
                   Leroux,  Hichael                 4E15-16         Massicotte,  Mary  (See Arbour,
                   Leroux,  Walter                  4B15-16                     osep ph)                   ZU'1
                   Lesperance,  Agnes  M.  (See                     Mathews,  Isabel S. (Wright)  6W9
                     -       Tremblap,  Roy)              ZW1       Mathone,  ElAmire  (See              5,314
                   Lesperance,  Andrew               .  22W5               Courtemanche,  Alphonse )
                   L9Esperance,  Archie  Jooephi~lQ  Matt,  Ottille                                      ZN31
                   Lesperance,  Donald  C.              22W5        Maxwell,  Gordon          '         17E16
                   Lesperance,  Manley  3.  14E35-36                Maxwell,  Matthew                   17E16
                   Lessard,  Eusebe                     4B18        McAroy,  Mary  Ann  (See'Eerrp,
                   Letard,  Evelyn  (See Alarie,                               James)                    6El9
                             Simon)                 4N 20-21        McCartey,  Kary  A.  (See Hocken,
                   Levac,  Olivier                   ,  WU3                    William)                 16E18
                   Light,  Theophile  J.          ,       3Wl       McCarthy,  Bridget  [See
                   Lisow ski,  Jbhn  L.                 2M41               Feehelep,  John)                2K3
                   Loraey,  Deborah  Ann                15W1        McCarthy,  Bridget                    3E10
                   Longpre,  Caroline  (See .                       McCarthy,  Cornélius                 SE10
                             Belanger,  T.  J.)  llE15              hiccarthy,  James                    3110
                   Lovering,  John  Stanley             19W7        EcCarthy,  Margaret  E:  (See
                   Ly sak , JO sepb T.             ,  15222                Bolen,  Edward)              lOElO
                                                                    KcCarthy , Nellie                    SE10
                                                                    hiccarthp,  Rosella  .  .            3B10
                                                                    KcCarthy,  William                   JE10
                                                                    McCarthp,  Winnifred  (See
                                                                           Fitzgerald,  John)  16-16Yi0
                                                                    VcConkey,  Kenneth  T.               17W4
                                                                    McCormick,  Cetharine                4Ell
                                                                    KcCO~~~C~~                          10E14
                                                                    ~cCormick, Patrtck                  10E14
                                                                    YcCormick,  Richard                   4Bll
                                                                    McDarmott , Angus                21110-11
                                                                    McDermott,  John  J.             2E10-11
                                                                    McDermott,  Eary                 2010-11
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