Page 26 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 26
2N31--8eieed Grey Plaque: 2K9 and 1C--Reised Grey Plaque:
1901-1967 Peter G. Bo sanne
1882-1966 1886-
Zn25 end 3C--Raise* Eed
Granite Ground Pleque: ZN5 and 6--Iïaised Grey Pleque:
Elizabeth Peter J. Edward C. James 12.
--- 1913- 1510-1966
1931-1967 1926-
Zh'I and 4--heised Grey Plaque:
2~26, 27 end 28--Raisid Red WILSCK
Gran1 te Ground Plaque: Earian F. Gilbert J.
Ida blonde EK1 end 2--Raised Grey Plaque:
1903-1967 w1LÇot:
beloved vire of Gus E. Wilson
George Leduc B7408E 46th Yighlanders of Cacada
1898-1976 -. 1905-1966
their son Leonard beloved husband of
1926- Karjorie B. Tucker
2K23--Raised Grey Plaque: ---
AKDERSON 3N47 and 48--Eaised Grey Plaque:
Neil 1952-1967 w m
ZN21 and 22--Raised Grev
ranit te round ~laquei. beloved husband of
QUESRELLE - Lillian K. Lalonde
Daniel A. Quesnelle .. ---
1897-1967 -.
beloved huebhnd of 3N45 end 46--Raised Red Store Pleque:
Janet U. Linton RUDY
--- 1903-1968
John Iiudy
2x16--Raised Grey Grenite beloved husband of
AnbstaSie Hudy
--- 3N42, 43 end 44--Iïaised Red Stone
2N14 and 15--Raised lied Stone IAIJOSCH - Plaque:
Plaque: Ion Anna
ODBSSE 1886-1967 188s-
Phillip L. our son Joyce B. "Yolg Ksry, pray for usw
1921-1972 hevin 1933- - --
--- 1961-1966 3K37--Raised Grey Pleque:
2Nl1, 12 and 15--Raised Grey Elmer J. DUBE
Granite Ground Plaque: Private
Philomena k:cUUGtLLn: 1895-1966 R. Hamilton List Inr.
dear sister of 11 Feb. 1Q72 - age 50
KaryrC. UcGrath . . -- -
3N33 and 34--Grey Ground Pleque:
Philip Guran
beloved husband of
Ewdoki ja