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             OFHS, SEPT. '92                                                        LACIiUTE PROTESTANT CEMETERY

     I       1797. J.J. Elton RICE 1910-1962 dearly beloved wife Florence  1818. Irvin J. CLARK 1908-(-) his beloved wife Ruby A.

                 E. EN1WISTlE 1915-1990                               GRAHAM 1911-1980 'love is eternal' Ruby October I,
                                                                     1911 - October 6, 1980.lrvin January 22,1908 - (-)
             1798. Elmer Slewart GILES December 24,1894 - July 18, 1970
     I           dearly beloved husband 01 Ednee M. BRUNEAU May 8,  1819. Albert K. SALWAY 1909-1966
                 1897 - February 23, 1988
                                                                 1820. In loving memory 01 Donald Arthur DIXON December
             1799. Patricia (pat) RENDEll October 19, 1926 - June 4, 1988  8,1954 - August 12, 1971
                 beloved wife 01 Richard O. MaclEAN April 23, 1923
     I       1800. Harold E. RENDEll 1897-1969 his beloved wife  1821. Orval A. GUNN May 16, 1912 - (-) his wife Muriel I.
                                                                      BEATTIE May 5, 1921- April 9,1989
                 Blanche BURRIDGE 1896-1990
                                                                 1822. James N. WELDEN May 20, 1898- September 4,1975
                                                                      his wile Uella E. FIlOON July 4, 1903 - February 16,
     I       1801. RENDEll Joyce Elizabeth May 3, 1930 - August 31,  1985
                 19n wile 01 Ian MacDOUGAll
             1802. McQUAT Margaret Mabel September 10,1902 - April  1823.1915 Colin H. COPELAND 1975 his wile 1918 Una D.
     a           28,1970. Jessie Ethel June 16, 1907 - May 30, 1973. Jean  COPELAND 1944
                                                                      MORRISON 1977 their daughter 1942 Diane J.
                 Elizabeth June 30, 1905 - (-)
             1803. BRUUN Peter J.I907-1978. Agnes 1913-(-)       1824. ROSBOROUGH
             1804. George D. MacKENZIE August 31, 1907 - December 25,  1825. In memory 01 Beatrice GILROY beloved wile 01 Sidney
     I           1985 and his beloved wile Pearl E. HEATLIE November  1826. (Masonic symbol) In loving memory 01 Harold J.
                                                                      WILSON died April 23, 1950 age 32
                 26,1906 - (-). William G. MacKENZIE April 16,1930
             1805. ELLIOTT Victor 1907-(-) his beloved wife Myrtle    McFAUL I9OD-I950 and his wile Janet Ruth ARTHUR
                 BARKER 1903-1976                                    1898-1962
     I       1806. Bryan GIRLING 1935-1988. Beverley COLLINS 1939-(--  1827. Janet WALKINSHAW 1870-1960 beloved aunt 01 Alice,
                 -) married July IS, 1961 'God gives us love. Someone to  Annie, Sybil and Ruth ARTHUR
                 love He lends us'                               1828. Rev. Stanley S. STOCK March 16, 1896 - December 22,
     I       1807. COLLINS Robert 1912-(-) Agnes DAGENAIS 1915-      (-)
                                                                      1974 husband 01 Sybil M. ARTHUR September 2, 1895 -
                 1989 married May 28,1935 'Always remembered. Gone
                 but not forgotten'
                                                                 1829. Charles G. HOCGUARD February 9, 1885 - June 6,1968
     I       1808. DECARIE Jessie MIllER 1906-1987 beloved wile 01   - December 8, 1987
                                                                      beloved husband 01 M. Ethel WINTERS March 27, 1893
                 Malcolm S. DECARIE 1910-1989 'With the Lord'
             1809. Herbert E. UNDERHIll 1881-1963 dear husband 01  1830. Leonard W.5. BOYD October 23,1897 - November 11,
                 Georgina PARKIN and lather 01 Raymond and Beryl.     1975 his wile HildaJ. CLELAND January 6, 1898 - No-
     I           Georgina PARKIN 1885-1956 wile 01 Herbert E. UN-     vember I, 1976
                 DERHIll Richard, son 01 Rand F. UNDERHILL died
                 January 31,1944 aged 10 days. Raymond J. UN-    1831. Emma C. WALKER September 28, 1895 - July 21,1961
                                                                     wile 01 Norman BOYD October 8, 1892 - March 5, 1966
                 DERHIll 1912-1991 beloved husband 01 Florence
     I           HAY. Florence HAY 1911-1987 beloved wile olRay-  1832. Amold BOYD 1918-(-) his beloved wile Phyllis
                                                                      DOIG 1916-(-)
                 mond J. UNDERHIll
             1810. R Ross MUIR 1900-1977 his wile Margaret A. WILKIN-  1833. In memory 01 Daniel SIMMONS 1901-1970 and his
                 SON 1902-(--). Hannah A. WILKINSON 1897-1964        wile Oliva GAUTHIER 1900-1969
     I           wile 01 Rev. Wm. T. MORISON                     1834. Blanche Laurin leMAY 1904-1980. Robert leMAY 1939-
             1811. Edith KIRK 1891-1970 Wilmer BRYDONE 1888-1967     (-). Claude leMAY 1942-(-). In memory olJean
                                                                     Gom) leMAY 1909-1954
             1812. In loving memory 01 James CLARK born May 22, 1875
     I           died June 4, 1950 beloved husband 01 Jennie     1835. In lOVing memory 01 Anders PAULSEN January 12,
                 THOMPSON born September 18, 1876 died August 4,
                                                                     1907 - September 5,1981 his beloved wile Stella JEN-
                 1962                                                SEN January 9, 1913- (-). Vivian EIna PAULSEN Feb-
                                                                     ruary 19, 1952 - April 30, 1976
     I           W. MacKENZIE 1913-1983 'Ever remembered ever    1836. SISto PaulO. STEBENS 1916-1987 RCN. V.R WWlJ
             1813. Kenneth G. ClARK 1910-(-) his beloved wife Helena
                                                                 1837. Guy DESLAURIERS 31 oe:tobre 1943 - 21 mars 1989 'La
             1814. Fmley Stuart McGIBBON January 1,1883 - August 27,  terre n'a pas de peine que Ie del ne peut guerir'
     I           1962 his wile Caroline E. MacLAURIN April 4,1887 -  1838. In loving memory 01 Alexander Murray SMITH born
                 January 10,1976
                                                                     November 2,1884 died September 30,1967. Elizabeth W.
             1815. Alvin Robert KYLE 1895-1961 his wile Edith Marion  GOODFEllOW beloved wile 01 Alex. M. SMITH born
                 BEERS 1899-1976
                                                                     April 23, 1892 died March 12, 1944
     I       1816. In loving memory 01 Myrtle G. lElSHMAN 1901-1963  1839. Archibald A. M.cGIBBON 1876-1956. HelenG.
                 wile 01 Wm. Lome MORRIN                             SMITH wife 01 Archibald A. MacGIBBON 1869-1948.
                                                                     Walter O. SMITH 1867-1944 his wile Margaret A. POL-
             1817. George M. GROUNDWATER July 25, 1912 - January
     L           21,1967                                             lOCK 1869-1927
                                                                 1840. Ann Jane BATES 1892-1970. Sarah M. SUTTON 1892-
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