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l 1522. James A MacKENZIE born January 15,1881 died Janu- 1542. William DOIG 1876-1963 wife Jessie May NICOLL
ary 7, 1950 and his wife Jean E. CAMPBELL born No- 1884-1968
vember 12,1882 died July 22, 1966 'At rest' 1543. Uoyd R. CANNING November 23,1915 - September
l 1523. BURKAnnie Alida SILVERSON 1898-1972 wife of Er- 21,1979
nest E.I896-1954.
1544. Laura L.M. NOBLE August 6, 1910 -January 4,1962
1524. Wilson Ie Hugh infant twins of S. Ie H. NOBLE died wife ofM. HerbertT. COWAN April I, 1906- (-)
1 1525. AW. PENTLAND December 27,1883 -July 1,1959 '1n 1545. Albert J.R. NOBLE April 7, 1886 - January 3, 1970 and
January 16,1954
his wife Elizabeth D. NOBLE April 19,1884 - July 18,
loving memory of Pent' 1970
I 1526. In lOVing memory of Norton Scott PENTLAND January 1546. In memory of Ethel Irene KILPATRICK September 21,
1893 - September 9,1978 wife of Thomas Erewin (sic)
16,1895 - December 16, 1982
NOBLE March 20, 1886 - September 3, 1970 'In Thee 0
1527. Colin McDOUGALL Mews, 32· April 16, 1893 - July I, Lord do I put my trust'
1959 his wife Gladys Myr~e SHAW July 28, 1893-
1 March 6, 1975 1547. In memory ofJ. Alexander POLLOCK 1886-1967 his be-
1528. In memory of Bonnie Jean daughter of L. Ie E. HAR- loved wife A Marjorie GRAHAM 1887-1985 'At rest'
LAND born December 6, 1960 died January 4, 1961 1548. Cecil R. GRAHAM 1907-1979 his wife Carine ELDER
'Gone so soon'
1 1529. Alexander H. BARKER 1898-1989 his wife Olive AR- 1549. Gordon G. CRUISE February 21,1904 - July 7, 1988 his
NOLD 1902-1985 their son George A BARKER 1930- beloved wife Florance (sic) M. WALLACE February I,
1971 19m - February 6, 1985
I 1530. Phyllis D. FLETCHER January 1,1911 - October 9,1967 15SO. CRUISE 1929 Joyce 1987 beloved mother of 1959 Gor-
beloved wife of John C. CRUISE September 19, 1905 -
December 13,1986 'Ever remembered, ever loved' don (-) 1961 Michael McBride (--)
1551. In lOVing memory of William Thomas BROWN April 1,
l 1531. Jean E. BLACK born Apri117,1911 died May9,1965 1886 - March 29,1972 'Too dearly loved to ever be for-
wife of Donald E. MacDONALD
gotten' and his wife Mary Margaret MORRISON No-
vember7,1902 - May 30,1987
1532. In lOVing memory of Miles Wimam COPELAND Sep-
tember 25, 1901 - August 5, 1976 dearly beloved hus- 1552. STEWART Robert Douglas February II, 1911 - June 16,
I band of Margaret Phyllis ANDREWS December 23, February 11. 1914 - (-)
1981 his beloved wife Hazel Catherine THORBURN
1908 - (-) and our son James Miles COPELAND Au-
gustll, 1926 'Faith hope and love abide, these three but 1553. SEVEND Stephanie Carol October 29,1968 -October
the greatest of these is love' 25,1981
l 1533. In loving memory ofLynn E. MacTAVISH September
28,1955 - December 18,1976 dear wife of David H. REN- 1554. Ross THORBURN Rilleman - Royal Winnipeg RFLs
June 27, 1991 age 73
l 1534. Wm. James GIRUNG September 29,1909 - February 1555. John Ross THORBURN April8,1918 - June 27,1991
wife Eunice Naorni YOUNG May 17,1918 - (-).
22,1973 his beloved wife Irma MacADAM February 27,
1914 - November 1,1988 Wayne Owen THORBURN May 11, 1949-(-) wife
Mary Margaret RENAUD February 12, 1968 - infant son
• 1535. Robert Walker DAWSON born August 24,1894 died 1556. Statue of an angel 'Matthew - Sweet Dreams'
Matthew David THORBURN May 25,1984 -July 3,1984
May 23,1978 beloved husband of Ada PAITERSON
born June 14, 1904 died May 23, 1984 'Peace, perfect
1557. Wm. Salter CLARK June 6,1864 - February 23,1946 Jen-
L 1536. LALANNE his wife Jessie STEWART died January 4, nie G. MARSHALL June 21, 1878 - September 18,1941.
Ralph PERCIVAL M.D. 1905-1989 Yvette BEDARD
1963 aged 98 years. May TILLOTSON 1901-1902. Ed-
1921-1983. Bella CLARK 1902-1962
, ward D. LALANNE died September 12, 1941 aged 80 1558. MILNES Bessie WOLSTENHOLME 1893-1966 beloved
years. Greeba MacINTOSH
1 1537. Olarles RAPSON 1894-1952. Selena C. EDWARDS wife of Thomas Iddon 'Come unto me' Tom MILNES
1891-1981. Martha Ann WOLSTENHOLME 1892-1957
1867-1941 wife of Herbert D. WAY 1866-1953
beloved wife of Tom MILNES 'Come unto me' Samuel
1538. John Edgar STRONG 1884-1960 wife Elsie May W. MILNES born July 7, 1917 died May 24, 1975
1 1539. G. Wesley HAMILTON April 6,1886- November 14, 1559. In memory of David M. BERRY born March 9,1880
HODGE 1899-1976
died February 11, 1956 his wife Janet B. SMITH born
1967 wife Amy G. STRONG January 29,1887 - March May 7, 1888 died September 7, 1966
I 1540. StanleyW. RODGER (no date), his beloved wife Laura 1560. Richard M. NOBLE born April 15, 1898 died July 3,
1972 'At rest'. Sarah BEAITIE born December 4,1904
BRADLEY (no date) our precious daughter Heather wife of Richard M. NOBLE. Randolph R.B. NOBLE
Mary RODGER 1937-1980 beloved wife of Alastair born November 21,1942 died June 28,1965 'His record
L 1541. Robert E. CANNING July 13,1877 - August 24, 1959 his 1561. R. Alexander W. HODGE January 20, 1903 - November
is on high'
wife Mary E. NICOLL December 28,1880 - s.,ptember 5,1982 his wife Flora G. BEAITIENovember 3,1899-
27,1967 December 3, 1981