Page 45 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 45
* -,".-.--&U"cA, . 1:~';--'c:~el Srey Grrücd Fle2uê:
r~?mi Kci3.UGHLL
Lllitary Grey Strne with Crest J. Frank l.:cLeueklin
"per ardu8 bd a3tram : 1854-1962
70478 Cadet beloved husbend of
ingelo leylac b a. Lorech b!~rt€ll
Ecyal Plying Corjs 1855-1970
ilth Aue. 1Ç17 "in ronc reze5brsncen
-- -
Late Lieutsnent 11W2--Grey Crhnite Stoce:
the Simcce Foresters EXCIiD
--- Ir. meffiory of
llW6, 7 end 8--Grey Sto~e end Victor F. mond
Icdividual Ground P1a;ues: 16E4-1263
h rn'T beloved husband of
Jcse~h bivet (N) Eve h. Charlebois
1864-1917 l8S3-
hls beloved wife their infent childrer
Della Xrbcur Victor end lherese
Jcse~h A. hivet (S) 11X1--Grey Stone:
1686-1966 MDLh
Alice LaFerriere Thomce L. Aarber
wlfe of 1887-1945
Oser Rivet beloved husband or '
1858-1529 Aiice J. Wilscn
Cffier W. Rivet 1896-1572
Sepper F/O K. C. D. Fiarber R.C.L.F.
Can. Engrs. C.E.F. Lnst ln Action - 1942
25 Mar. 1956, hge 65 - wrequiescant in pacen
Etta Csrejr
1e85-1917 1WB-Cld Grey Stone:
wlfe or mC?:L
Philbert hivet - In loving aemory of
heelna Rivet Earnest
1501-1948 Emond
b!arq' AM Eivet died
--- in his
1897-1940 Dec. 8, 1918
1lWF--ked Granite Stone: 23 yeer
B3hUSGLIEL "Jesus ,fiercyu
Felix 3eeusoliel - - - Grey Ground Plaque:
died September 13, 1949,-aged GAGNOK
82 yrs. Y;illism Gagon
Ellen LeBlanc 1891-1947
belcved wife of Felix Beausoliel beloved husbend of
~e~~ber Chrlatian mother Dlaeh Edmond
Iserel Beeusoliel - 1898-1548
died July 8, 1540, eged 43 yrs.
Nora Besusollel
died Aueust 13, 1917, aeed 15 yrs.
Relen Beausoliel
dled kpril 3, 1934. sged 26 yrs.