Page 47 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 47

13AF.--Gre~ Grhni Le  Stone :                     14h':--01a    Grey  Stcne  wlth  Cross:
                 1879-1916                                         wife  of
                 hia  beloved  wife                                Riclierd  LeCault
                 Delienne  3ellehhmear                             died  Nov.  7,  1918
                 1E76-1959                                         a~ed 40  years
                 their  soc  Lswrence                              Joseph  P.  LeCault
                 1912-1971                                         died  Cct.  26,  1918
                 kl~a  obit taille                                 eged  20  yeers
                 1903-1967                                         John  LeGeult
                 beloved  wife  of                                 died  h'ov.  2,  1918
                                                                              -- -
                 Berman  Ladouceur                                 eged  2  deys
                            ---                                    14W2--Cld  Grey  Stone  wlth  Crnss:
                 lZU4--Grey  Granife' Stone:                       BEMY
                 EXC h?,                  -                        Iaebella
                 in  loving memory  of                             dautr.  of
                Wllfred  J.  Bond                                  Pe ter  &  Fheliffiene
                 Oct.  31,  le?9-June  6,  1964                    Berry
                 beloved  husband  of                              died
                 Ela  YcDoneld                                     Oct.  24,  1918
                                                                   aged  24  yeers
                            ---                                    Two  Grey  Ground  Plaques:
                 'ihy  will  be  done*                             *requiesîant  in psce"
                 1W2--Baised  Grey  ~léquei                        Fe ther
                MG FL2i-U                                         Peter  tierry          Philocene  Berry
                Esrineth  J.  b!oreau                              Nov.  23,  1865        1866-1S42
                lS22-1959                                          Nov.  4,  1548
                 beloved  husbenà  of
                Doris  Y.  LeClair                                 14'82--ireised  Grey  Gran1 te  Pl~que:
                            ---                                    UWAD
                                                                   Oliver  J.  Lsrmand
                1W1--Reised  Grey  Plaquer:                        1888-1s 74
                MC1 mu                                             his beloved  wife
                Capt.  George  Moreau  .                           kgnes K.  ~endron
                                                                              - - -
                186s-1956                                          18SO-1951
                his  beloved  wife
                Gd116  Desolliers  --                              14Wl--01d  Grey  Stone:
                1880-1956                                         SOL%ZEW
                Austin  1915-1918                  .  .            in merrioriam        -
                RICFXRDSOK                                        Ester
                10  memory  of                                    wife  of
                hobert  B.  Filcherdaon                           Levi  Soaers
                1851-1956                                         disd
                belcved  husbend  of                              hpril  11,  1920
                Cla  K.  bioreeu                                  eged  56  yrs.
                            ---                                               - -         . -
                1902-1975                                          *requiescst  in pace*
                14W5-  Red  Granite  Stone:                       1WE--Grey  Stcne wi th  Cross:
                KElrTEDY                                          FIl'ZC>:FcALD
                in nemory  of                                     Ethel  Swslee                             (KI
                Joseph  Kennedy                                   1888-1523
                1087-1960                 .  .-                   John  Fitzgersld
                beloved  husband  or                              1894-1927
                Yarie  Boyle                                      bis  Mire
                                        .  .                      Winnifred
                their  son  Joseph          ,  .                  KcCerthy
                1915-1924                                         1864-1951
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