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             OFHS, SEpT. '92

             1562. In loving memory of Stanley Wm. R HODGE 1935-  1585. In lOVing memory of RobertW. ROBINSON 188&-1946  I
                 1965 husband of Shirley M. BROUNE                   his wife Clara 5. KElTYLE 1876-1962 'At rest'
             1563. Willis O. HODGE June 10,1924 - June 19,1970'At rest'  1586. In memory of James H. MURDOCH February 28,1877-
                                                                     March 3, 1952 and his wife Catherine MORROW JW"le
             1564. Ernest ALDERSON 1919-1980 'Peace'
                                                                     1,1878 - November 29, 1959                         I
             1565. In memory of Peter BOESCH 1950-1968 'Rest in peace'
                                                                 1587. Amanda M. BEAUCHAMP 1882-1953 wife of Jas. A.
             1566. Albert Ernest THOM July 3, 1882 - March 11, 1972 and  KIRBY. James A. KIRBY 188&-1972 husband of
                 his beloved wife Emily Augusta STEPHENS July 24,    Amanda M. BEAUCHAMP. James KIRBY 5r.1860-1956      I
                 1883 - December 26, 1983                            husband of Mary Anne GUNNING
             1567. Richard J. GRAHAM 1869-1952. Caroline CHAMBERS  1588. Cecil F. ULLEY 1907-1974 husband of Anice E. KIRBY
                 1872-1951. James A. GRAHAM 1903-1987. A. Nelson  1589. Mary Cameron HAY May 31, 1897 - January 24, 1981. El-
                 BLORE 1900-1983 and beloved wife M. Helena GRA.     sie !sobel PROWSE May 5, 1899· April 6, 1985 daughter  I
                                                                     ofGeorge HAY and Margaret Annie CLUNIE
             1568. Gordon Douglas ALDER beloved husband of Lena  1590. In loving memory of Donald M. HAY April 16, 1907-
                 GRAHAM born July 2, 1901 died JW"le 23,1941 'TIl:> lost  December 8, 1987 and his wife Elinor M. McCOY De-
                 to sight, to memory dear'. Raymond C. ALDER born                                                       •
                 September 8,1902 died November 9, 1968. Margaret J.  cember 22, 1909 - (-)
                 Graham ALDER born February 27, 1905 died July 2,  1591. R. CROUCHER
                                                                 1592. Wimam FARRANT ne Ie 16 mars 1880, decede Je 14   I
             1569. StanleyG. MacKIDDlE 1893-1973 and his wife Haz.el J.  mai 1963. Herve PHARAND 1914-1990
                 WARWICK 1895-1946
                                                                 1593. Fred J. SANFORD May 2, 1900 - April 29,1972 beloved
             1570. James Albert LOGAN 1873-1958. Lucy M.E. MANS·     husband of Margaret A. DUNCAN 'Ever remembered'
                 FIELD 1872-1953 wife of James A. LOGAN              (Masonic symbol)                                   •
             1571. TOUCHETrE Felix 1895-1974 and his wife Annette L.  1594. Elizabeth M. NICKERSON 1902-1966 wife of Arthur
                 BEAUCHAMP 1905-1983. Robert William April 6, 1959-  W. COOK 1901-1985
                 May 19,1959 infant son of David and Verna
                 TOUCHETrE                                       1595. Henry (Bing) DION 1908-1988 his wife Bertha LAFON·  I
                                                                     TAINE 1919-1966
             1572. BEAUCHAMP Arthur January 17, 1904 • served over-  1596. Michael J. HEFFERNAN 188&-1968
                 seas with RC.E.
                                                                 1597. Agnes H. CRICHTON 1896-1973 wife of Michael J.
             1573. MENZIES James 1907-1983 beloved husband of Eveline  1598. In loving memory of Robert Gordon ELLIOTT born at •
                 B. DEMPSTER 1919 -(--)
             1574. GORDON Ernest 5mith March 5, 1916 - September 20,
                 1980his beloved wife Mary Elizabeth DEVINE JW"le 12,  Mille Isle Quebec 1905-1970 and his wife Isabella  •
                                                                     Dorothy McLEOD born at Brownsburg Quebec 1907 - (--
                 1919 - June 1,1989
                                                                     -) 'At rest'
             1575. NICOLL William August 12, 1885 - AUgusl29, 1971  1599. Albert E. BLUTEJW"le 14,1910 - (--) his beloved wife
                 and his wife Is.abelle GORDON December 28,1879 - No·
                 vember 9, 1971                                      Edith M. JONES November 1, 1906- (-)               I
                                                                 1600. Walter 5. GORDON 1906-1973
             1576. Gordon Andrew WALKER March 11,1891- May 23,
                 1972 husband of Margaret Ethel GORDON June 18,  1601. In memory of James A. BOYD 1947 his wife 1875 Emma
                 1892 - January 3D, 1986                             C. HAMMOND 1956. 1913 Dalmer R BOYD 1970.1911
                                                                     Stanley E. BOYD 1981 his wife 1908 Velma C.        •
             1577. HenryGeo WOODS Septembr 13,1906. March 7, 1967    TOMALTY 1972.1936 Bettyc. BOYD 1986.1941 Roy).
                 Viola TOMPKINS 1915-1969
                                                                     JACKSON 1972
             1578. Albert E. MITCHELL July 20, 1884 - September 3,1977  1602. Russell Robert ROGERS born December 29,1905 died
                 his wife Ully F. HAMMOND March 31, 1888- March      December 19,1942 'At rest' his wife Norma P. BOYD  •
                 12,1968 'At rest'
                                                                     January 8, 1907 - March 3, 1988
             1579. Col. Emest EMMETr 1896-1968
                                                                 1603. In loving memory of W.W. ROBERTS September 6,
             1580. Harold Graham YOUNG October 21,1907· March 27,    1910- (-) his beloved wife Dorothy McQUAT August   •
                 1979 husband of Florence Mary ARMSTRONG             4,1920- (-) infant daughter February 9,1957 - Febru-
             1581. McGAW Brian Michael Decemberl8, 1961 • October 12,
                 1984 husband of aaire BENOIL father of Otristopher  1604.1878 David J. ClARK 1953 his wife 1887 Mary A. MAR-  I
             1582. PORRITT Florence Holdsworth Deery May 10,1897-
                 JW"le 16, 1961                                  1605. In loving memory of 1886 Ellen GAULEY 1953 beloved
                                                                     wife of 1887 George NEILL 1969
             1583. Trenholme Allen Gill BISHOP January I, 1897 - Novem-                                                 I
                 ber 24,1959. Dorothy lona Porritt BISHOP December  1606. In loving memory of Marjorie E. MOUNT January 20,
                 29,1897. May 28,1966                                1899 - April 26, 1969 beloved wife of W. Harold
             1584. Oswald Austin PORRITT October 26,1868 - November
                 10, 1954 Nellie Rogers PORRITT March 13, 1868 - Sep-  1607. Roy CROUCHER 1910-1959 husband of Edna BEACH  I
                 tember 2',1941

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