Page 25 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 25

--L  1 -

                Ih'21,  22  and  22--Eeised  Bleck                Ir7 ard  e--Reieed  Grey  Pltcue:
                                               Plaque :           Kery  DICF;LhD
                "WC? reeded  a  emiling                           18S6-18E5
                           Angelw                                 beloved  wlfe  of
                Michael  Tbomes  =T                               Dom1 ni c
                Dec.  21,  1959-Feb.  11, 1966
                           ---                                               ---
                1x15  end, 20--heised  Black                      IK1,  2  and  S--Eed  Grbnite  Fl~que:
                                              Pleque:             RCLIlihILLE
                                                                  Ernest  J.        Ceraldina  hev.  Benneth
                beloved  husband  of                              2EQE--BaiseC  he2  Grsnite  Plsque:
                Allce  Y.  Shields                                Joseph
                           ---                                    1903-1967
                1896-                                             BkmC
                INlE--Reised  Grey  Pieque:                                  ---
               WOODS                                              a45 an64QE--kelsed  Grey  Plaque:
                in memory  of                                     SL)_LSKI
                Benry  Xoods                                      Da d              Yom
                le17e-1072                                        John              Aurore
                beloved  husbend  of                              1901-1972          1914-1875
                Elizabeth  Dick
                           ---                                    ZN43  and  44--Ealsed  Red  Grtcite
                ml4 and  15--Baise6  Grey                         ShLWrnhCDDII
                                              Plaque:             Lorne  L.         Mhry  K.
                                                                             - --
                                                                  1502-1667         1008-
                Ncreen  Latour
                1929-1965                                         2K41  end  42--Ea!sed       Ked  Grec1 te
                belove6  wire  of                                                                    ?leque:
                L.  Roneld                                        BELL
                                                                  John              b'a  tilda
                                                                  18S2-16 73        1856-
                IHlS--Grey  Ground  Plaque:                                  r--
                KOViM.                                            2X37  and  38--Eeised  Grey  Pleque:
                in zemory  of                                     DAULT
                Eflm  C.  Kowel            .  -                   krchlbeld  J.              Uerie  V.
                                                                             - --
                Dececber  24,  1879-                              1895-1967                  1898-
                           ---                                    2N35 and  JE--Rsised  Grey  Plaque:
                August  19,  1965                                                             . .-
                IN12--Cran1  te Pleque:                           John  Wm.  YkYU'IRD
                lony  A!CSKOLUI:                                  1906-1967
                18%-1S6B                                         .beloved  husband  of  .
                           ---                                    Julie b:ayer
                IN11--Raised  hed  Granite                                   - - -
                HOGKEX                                            2N32, 33 end  34--heised  Grey
                Clin ton                                          Greni te Plaque  wl th  Crcss:
                1928-1965                                         CIC
                           ---                                    1909-Feb.  24,  '74          1909-
                "Holy  Xhry,  prey  for  us*                      Kykole                       Anne
                                                                  tbeir  son  Stephen  George
                                                                  Aug.  23,  1949-0ct.  3;  1967
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30