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• 1390. In loving memory of Bessie E. MURDOCK wife of 1402. Norman BOYD 1892-1975 his wife Milda SWAlL 1896-(-
-). james BOYD 1871-1943 his wife Esther ROGERS
Charles McKENZIE died june 4. 1913 aged 31 years 5
months·Asleep in jesus'
1867·1949'At rest with God'
I 1391. In memory of Elizabeth REILLY wife of j06hua 1403. In loving memory of his wife Elizabeth MacVlCAR
McDONALD died February 27,1911 aged 62 years 5
1876-1961 james MORRlSON 1870-1940
months. joshua McDONALD died November 4, 1914
aged 66 years. In memory of Thomas Austin KERR 1404. james R. MORRlSON beloved son of Stanley and
l born May 19,1891 died july 19, 1908 1968
Emma MORRlSON born August 7, 1948 died May 17,
1392. In memory of George F.B. ELLIOTI died jlUlO 21, 1918 1405. In loving memory of Richard MORRlSON 1874-1944
aged 34 years and his wife Ada CAMPBELL died janu- 'Forever with the Lord' his wife jane MacVlCAR 1880-
l ary 20, 1973 aged 89 years. Erected by his loving wife 1955
1393. In lOVing memory of Franklin D.R. beloved son of 1406. W. Stanley MORR1S0N February 1,1916 - january 21,
1988 his beloved wife Emma McCULLOUGH May 17,
Lome D. MARTIN born November 12, 1936 died April 1917-Cktober3O,1988
1407. In memory of Elizabeth CHAPMAN wife of William
1394. 1913 Dolores SARAVlA 1953 wife of 1910 Lome MAR- LAPHAM born February20,l830 died june 7, 1908. Wil-
TIN 1986
liam LAPHAM born August 16,1829 died August 25,
l 1395. In memory of Paul MARTIN died April 18, 1921 aged LAPHAM born November 26,1868 died March 17,
1911 (side face) Amanda MILLER beloved wife of Frank
43 years and his wife Evelyn V. WOODS died May 13,
1962 aged 78 years 1917. Frank LAPHAM died November 10, 1937 age 66
1396. Sacred to the memory of Corrie BUTZ wife of Ale.
I DRENNAN died December 29, 1895 aged 30 years (side 14C1l. In memory of Margaret CATION died August 22,1911
aged 96 years. o.arlotte CATION died july 13, 1918
face) Helen E. DRENNAN 1903-1956 wife of Michael
MOONEY (side face) john R. DRENNAN May 22, 1905 aged 37. Charlotte DOIG 1867-1956
- March 17, 1976. W.M.j. DRENNAN October 31, 1942- 1409. In memory of jessie DOIG beloved wife of William A.
1 july 9,1947 (side face) Alexander DRENNAN born Au- KNOX died April 6, 1916 aged 36 years 3 months 2
gust 16, 1843 died july 14, 1930and his wife Margaret
MacAdam BLACK born December 19, 1871 died April days. Infant daughter Grace E. born june 15, 1911 died
December 9, 1911 (side face) Marion Knox MacDOU-
25,1940 GALL March 1, 1907- November 16, 1985 (side face)
l 1397. To the loving memory of a father and three children William A. KNOX died March 6, 1954 aged 90 years
who lieth interred here Mary DRENNAN born Novem-
1410. Grace E. ROSSER April 26, 1897 - February 3,1976
ber 1, 1801 also Elizabeth DRENNAN born August 12, 1411. Gladys C. McQUAT beloved wife of j. Romeo CHAR-
1817and Elinor DRENNAN born 28 August 1819 and
L died March 20, 1821 also their affectionate father Alexan- RON died February 17,1960
der DRENNAN died 21 june 1832 aged 62 years. This
stone was laid by Malcolm LEiSHMAN son-in-law of 1412. Father, john R. McQUAT 1852-1920. Mother, Catherine
E. QUlNN 1860-1932
the above mentioned parent, this 16th day of Marth 1852
l 1398. Sacred to the memory of William DRENNAN born De- 1413. Edna L. McQUAT beloved wife of ArthurP. RUTHER-
cember 1,1808 died November 3, 1886also his wife FORD died November 13, 1954
Elizabeth REDPATH born October 20, 1811 died Decem- 1414. Arthur P. RUTHERFORD 1879-1962
I sons Alex. and Robert DRENNAN (side face) jane 1415. In memory of 1861 Henry REILLY 1948 his wife 1863
ber 3, 1884 native of Berwick Scotland. Erected by their
DRENNAN born August 12, 1815 died February 3, Mary j. LISTER 1925. Matilda CHAPMAN beloved
1894. james REDPATH parents born january 4, 1813 wife of Henry REILLY died May 27, 1940 aged 73
l wife of Robert REDPATH died August 1861 aged 87 1416. In loving memory of William Scott TODD died Febru-
died August 10, 1850 and his mother Margaret MOFFIT
ary 26,1928 aged 75 years. Margaret Agnes RODGER
years beloved wife of WilliamS. TODD died july 25, 1927 in
her 74th year
1399. In lOVing memory of james ARMSTRONG born Sep-
L SCOTI beloved wife of james ARMSTRONG born 1417. Wilbert H. TITIEY 1895-1967. Mary E. TITLEY 1926-
tember 4, 1864 died February 14, 1940. Emma Isabella
1927.lvaleen (smail stone)
February 7,1878 died March 26, 1830. Mabel M. 1418. In loving memory of George lra McFAUL born Decem-
FARMER nee ARMSTRONG born October 9,1901 ber 25, 1875 died August 3, 1959. Margaret A.
l died October 24,1987 (side face) Eliza MILLER wife of HUTCHIN beloved wife of George lra McFAUL born
William 5. ARMSTRONG born August 10, 1871 died
November 24,1931. William S. ARMSTRONG born May 15, 1877 died December 16, 1929 Tho lost to sight
September 28,1873 died November 22, 1940 to memory dear'
L 1400. In memory of Cyril R. BOYD died july 10, 1936 aged 30 1419. Wanda Lynne WHITE April 10, 1948 - December 19,
1979 cherished wife and loving companion ofStewart
years 'Gone but not forgotten'
YEAMEN 'May God ensure your continued happiness'
1401. In memory of Theodore A. BOYD died january 27, 1942 1420. Alexander GORDON 1903-1948 his beloved wife Ruby
L aged 20 years 'Our brother's blessed who is at rest with McfAUL 1904-1981
Christ forever more'
1421. Esaie Martin LAURlN 1874-1947 his wife Mary Ann
JONES 1876-1939. Otildren; Albert M.189S-1899,