Page 45 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 45

                 *      -,".-.--&U"cA,            .                1:~';--'c:~el      Srey  Grrücd Fle2uê:
                 r~?mi                                             Kci3.UGHLL
                 Lllitary  Grey  Strne  with  Crest                J.  Frank  l.:cLeueklin
                 "per  ardu8  bd  a3tram :                         1854-1962
                 70478  Cadet                                      beloved  husbend  of
                 ingelo  leylac                          b         a.  Lorech  b!~rt€ll
                 Ecyal  Plying  Corjs                              1855-1970
                 ilth Aue.  1Ç17                                   "in  ronc  reze5brsncen
                                                                               -- -
                 Late  Lieutsnent                                  11W2--Grey  Crhnite  Stoce:
                 the  Simcce  Foresters                            EXCIiD
                            ---                                    Ir. meffiory  of
                 llW6,  7  end  8--Grey  Sto~e end                 Victor  F.  mond
                 Icdividual  Ground  P1a;ues:                      16E4-1263
                 h rn'T                                            beloved  husband  of
                 Jcse~h bivet                         (N)          Eve  h.  Charlebois
                 1864-1917                                         l8S3-
                 hls  beloved  wife                                their  infent  childrer
                 Della  Xrbcur                                     Victor  end  lherese
                 Jcse~h A.  hivet                     (S)          11X1--Grey  Stone:
                 1686-1966                                         MDLh
                 Alice  LaFerriere                                 Thomce  L.  Aarber
                 wlfe  of                                          1887-1945
                 Oser  Rivet                                       beloved  husband  or          '
                 1858-1529                                         Aiice  J.  Wilscn
                 Cffier W.  Rivet                                  1896-1572
                 Sepper                                            F/O  K. C.  D.  Fiarber  R.C.L.F.
                 Can.  Engrs.  C.E.F.                              Lnst  ln Action - 1942
                 25  Mar.  1956,  hge  65           -              wrequiescant in  pacen
                 Etta  Csrejr
                 1e85-1917                                         1WB-Cld  Grey  Stone:
                wlfe  or                                           mC?:L
                Philbert hivet                      -              In  loving aemory  of
                 heelna  Rivet                                     Earnest
                 1501-1948                                         Emond
                b!arq'  AM Eivet                                   died
                            ---                                    in his
                 1897-1940                                         Dec.  8,  1918
                 1lWF--ked  Granite  Stone:                        23  yeer
                 B3hUSGLIEL                                        "Jesus ,fiercyu
                 Felix  3eeusoliel          -  -  -                Grey  Ground  Plaque:
                died  September  13,  1949,-aged                   GAGNOK
                                                82 yrs.            Y;illism  Gagon
                 Ellen  LeBlanc                                    1891-1947
                 belcved  wife  of  Felix  Beausoliel              beloved  husbend  of
                ~e~~ber Chrlatian mother                           Dlaeh  Edmond
                 Iserel  Beeusoliel                  -             1898-1548
                died  July  8,  1540,  eged  43  yrs.
                Nora  Besusollel
                died  Aueust  13,  1917,  aeed  15 yrs.
                Relen  Beausoliel
                dled  kpril  3,  1934.  sged  26  yrs.
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