Page 27 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 27
3x21 acc 32--keised Grey 3NS, 10 and 11--ïta!seC hel Stci.e
-Plaque: Fleqiie :
Clbule Bosacna JO& J. ~cwette
1675-196E 1856- 1£104-1967
--- - - - - - - -
beloved busbtnd or
3K28, 29 and 3C--Double Bed Seesie Y. Lovericg
Gran1 te Ground Plaque: 1908-
(Phcto) - - - -
3K4, 5, 6 enc 7--Ralee? Fiet Store
Plao ue :
- -
*he unexpectedly turned the SIfkVEn
last page of the book of life Willi8.~i 8. Sh6ver
on which wes writte~ deeth, 1895-1967
the baginnlne of eternsl-lifen beloved busbbnd Of
Antenas WICJUS K6tbleen I. McIsughlia
1858-1974 1896-
bis beloved wlfe - - -
Prece Kcvera GerkevIeius 4K47 and 4O--Ralsed Eed Stoce
1YU- Plaqua:
deer mother of Romualdas POLACTEX
- --- - Vary Schobert
"pr6g for usw
3R1V end 20--Fiaised Eed Stone 18Q5-1969 + .
beloved wite of
Ple pue : Steve Polachek
TkPfEUY 1855-1970
Jchn A. Treablag ---
1906-1568 4N43 and 44-- Reised Black Stoce
beloved husbsnd of - Plaque:
Una Y. Hapard -. ZAPLETU
--- Walter Bozene "Evér rerei.?ered,
1909- -
1906-1970 1508- ever loveCm
3N17 and 18--Raise& Grey Pleque: ---
DUCOW; 4K41--Raised Grey Stone Pleque:
Hcward Draeoman - - George Uh!CF?X
1820-1568 - - Spr. Cdn. Engrs. C.E.F.
beloved husbsnd of Pte V. C. or Canada
Flcrence YcIsughlin . 25 Mar. 1970 - age 69
1921- - 38, ---
--- -
nevar rememberedn -.- 4x39 and 40--Relsed Grey Plaque
and seprate wooCec cross "%hrkn
3x15--Ba:sed Red Stone Pleque: X6rk Kelly
Father PPTTI CkEs!'
Peter 1~5511972
KIh3EII:IS dear son of
1506-156@ Paul and Eleanor
wlcve'e labor not lostn
--- -. ---
3x12, 13 and Il--Ralsed Red 4x37--Raised Grey Sto$.e Plaque:
Sto~e Plaque: KELLY . .
Pnom Ilarold J6De s
Leo K. Proulx . - 1921 -1972
1915-1968 dear son of
beloved husb6nd of Micheel end Teresa - -
Beetrice Cherlebols . .
--- - --